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WinSCP is a very nice freeware SCP/FTP/SFTP package for Windows. (It also has it's own embedded SSH terminal, but it's not terribly useful.) With WinSCP, you can connect to MTL from your home computer and drag and drop to upload/download files.

To connect to MTL with WinSCP, set up a session with MTL's IP as the host, and your MTL username/password. Then, before you save/connect to the session and close the window, set it up to tunnel through Indigo to MTL by clicking the “Tunnel” item in the tree-pane on the left, and checking “Connect through SSH tunnel,” entering “” as host, and your CSE username/password. After this, you can interact with the file structure on MTL as if it were a part of your local file-system.

mtl_windows_scp.txt · Last modified: 2011/03/03 06:17 by cse63046

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