
EECS 4080.03, EECS 4081.06, EECS 4082.06, EECS 4084.06, EECS 4088.06, EECS 4090.06 and EECS 4480.03

WELCOME to the course webpage for the courses EECS 4080.03,EECS 4081.06, EECS 4082.06, EECS 4084.06, EECS 4088.06, EECS 4090.06 and EECS 4480.03.

Course Director, Winter 2015

Assistant Professor Steven Castellucci

Office: LAS 3048


Summer 2015

If you are interested in pursuing a 4080 project in Summer 2015, please see this course webpage.


Enrolment in these courses is not possible via the typical “My Online Services” on-line enrolment. Enrolment in these courses is only permitted on a per-student basis, after approval by the Course Director of the proposed project. After the course enrolment procedure described below has been completed, students become eligible to enrol and will then receive further instructions by email.

  1. Read the course descriptions to determine your eligibility. Please note the course prerequisites and exclusions. These can be found under Course Descriptions.
  2. Identify a project and a project supervisor. A list of available projects is shown on the Proposed Projects for Winter 2015 page. If you identify a project from this list, then contact the corresponding faculty member to discuss your fit to the project and whether that faculty member is willing to act as Project Supervisor for your work on that project. Alternatively, you may work in collaboration with a department faculty member to develop a project that is not currently listed. A list of faculty members can be found here: Faculty Members
  3. Develop a Project Contract. In close collaboration with the project supervisor, develop a document that outlines the project's description, the background requirements, project readings, project deliverables, and project evaluation. See the Contract Template.
  4. Submit the Project Contract to the Course Director for approval before the deadline. The submission deadline is January 22, 2014, noon. Project Contracts must be submitted by email to the course director at, with a cc to your project supervisor. A signed hard copy of the contract should be brought to the department office, LAS 1003, attention the 4080 Project Supervisor.
  5. Finally enrol in the course using the online system as per the instructions you will be sent once the contract has been approved.

Further questions? Please consult the Enrollment Procedures and Frequently Asked Questions first. Once you have this read carefully, if your question remains unanswered, then please feel free to email the course director.

start.txt · Last modified: 2015/04/14 01:57 by stevenc

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