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New announcements will be posted here in reverse chronological order.

Thu Oct 15 09

  • Just wanted to thank all of you who came out yesterday and helped me out with the Photovore competition. It was the first time we had give this kind of challenge to the highschools so that may partially explain why there weren't quite as many participating schools as I was anticipating.
  • I appreciated having all the help anyways, thanks again for taking the time!

Mon Oct 12 09

  • I hope everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving. I am looking for volunteers to help me with the “Photovore” Robot competition at the YES (York Engineering and Science) Olympics this Wednesday (yes that's right the day after tomorrow!) for highschools in Ontario. Lunch and T-shirt provided - the competition lasts the whole day and will held on campus. You can volunteer to help out for some or all of the day.
  • If interested please e-mail ASAP.

Wed Oct 07 09

  • Just to recap the discussion we had at the end of today's lecture for everyone's benefit: The midterm is NOW Wednesday October 21 (WAS Monday October 19th). It will NOT cover the material from the lecture on October 19th (this will be covered in Quiz 2)

Tue Oct 06 09

  • I've posted the quiz answers to the Lecture Notes page (Week of Sep 28)

Tue Sep 22, 09

  • Some of you have still been complaining about the classroom and not being able to see the board, etc. I have managed to get the Registrar's Office to find us TEL 0014 that hopefully meets all of our requirements. So our lecture on Wednesday (Sep 23rd) will be there.

Fri Sep 11, 09

  • Based on the first class, it looked like we were going to be fairly cramped in the original lecture room, so I have managed to get us a slightly larger room - SC 302. See you there on Monday…

Wed Sep 9, 09

  • Welcome to CSE2021!
whats_new.1255650438.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/10/15 23:47 by hchesser