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Important Dates

Last day to approach faculty member regarding possible contract (suggested): September 14, 2012

Last day to submit a signed contract to the course director: September 27, 2012 (noon). Please leave your contract (signed by your supervisor and yourself) at the CSE office and ask them to put it in my mail box. Also email me that you have done so.

Last day to enroll in the course (with permission of course director): October 2, 2011 (this date is set by the Registrar and can't be modified)

Last day to drop without receiving a grade: November 9, 2012

Full year courses have slightly longer enrol/drop dates.

Date of Required Poster Session: January ??, 2013 in Lassonde Building 3301, 1:30 - 2 pm

dates.1348193084.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/09/21 02:04 by jonathan

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