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Course Outline

Course Outline

Week 1

Introduction to medical devices

  1. Overview of medical Devices
  2. Introduction to Amplifier
  3. Information about course and Lab experiments

* Text book: Chapter 3

Week 2

Bio-medical sensors and interface circuits

  1. Basic sensors
  2. Interface circuits and Amplifiers

Week 3

Bio-potentials and related medical devices 1

  1. Electromyography (EMG) I
  2. Electromyography (EMG) II

Week 4

Bio-potentials and related medical devices 2

  1. Electromyography (EEG) I
  2. Electromyography (EEG) II

Week 5

Bio-potentials and related medical devices 3

  1. Electrocardiogram (ECG) I
  2. Electrocardiogram (ECG) II

Week 6

Bio-potentials and related medical devices 4

  1. ECG and Pulse
  2. Respiratory system 1 ( Fundamental Study using Thermal and respiratory transducers)

Week 7

Winter Reading Week

Week 8

  1. Midterm
  2. Electrodoemal Activity (EDA) and Polo-graph (Fundamental Study using Pulse, respiratory and skin resistance transducers)

Week 9

  1. Bio-potentials and related medical devices 5 ( Electrooculography (EOG))
  2. Basic of Neuroscience study (Reaction Time measurement using headphone and hand-switch)

Week 10

Respiratory system 2

  1. Spiro-meter I
  2. Spiro-meter II

Week 11

  1. Bio-potentials and related medical devices 6 ( Biofeedback Measurement)
  2. Bio-potentials and Respiratory system (Aerobic Exercise test)

Week 12

  1. Blood Circulation System ( Blood Pressure Monitoring)
  2. Bio-potentials and related medical devices 7 (Heart Sound Measurement using Stethoscope)

Week 13

  1. Bio-potentials and related medical devices 8 (Spinal Cord Reflexes measurement using Twin-axis Goniometer and Reflex Hammer)
  2. Review

Final Exam

course_outline.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/04 00:26 by egz

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