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Course Outline: Embedded Systems

CSE 3215 Winter 2010 Department of Computer Science and Engineering York University, Toronto, Ontario

Class meets TR 16:00-17:30 SC 303

Labs as scheduled by registrar

  • LAB01 M 13:00-16:00 CSE 1004
  • LAB02 F 13:00-16:00 CSE 1004 (may be canceled)

Instructor : Robert Allison, CSE 3051,, 416-736-2100 x20192 office hours: TBD.

TA: Cyrus Minwalla.


Embedded systems are an important area of computer engineering and a large and growing market for computing technology. The trends to mobile computing, ubiquitous computing, and pervasive computing combined with ever increasing computational power and powerful new paradigms in hardware design are changing embedded systems design. In this course we consider the design of embedded hardware and software under pressures and constraints including performance, cost, size, time to market, power, …


The departmental prerequisites for this course are general pre-requisites and CSE3201.04 (i.e. the latest version of the course, taught using Verilog and with a hardware lab component). Students should have a good understanding of digital and analogue electronics and computer organisation. You should also be familiar with assembly programming (C programming will be very helpful).

Topics (tentative)

Week 1:





March 5


No lab


Mar 10, 12

microcontrollers, 68HCS12 architecture and instruction set

Lab 0 (Safety Issues, Introduction to Facilities and Tutorial


Mar 17, 19


Lab 1


Mar 24, 26


Lab 2


Mar 31, Apr 2

Test #1 Mar 31, Peripherals & Interrupts

Lab 3


Apr 7, 9

Memory and Busses

Lab 3 con't


Apr 14, 16


Lab 4


Apr 21,23


Lab 4


Apr 28, 30

Analogue interfacing, Test #2 Apr 28

Lab 5


May 5, 7

Programmable Logic and Rapid prototyping using FPGAs

Lab 5 con't


May 12, 14

Power, High Speed and other design constraints (time permitting)

Lab 6


May 19

Test #3 May 19

Lab 6 on May 20 (treated as Monday, May 18 is Victoria Day holiday)

Note May 18 is a Stat. Holiday.


Components will be given a letter grade mark and then combined to give an overall mark. Numeric marks, when used, will be converted to a letter grade using the standard departmental conversion table.

Classroom participation 8% Tests 48% Labs 44% (Lab 1,2 worth 6 marks each, Labs 3-6 worth 8 marks each)

All course components, labs, test and final, are required. Labs and the midterm may only be missed for approved medical reasons. Under these conditions weighting will be redistributed by increasing weighting of the final exam.

Students are responsible for all material covered in the lectures, labs and required readings. There is a significant amount of readings for this course. Students are expected to become proficient in Verilog synthesis and microcontroller programming outside of class hours.


A mandatory hardware laboratory component is required for COSC3215 (this is why the course has 4 credit weighting). The laboratory is weekly and requires attendance during the student's lab session. If you cannot attend your lab session you will not be able to continue in the course. Students will work in pairs.

Labs require preparatory work, which must be completed and approved prior to starting the lab. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO START THE LAB IF YOU HAVE NOT SUBMITTED COMPLETE PREPATORY WORK. Students are required to document their lab work in their lab notebooks and with other appropriate documentation. This includes documenting all data collected and answering all questions posed. Students must present the documentation, answer questions about their approach, and demo their lab to the TA at the end of the lab session. Final documentation including all code and design documents should be electronically submitted using the ‘submit’ facility on Prism within 24 hours following the end of the lab session.

The laboratory is hands on and students should have experience with electronic circuits, computer organization and digital logic (e.g. strongly recommended or prerequisite courses are Phys 3150, COSC 2021, COSC 3201).

course_outline.1262106691.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/12/29 17:11 by allison