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New announcements will be posted here in reverse chronological order.

Mon Feb 8, 10

  • There will be no lecture on Monday Feb 22. Lab#6 will be held as scheduled on Wed, Feb 24.

Mon Jan 6, 10

  • I am not feeling well today and cannot come to the lab session. Nevertheless, I like you to work on Lab1 so I'm attaching it below. You don't need to go to CSEB1004 for this; you can do the problems from home or from any machine. It is recommended that you don't do it in a labtest mode machine so that you can access your home directrory and save the file rather than submit it. I will complete the home page of the course so it will be ready by Monday. I apologize for te cancellation. Here is the Lab and here is a text file to clean and test with.

Mon Jan 4, 10

  • Welcome to CSE3481!
whats_new.1265661528.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/02/08 20:38 by roumani