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projects:g3:start [2015/01/05 20:26] cse13150projects:g3:start [2015/04/04 09:43] (current) cse13147
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 **[[|Play it Here]]** **[[|Play it Here]]**
 +**[[|YouTube Video]]**
 ===== Development Team ===== ===== Development Team =====
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 For our project, most of the development will consist of designing software.  We will be programming our game in HTML5 or Java.  For our hardware, we will require three controllers all of which are connected to a computer on which our game will run. The software will have to determine which controllers are providing input and perform actions in the game that correspond to the sets of rules and physics applied to each controller. For our project, most of the development will consist of designing software.  We will be programming our game in HTML5 or Java.  For our hardware, we will require three controllers all of which are connected to a computer on which our game will run. The software will have to determine which controllers are providing input and perform actions in the game that correspond to the sets of rules and physics applied to each controller.
-{{:projects:g3:workflow.jpg|}}+{{:projects:g3:workflow.jpg? 700|}}
 ===Expected Results:===  ===Expected Results:=== 
Line 24: Line 26:
 ===Time Frame:===  ===Time Frame:=== 
-{{:projects:g3:screen_shot_2014-12-06_at_6.25.16_pm.png|}}+{{:projects:g3:screen_shot_2015-03-16_at_3.06.25_pm.png? 700|}}
 ===References:=== ===References:===
Line 35: Line 37:
 [[|Donkey Kong Jungle Beat]] [[|Donkey Kong Jungle Beat]]
 +[[|Rahsaan Roland Kirk]]
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 ===== Project Proposal Abstract ===== ===== Project Proposal Abstract =====
 Our project seeks to examine the ways in which users interact with computer systems, with a specific focus on the ways in which users interact with video games.  To facilitate this exploration of interaction, our game will be designed in such a way so that focus is placed on the controls as being the most crucial aspect of the gameplay. From a historical perspective, the focus of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) studies has been efficiency and optimization, the goal being to research and develop new, more efficient ways to interact with computers.  [2] Our project chooses to take an alternate path from traditional HCI studies, rather than attempting to optimize the way players interact with the game, it endeavours to create a challenging element from the controls as described by Pippin Barr in his thesis on play as HCI.  [1] Our project will examine existing game controllers as well as conceptualize new controllers which can be used as an extension of the gameplay through various means, such as altering the physics of the game depending on the input method being used.  The other aspect that will be considered in our project is tactile interaction; current video game controllers often implement some type of rumble feature that provides tactile feedback to the player. [3] In development of our own controller, the ability to provide meaningful tactile response to the player will be an important element in exploring the way the player controls the game. Our project seeks to examine the ways in which users interact with computer systems, with a specific focus on the ways in which users interact with video games.  To facilitate this exploration of interaction, our game will be designed in such a way so that focus is placed on the controls as being the most crucial aspect of the gameplay. From a historical perspective, the focus of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) studies has been efficiency and optimization, the goal being to research and develop new, more efficient ways to interact with computers.  [2] Our project chooses to take an alternate path from traditional HCI studies, rather than attempting to optimize the way players interact with the game, it endeavours to create a challenging element from the controls as described by Pippin Barr in his thesis on play as HCI.  [1] Our project will examine existing game controllers as well as conceptualize new controllers which can be used as an extension of the gameplay through various means, such as altering the physics of the game depending on the input method being used.  The other aspect that will be considered in our project is tactile interaction; current video game controllers often implement some type of rumble feature that provides tactile feedback to the player. [3] In development of our own controller, the ability to provide meaningful tactile response to the player will be an important element in exploring the way the player controls the game.
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 ===== Poster ===== ===== Poster =====
 {{:projects:g3:controlshiftposterportraitflat.jpg? 700|}} {{:projects:g3:controlshiftposterportraitflat.jpg? 700|}}
 +{{:projects:g3:liotta_211476983.jpg? 700|}}
 +===== Play At Home! =====
 +Control Shift can be played by anyone. All you need is a USB dance mat, USB rockband drums, and a gamepad compatible with the **[[|Gamepad API]]**. Once you have connected your gamepad you can test its compatibility with the API **[[|Here]]**. The dance mat and drum set will need to be configured with **[[|ControlMK]]**. Simply map the buttons on the dance mat and drum set to the keyboard keys listed in the section below and you are ready to play.
 +===== Keyboard Key Mappings =====
 +^__Ability(key on controller)__ ^__Keyboard key__^
 +|Playstation controller:                        ||
 +|left (D-pad left)        |leftArrow             |
 +|right (D-pad right)      |rightArrow            |
 +|jump (X)                 |upArrow               |
 +|flamethrower (O)         |space bar             |
 +|groundPound (D-pad down) |G                     |
 +|                                               ||
 +|Rockband Drums:                                ||
 +|right (blueDrum)         |B                     |
 +|left (yellowDrum)        |Y                     |
 +|drill (redDrum)          |R                     |
 +|high jump (drumPedal)    |O                     |
 +|                                               ||
 +|DDR Mat:                                       ||
 +|small jump (upArrow)     |1                     |
 +|left (leftArrow)         |2                     |
 +|right (rightArrow)       |3                     |
 +|hover (A)                |4                     |
 +|lightning (B)            |5                     |
 +===== Screenshots =====
 +=== Level 1: ===
 +{{:projects:g3:screen_shot_2015-02-19_at_5.42.06_pm.png? 700|}}
 +=== Story Segment: ===
 +{{:projects:g3:screen_shot_2015-02-19_at_5.52.42_pm.png? 700|}}
 +=== Level 2: ===
 +{{:projects:g3:screen_shot_2015-02-19_at_5.45.26_pm.png? 700|}}
 +=== Level 3: ===
 +{{:projects:g3:screen_shot_2015-03-02_at_4.03.17_pm.png? 700|}}
 +=== Level 4: ===
 +{{:projects:g3:screen_shot_2015-03-02_at_4.16.28_pm.png? 700|}}
 +=== Final Level: ===
 +{{:projects:g3:screen_shot_2015-02-22_at_1.40.31_pm.png? 700|}}
projects/g3/start.1420489618.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/05 20:26 by cse13150

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