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What's New?

Here, you can list what's new in your course.

  • April 25 : Unofficial grades are now available through ePost under the Grades link.
  • April 4: Final Exam: Fri, 9 Apr 2010, Start at: 14:00, Duration: 180 min, Location: ACE 003. The Final test is closed book. (Basic) calculators are allowed and one-sided cheat-sheet containing formulas only! The exam will cover all material discussed in the class.
  • April 3: The solution of Quiz 4 is now available under the Assignment link.
  • March 27: Additional exercise for Quiz 4 is available under the Assignment link. Quiz 4 (Random Access + Scheduling, Garcia 6.1- 6.3) will take place on Wednesday, March 31. Duration: 15 min. Time: at the beginning of lecture.
  • March 26: Lab 3 information is now available under the Labs link.
  • March 23: The solution of Quiz 3 is now available under the Assignment link.
  • March 21 : Lab1 grades are now available through ePost under the Grades link.
  • March 17: The solution of Assignment 4 is now available under the Assignment link.
  • March 14: I'll be away for a conference this week but Prof. Asif will be teaching instead of me. Please try your best to attend the lectures, important topics on Medium Access Control (Scheduling, and Channelization) will be covered.
  • March 10: Lab 2 information is now available under the Labs link. Additional exercise for Quiz 3 is also available under the Assignment link. The solution will be posted on March 17 after the class. You can submit your assignments to the instructor in the class.
  • March 8: To learn more about Go-Back-N and Selective-Repeat ARQ, you can see these Applets: GBN-SR
  • March 8: Quiz 3 (Error Detection and Correction, Garcia 3.9 + Error and Flow Control, Garcia 5.2) will take place on Monday, March 22. Duration: 15 min. Time: at the beginning of lecture.
  • March 7 : Midterm grades are now available through ePost under the Grades link.
  • March 3: The solution of Midterm is now available under the Assignment link.
  • Feb 28: LAB information is now now available under the Labs link. To assist students in getting familiar with OPNET IT Guru software, 3 3-hour supervised lab sessions will be provided at the Networking Laboratory (CSE 2007) on the following dates and times: Thursday (March 4), 13:00 - 16:00, and Thursday (March 18) 13:00 - 16:00, and Thursday (April 1) 13:00 - 16:00. The laboratory attendance is not mandatory, though the students are strongly encouraged to join the sessions.
  • Feb 26: Prof. Vlajic's Midterm Exam and Solutions:Sample Midterm
  • Feb 23: The solution of Assignment 3 is now available under the Assignment link.
  • Feb 22: The midterm test is closed book. (Basic) calculators are allowed and one-sided cheat-sheet containing formulas only! The exam will cover all material discussed in the class including the lecture of Monday, Feb 22.
  • Feb 22: Quiz 2 grades are now available through ePost under the Grades link.
  • Feb 15: Due to popular demand, the midterm test has been rescheduled for Monday, March 1.
  • Feb 15: Additional exercise for Line Coding and Modulation is available under the Assignment link. The solution will be posted on Feb 22 after Mon lecture. To receive a bonus mark, you can submit your solutions in the class.
  • Feb 11: The solution of Quiz 2 is now available under the Assignment link.
  • Feb 8: The solution of Assignment 2 is now available under the Assignment link.
  • Feb 1: Quiz 2 will take place on Wednesday, Feb 10. Duration: 15 min. Time: at the end of lecture.
  • Feb 1: Additional exercise for Quiz 2 is available under the Assignment link. The solution will be posted on Feb 8 after Mon lecture. To receive a bonus mark, you can submit your solutions in the class.
  • Jan 27: Quiz 1 grades are now available through ePost under the Grades link.
  • Jan 21: The solution of Quiz 1 is now available under the Assignment link.
  • Jan 17: The solution of Assignment 1 is now available under the Assignment link.
  • Jan 15: The lecture room has been changed. The lectures will be held in Technical Enhanced Building (TEL) 0004 starting Monday Jan 18.
  • Jan 14: Additional exercise for Quiz 1 is available under the Assignment link. The solution will be posted later to give you some time to solve.
  • Jan 14: Quiz 1 will take place on Wednesday, Jan 20. Duration: 15 min. Time: at the beginning of lecture.
  • Jan 11: My office hour has been changed due to a conflict with the TA's office hour. Please check the contact link.
  • Jan 3: Happy New Year :-). Let's begin our class! First lecture: Monday, Jan 4.
whats_new.txt · Last modified: 2010/04/28 17:15 by foroozan

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