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Winter 2010 CSE3213 Communication Networks

Lecture Times

  • Section M: Mondays and Wednesdays, 17:30 - 19:00, TEL 0004

Course Description

The course is an introduction to communications and networking. Topics covered include:

  • Message, Circuit, Packet Switching LANs, WANs
  • Applications and Layered Architectures
  • Digital vs. Analog Communications
  • Characterization of Communication Channels
  • Channel Capacity, Nyquist and Shannon Theorems
  • Line Coding (RZ, NRZ, Bipolar, Manchester)
  • Digital Modulation (ASK, PSK, FSK)
  • Properties of Media and Digital Transmission Systems
  • Error Detection and Correction
  • Flow and Error Control
  • Medium Access Control (Aloha, CSMA, Scheduling)
  • LAN Protocols (Ethernet, Token Ring)
  • Connecting LANs
  • Network Layer and IP Protocol
start.txt · Last modified: 2010/01/15 21:08 by foroozan

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