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What's New?

Marks are posted

Quiz and Assignment 5 have been marked and grades are now posted.

Office hours on Aug 7

Office hours will be held in TEL 2003. You can also meet me there next week if you have any questions before the exam.

Marks are posted

Quiz and Assignment 4 have been marked and grades are now posted.

Mid-term Solutions

Midterm solutions can be found here

A4 due Sunday

A4 due date: SUNDAY, July 21 2013 (11:59pm) but I will not be able to answer your emails during this weekend

A3 Marks posted

A3 marks are now posted posted. Good job! Mid-term marks will be posted soon.


Registrar Office has published schedule of Summer Final Examination. Final test for CSE3311 is scheduled on

Wed, 14 Aug 2013 at 14:00 (2:00pm) in CLH H (duration 180 min/3h)

A3 Extension

Due to large number of requests for extension I decided to extend deadline for A3 submission until FRIDAY, July 12 2013 11:59pm.

If you missed the mid-term

You should provide me with an attending physician statement form filled in by your doctor. Then the weight of the mid-term will be transfered toward the final test. Otherwise you get 0 for this component.

Office (July 2, 2013)

I am in TEL 2003 until 5pm if you need me/have questions.

New Resources Posted (June 27, 2013)

Chapters covered by the mid-term:

  • 1-4,
  • 6-8,
  • 10,
  • 11,
  • 14-18,
  • 20,
  • 23,
  • 24

New Resources Posted (June 27, 2013)

Q4 grades Posted (June 27, 2013)

Grades for quiz 4 are now posted

A4 and A5 Posted (June 24, 2013)

Assignments 4 and 5 are now posted. Please note the deadlines. They are focussed mostly on design aspects. There is only electronic submission for both of them!

Q4 Hints (June 23, 2013)

Focus on patterns and how they can be applied. You should be able to draw BON diagrams for known patterns and provide some explanation on how they fit into OO design (e.g. which OO principles they are based on). You should be also able to recognize a need for certain pattern in a design based on requirements.

Please note also that I will not mark diagrams that are not proper BON diagrams.

Q3 marks posted (June 23, 2013)

I have posted Q3 marks

A3 posted

Assignment 3 is posted, due date for this assignment is July 10, 2013

A1 and A2 marks posted

For A1 if you have 0 for this assignment means that your project does not compile

Quiz marks posted

The marks for Q1 are now posted. You can find them here

Extra office hours

I am in the office today, Monday May 27, until 5pm. You can find me in SEL lab on the second (2) floor of LAS building.

A1 Extension

Due to many questions and requests I decided to extend the deadline for assignment 1 until Friday May 31, 2013 23.59 (11.59pm). Your electronic submission should then contain both the code and report. Do not print the report! Submit it with your code

Cover Page

Cover Page: pdf and doc

New version of code

Assignment 1 had a problem in the code that I missed. I have posted a new version. Also some minor typos have been noticed in the spec. It's been updated too.

Hints and Tricks for A1

I have posted some hints for Assignment 1.

Assignment 1, 16-05-2013

Assignment 1 is posted.

LAB Training session -- Thursday, 16-05-2013 Content Posted

LAS1006 (Prism Lab) Thursday 6:00 to 7:30 pm

Wednesday, 15-05-2013 Content Posted

A course outline and slides are now posted. Assignment 1 will be available after the lecture today.

Wednesday, 08-05-2013 First Class

You're all invited to our first meeting. It is good to see who is teaching especially if you have somebody with such a weird name as mine ;)

whats_new.1375984116.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/08/08 17:48 by pawluk