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New announcements will be posted here in reverse chronological order.

Thu Dec. 18, 09

  • The project marks are now on ePost. The project was marked based on 6 factors: Road Test of B2C (20%), Road Test of B2B (8%), Design and Implementation (24%), Report (20%), Code and Team (8%), and Rank (20%). A letter grade is assigned to each and these grades are then combined. A project assessment, with detailed feedback on each of these factors, will be emailed to each team shortly. The overall course grades are also posted.

Tue Dec. 8, 2009

  • No need to upload your war file for the project, just submit it electronically together with everything else. The paper report is still required.

Thu Dec. 3, 2009

  • LabTest#2 will be returned at the end of Monday's lecture. Note that the lecture will cover Derby and it will be videotaped. The marks of LT#2 are on ePost. If you believe there are errors in the marking of your submission, email your professor by Dec 14 indicating clearly where the errors are. The email will be reviewed with the marker and your mark will be reappraised, up or down, accordingly.

Wed Nov. 25, 2009

  • The Department will conduct the end-of-term course evaluation on Wed Dec 2nd.

Mon Nov. 23, 2009

  • The labtest page has been updated for the upcoming LabTest#2 on Wed. Note that in order to create a web services client on red you do not need to download anything. Simply point eclipseEE to the axis2-1.4.1 directory. See the .txt files in the resource directory (under ws).

Wed Nov. 11, 2009

  • You may want to attend the panel on “Discovering Careers in Information Technology” on Thu the 19th. See this link for details.

Wed Nov. 4, 2009

  • Monday's lecture (Nov. 9) will be a lab session and will be held in Prism (CSEB1004). In it, you will do Lab#2 on custom tags and custom EL function.

Tue Nov. 3, 2009

  • The marks of Labtest#1 are on ePost and feedback has been emailed to your CSE account. If you believe there are errors in the marking of your submission, email your professor indicating clearly where the errors are. The email will be reviewed with the marker and your mark will be reappraised, up or down, accordingly.

Mon Nov. 2, 2009

  • The York team came out 6th in the 2009 ACM Regional Programming Contest (East Central North America) :-). You can see the ranking, and download the questions and answers (not uploaded yet), from this link.

Tue Oct. 13, 2009

  • The Lab Test page has been posted.

Mon Oct. 5, 2009

  • Due to sudden sickness of prof, today's lecture is canceled.

Thu Sept. 24, 09

  • You are expected to attempt, think through, and possibly complete the webapp of Lab #1 before Monday's lecture (in which the webapp will be reviewed). If you encounter problems, post them on the discussion group. Background material is available in the textbook in Chapters 6 and 8.

Thu Sept. 17, 09

  • The permissions of the discussion group have been fixed. You should be able now to post to the forum.

Wed Sept. 16, 09

  • The Grades Page has been posted. Note that next Wed's lecture (Sept 23rd) will be a lab session and will be held in Prism (CSEB1004)

Sat Sept. 5, 09

  • There will be no lecture this Wednesday. The first lecture will therefore be on Monday Sept. 14.

whats_new.txt · Last modified: 2009/12/18 15:58 by roumani