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Course Grading

Course Grading


The weight distribution of the course components is as follows:

  • Assignment #1: 5%
  • Assignment #2: 5%
  • Assignment #3: 5%
    • Assignments are submitted electronically
  • In-Lab Assignment #0: 2% (R Jan 21 11:30am-1pm & F Jan 22 10-11:30am)
  • In-Lab Assignment #1: 6% (R Feb 11 11:30am-1pm & F Feb 12 10-11:30am)
  • In-Lab Assignment #2: 6% (R Mar 04 11:30am-1pm & F Mar 04 10-11:30am)
  • In-Lab Assignment #3: 6% (R Mar 25 11:30am-1pm & F Mar 26 10-11:30am)
    • In-Lab Assignments are completed in the lab (CSEB 1002)
  • Term Test #1: 10% (R Feb 4 10-11:30am)
  • Term Test #2: 15% (R Mar 11 10-11:30am)
  • Final Exam: 40% York Exam Schedule
    • The written portion of the final exam will be completed in a location to be announced
    • The In-Lab portion of the written exam will be completed in the lab (CSEB1002)


  • On-line access to marks via ePost.
  • Conversion from numeric to letter grade is done in accordance with the following departmental standard:
grades.txt · Last modified: 2010/04/01 14:18 by mb

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