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<font color="red" size="3"><b>Winter 2010</b></font>


CSE2021 is a unique course in that it bridges the gap between software (S/W) and hardware (H/W) and exposes the roles played by the operating system (O/S) and the digital logic (D/L) circuits. It relies on a hierarchy of abstractions to present the material in layers, switching roles from “using” to “implementing” at every stage. It follows the journey of instructions from high-level to assembly and machine code, through the stack, the heap, and the caches, to the the CPU's datapath and control. The lecture coverage is augmented by labs that provide hands-on experience in MIPS and Verilog.

Instructor & Office Hours

  • <font color="#7a40A0"><b>Professor: Hamzeh Roumani</b></font>Home Page.
  • Email Filter: The string CSE2021/X in the Subject field, where X is your username on red@cse.
  • Lectures: MW 5:30-7:00 pm in VH-D.
  • Office Hours: After lecture on Mondays.
  • Lab-01: M 10:00-12:50 pm in CSEB 1006.
  • Lab-02: W 10:00-12:50 pm in CSEB 1006.

Teaching Assistants

  • Monday Sessions: Shakil <skhan> and Andrew <speers>
  • Wednesday Session: Lan <lan> and Liping <lipingh>

Add to the email address in the angle brackets.


Required (available in the bookstore and on reserve in Steacie):

  • Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware / Software Interface, 4th edition by D. Patterson and J. Hennessy, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (2009).


  • Structured Computer Organization, 5th edition, by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall (2006)
  • MIPS RISC Architecture, by G. Kane & J. Heinrich, Prentice Hall (1992)
  • Computer Organization, 5th Edition, by V.C. Hamacher, Z.G. Vranesic & S.G. Zaky, McGraw-Hill (2002)
  • Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance, 7th edition, by William Stallings, Prentice Hall (2006)
start.txt · Last modified: 2010/01/20 16:46 by roumani

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