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Assignment 4

Due date: SUNDAY, July 21 2013 (11:59pm)

Due date: FRIDAY, July 19 2013



You can use a single class in a design and express everything else as has-a relations. The other option is to create classes for MOTHER and FATHER, and DAUGHTER and SON and remaining as has-a relations.


A typical composite example where FOLDER is a container and inherits from FILE, and files can be placed in a container.


Key elements are:

  • PATIENT with a SET of TOOTH,
  • record of the operations performed on a TOOTH can be associated with a TOOTH or a PATIENT with a reference to the TOOTH, you should consider consequences,

Other design elements are quite obvious.


Cover Page: pdf and doc

assignments/a4.txt · Last modified: 2013/08/13 01:03 by pawluk

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