New announcements will be posted here in reverse chronological order.
Mon Aug 20, 2012
- The marks of the Final Exam, the overall letter grades, and the Verilog labs are now on ePost (these grades are unofficial until approved by
the Senatewhoever approves it). The letter grades are based on the weighted sum of the three components: Midterm, Final, and Labs. The breakdown of the Labs component is also posted as before. If you suspect errors in your letter grade, take one of the following actions depending on the type of error: If you see an arithmetic error (i.e. the posted component marks do not add up to the posted letter grade) then email me. On the other hand if you suspect an error in the marking of your final exam, then wait until the test papers are in the Department Office (around the middle of Sept) and then request a copy of your exam from the Dept Office and, if needed, submit a petition to the Dept Office.
Thu Aug 2, 2012
- Sample question for the final exam and its (partial) solution has been posted.
Thu July 26, 2012
- As I discussed in class, we will after all have a makeup lab the coming Monday, starting from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm; feel free to write one or more tests from Labs K to M, as long as you haven't attempted them before. The lab test for Lab N will start at 8:20 pm.
Mon July 9, 2012
- The marks for labs A - D have been updated as discussed in the class. If you have attempted all four labs, your worst lab mark is replace by your best. See the MIPS column in ePost for this updated total.
- Drop date, i.e. the last day to drop the course, is approaching. If you need to drop this course, do it on or before tomorrow (July 10, Tuesday).
Wed July 4, 2012
- The marks of midterm exam are now on ePost and the solution / marking scheme is posted in the solutions folder (see Weekly Schedule for the latter). The papers will be returned in class tomorrow. See Policies for the procedure to follow in case there is a need to reappraise.
Thu June 21, 2012
- I am aware of the after-hours access restrictions for Monday's class. To handle this, the TA will be available in the lab until 7:45 pm, so please ask him to enable the elevator (third floor) for you.
- In an attempt to sync the lectures with the labs, Lab K is postponed to July 09. We will have a lecture on Monday, however. Let's meet in LAS-3033 at 7:00 pm.
Wed June 20, 2012
- Solution to Lab D is now posted; see Solutions in Weekly Schedule.
Mon June 18, 2012
- To clarify, the make up lab test starts at 7:00 pm tonight. You can make up for any number of missed lab tests, but you cannot make up for any labs that you have previously attempted. All previously submitted prelabs will be available under “unsubmit”.
Thu June 14, 2012
- Sample midterm question and (partial) solution posted; see Solutions in Weekely Schedule.
- The problem with the forum has been resolved. Please share your course content related questions with others by posting them in the forum, and email for private questions only.
Wed June 13, 2012
- The midterm exam is on June 21st and will be held in class (SLH E). It is a closed book, 90-min exam covering everything that was covered up to and including the lecture of June 11. Bring a photo ID and optionally a calculator. Note that the MIPS Green Card and the SPIM system call table will be provided. The exam will start at 7:00 pm sharp.
- Due to possible after-hours access restrictions, TA office is moved from LAS-2010 to LAS-1006. Hours remain unchanged (Mon 6:00 - 7:00 pm).
- As discussed in class, there are some typos in the lecture slides - you should be able to point them out and fix them.
Thu May 31, 2012
- The posted link for Programs Developed in Class in Weekly Schedule has been updated.
Wed May 23, 2012
- Lab A marks are now posted (see Grading Scheme).
Fri May 11, 2012
- To submit a file for the prelab and the labtest, use the following commands (instead of those mentioned in the lab handbook). Assume that we prepared a file called “myLabA.java” for prelab A and another file “myTestA.java” for labtest A; then use the commands <hi #99ff33>
submit 2021 PreA myLabA.java
</hi> and <hi #99ff33>submit 2021 LabA myTestA.java
</hi> to submit these files.
Mon May 7, 2012
- Welcome to CSE2021!
whats_new.txt · Last modified: 2012/08/21 03:52 by skhan