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What's New?

  • Design Project Instructions“ were posted under Documents.
  • Midterm results were posted under Grades. The average is 24.
  • Lecture 8 slides were uploaded under Documents
  • Lecture 7 slides were uploaded under documents
  • Mar. 5th, 2017: Assignment 3 was posted under Documents. Deadline: Mar. 13, 2017.
  • Feb. 17th, 2017: Assignments 1 and 2 were updated with uCox values. Please download it again if you did it before Feb. 17.
  • Lecture notes for week 6 is uploaded under the 'Documents'.
  • Lab manual for Cadence tutorial was uploaded under Documents
  • Lecture notes for week 5 is uploaded under the 'Documents'.
  • NDA to access Cadence tool was emailed to you. Lab will start on Feb. 9.
  • Feb 1st: The first part of EECS 3611 was completed today.
  • Jan. 18th, 2017: On Jan. 19th at 18:30-9:30PM at LAS 1002, instead of Lab session, an extra lecture is presented.
  • Jan. 14th, 2017: New files were uploaded in 'Documents'.
  • December 2016: Happy New Year and Welcome to EECS3611
whats_new.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/09 00:18 by peterlian

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