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Course Announcements

January 6, 2020

Start of classes for EECS 3221M Winter 2020.

Course information and lecture notes for the next few classes have been posted in the CSE3221M course directory on red: /cs/course/3221M

The lectures notes may be updated without further notice, so please check to make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of the lecture notes.

The EECS 3221M midterm test will be held at the following time:

Time: Wednesday February 12, 2020, 8:30-10:00

Location: TBA

Please note that course component marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221M 2019-20 W

York University Information Technology (UIT) has set up a desk near the entrance to Steacie Library to help students with computer related questions.

Students who have difficulty accessing the EECS 3221M course directory in order to download the course lecture notes should go to the York UIT help desk and learn from them how to login to:


and once logged in to “”, how to change directory to:


as well as learn how to download material from there.

January 13, 2020

Please note that EECS3221M Winter 2020 Assignment 1 (Topic Study): “3221M_W20_Assignment_1” has been posted in the course directory /cs/course/3221M on

This file will include a list of suggested topics that each student group may choose from, as well as the names of the students in each group who have committed to study the topic, write a report and do a class presentation on the topic. Each group is required to have a minimum of 4, up to a maximum of 5 students currently enrolled in the class. (Unfortunately, students who are on the waiting list cannot form a group with other students to reserve a topic.)

Topics are “First-Come-First-Served”. After organizing a group with the required number of students, each group may send by e-mail to the instructor the list of the student names in the group, and reserve one of the available topics. When reserving a topic, please indicate a first choice topic; a second choice topic; a third choice topic; …, etc., in case the topics that your group is attempting to reserve have already been reserved by another group.

Please note that only a whole group of a minimum of 4, up to a maximum of 5 students can reserve a topic.

Please also note that the deadline for forming a group of a minimum of 4, up to a maximum of 5 students and reserving a topic is Monday January 27, 2020, 23:59.

Topics are to be presented in the same order of the time of reservation of the topics. No group is allowed to reserve any specific date that is different from the order of the time in which the topic was reserved. If a group is the nth group to reserve a topic, then that group will be required to present their reserved topic on the date that is allocated to the nth reserved topic (see the document /cs/course/3221M/3221M_W20_Assignment_1). For example, in the document /cs/course/3221M/3221M_W20_Assignment_1, it is shown that the 10th reserved topic must be presented on Mon. Mar 9, 2020.

For each presentation date, the topic title and the names of the students in the group will be listed.

For all students that have enrolled in the course but have not yet joined a group and selected a topic by the deadline of Monday January 27, 2020, 23:59, such students will be randomly assigned to groups, and each of such groups will be randomly assigned to one of the available topics, and the topic presentation dates will also be randomly assigned.

Please note that students that have enrolled in the course but have not yet joined a group and selected a topic by the deadline of Monday January 27, 2020, 23:59, could also be randomly assigned/added to any existing group which previously had the minimum size of 4 students (so that it will result in a new group size of 5 instead of 4 students) and for which a topic and topic presentation date has previously already been assigned.

Please note that the same groups for Assignment 1 (Topic Study) will also be used for completing Assignment 2 and Assignment 3, which are programming assignments.

Please note that the due date for submitting the slides and the report for Assignment 1 is on the Last Day to Hand In Term Work, that is: Monday, April 6, 2020, 8:30 a.m.

January 13, 2020

January 21, 2020

The EECS 3221M Midterm Test will be held at the following time and location:

Time: Wednesday February 12, 2020, 8:30-10:00

Location: LAS C

(Note that the Midterm Test location, LAS C, is not the same as the regular lecture room location LSB 106.)

The Midterm Test will cover the following:

a) Chapters 1-5, and sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 of Chapter 6 of the course textbook “Operating System Concepts”, 10th Edition.

b) All the slides in OS_ch1.pdf, OS_ch2.pdf, OS_ch3.pdf, OS_ch4.pdf, OS_ch5.pdf, slides 6.1 to 6.15 of OS-ch6.pdf, as well as all the material covered in the lectures up to and including the Monday February 10, 2020 lecture. Please make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of the lecture notes.

It is possible that the Midterm Test may include true/false questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that may require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require slightly longer answers, questions that may require the writing of short programs using pseudo C code similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats.

- Please note that, in order to make sure that everyone in the class gets exactly the same information regarding the midterm and final exam, the instructor will not answer individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the midterm and final exam, because that would not be fair to those students who do not receive such information. - If you have any questions related to the midterm or final exam, please ask such questions during the lectures.

Please note that course component marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221M 2019-20 W

January 29, 2020

(1) Please note that the names and email addresses of students that have been assigned to each EECS3221M W20 Assignment group can be found in the file:


in the course directory /cs/course/3221M on the Red machine.

The group members of each group should contact each other to collaborate together to complete EECS3221M W20 Assignments 1, 2, and 3 by using the email addresses in this file.

(2) The topic and topic presentation date for EECS3221M W20 Assignment 1 that have been assigned to each EECS3221M W20 Assignment group can be found in the file:


in the course directory /cs/course/3221M on the Red machine.

(3) EECS3221M W20 Assignment 2 has been posted in the file:


in the course directory /cs/course/3221M on the Red machine.

Please note that the due date for submitting Assignment 2 is: Monday, February 24, 2020, 8:30 a.m.

February 10, 2020

1. Please note that the EECS 3221 M Winter 2020 midterm practice questions (with answers) are now available in the course directory on Red:


2. The January 21 Announcement concerning the material to be covered in the EECS 3221 M Winter 2020 Midterm Test has been updated.

February 25, 2020

EECS3221M W20 Assignment 3 has been posted in the file:


in the course directory /cs/course/3221M on the Red machine.

Please note that the due date for submitting Assignment 3 is on the Last Day to Hand In Term Work, that is: Monday, April 6, 2020, 23:59.

March 10, 2020

The EECS 3221 Section M Winter 2020 midterm test solutions have been posted in the course directory in the file ”/cs/course/3221M/3221M_W20_Midterm_Solutions.pdf”. Due to the large number of students in the course, the instructor will not answer individual email questions regarding the midterm test solutions. Any student who requests remarking of his/her midterm test after comparing his/her midterm test answers to the solutions posted in the course directory, must complete and sign the form in the course directory in the file ”/cs/course/3221M/EECS3221_Request_for_Remarking.pdf”, and submit this form together with his/her midterm test paper for remarking. Please note that if you request remarking of your midterm test, your midterm test paper must not have been modified in any way, and ALL your answers to ALL the midterm test questions will be remarked, and as a result, after remarking, your final midterm test mark could either increase; not change; or decrease.

Please note that course component marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221M 2019-20 W

March 14, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 related circumstances:

No in-person classes will be held for the remainder of the F/W 2019-2020 and W 2020 academic terms effective Monday, March 16th, 2020.

No more EECS 3221 M W20 Assignment 1 group in-class presentations will be held effective Monday, March 16th, 2020. Assignment 1 groups which have not yet completed in-class presentations are still required to submit electronic versions (hard copies will not be required) of (a) the presentation slides; and (b) the report for Assignment 1, on or before the original due date of Monday April 6, 2020, 23:59.

No final decision has been made yet regarding the EECS 3221 M W20 final exam.

When a decision has been made regarding the EECS 3221 M W20 final exam, it will be announced on this EECS 3221 M W20 course website.

March 16, 2020

Please note that EECS 3221 M W20 On Line Lecture for March 16, 2020, is now available in the course directory on Red: /cs/course/3221M/3221M_W20_On_Line_Lecture_March_16 .pdf

March 18, 2020

Please note that EECS 3221 M W20 On Line Lecture for March 18, 2020, is now available in the course directory on Red: /cs/course/3221M/3221M_W20_On_Line_Lecture_March_18 .pdf

Please note that, as has already been done since Monday March 16, 2020, instead of using live online zoom lectures, EECS 3221 M W20 will be providing On Line Lectures in written form (in addition to, and separate from, the slides that would normally be projected on a screen in a live class) which are provided on line in the EECS 3221 M W20 course directory on Red: /cs/course/3221M.

March 19, 2020

Please note that the original course grading scheme for EECS 3221 M W20 will be replaced by the following revised grading scheme:

Instead of having a final exam with a weight of 50%, students will have a Take Home Exam with a weight of 24%; and the respective weights of the Midterm Exam and each of the 3 assignments will be as follows:

Assignment 1: 9%

Assignment 2: 9%

Assignment 3: 9%

Midterm Test: 49%

Take Home Exam: 24%

(The details of the Take Home Exam with weight 24% will be announced at a later date on the EECS 3221 M W20 course webpage.)

Please note that, in accordance with the York University Senate March 16, 2020 Communication, any student who does not wish to follow the revised grading scheme above, has the option of making a decision to follow the original grading scheme, on the understanding that the decision to follow the original grading scheme may delay course completion. In the case where a student makes the decision to follow the original grading scheme, the student will need to take a deferred, invigilated, in-person exam after the disruption to normal York University activities is over.

March 23, 2020

Please note that EECS 3221 M W20 On Line Lecture for March 23, 2020, is now available in the course directory on Red: /cs/course/3221M/3221M_W20_On_Line_Lecture_March_23.pdf

March 25, 2020

Please note that EECS 3221 M W20 On Line Lecture for March 25, 2020, is now available in the course directory on Red: /cs/course/3221M/3221M_W20_On_Line_Lecture_March_25.pdf

March 30, 2020

Please note that EECS 3221 M W20 On Line Lecture for March 30, 2020, is now available in the course directory on Red: /cs/course/3221M/3221M_W20_On_Line_Lecture_March_30.pdf

April 1, 2020

Please note that EECS 3221 M W20 On Line Lecture for April 1, 2020, is now available in the course directory on Red: /cs/course/3221M/3221M_W20_On_Line_Lecture_April_1.pdf

April 8, 2020

Please note that the following information only applies to EECS 3221 Section M Winter 2020 students who had previously attended the EECS 3221 Section M Winter 2020 Midterm Exam on February 12, 2020:

1. The EECS 3221 section M Winter 2020 Take Home Exam with a weight of 24% will be held on:

Date and Time: Monday, April 20, 2020;

Start Time: 14:00;

End Time: 17:00.

(Duration of Exam: 180 minutes.)

2. The EECS 3221 section M Winter 2020 Take Home Exam with a weight of 24% will be organized as follows:

2.1. There will be more than one version of exam question files with different version numbers. Further information regarding which particular version of the exam question file is assigned to which student(s) will be announced closer to the exam date/time. So please monitor and read this course webpage carefully prior to the exam date/time to make sure that you download and answer the particular version of the exam question file that has been assigned to you. Please note that your exam answers will not be accepted for grading if you answer a version of the exam question file that is different from the version that is assigned to you.

2.2. On April 20, at 13:45, the instructor will make files containing the exam questions named “3221M_W20_Exam_Version_N” available in the 3221M course directory, cs/course/3221M, where “N” in the file name is the version number of the exam question file (please see item 2.1 above). For example: a file containing exam questions could be named “3221M_W20_Exam_Version_3.”

2.3. On April 20, on or after 13:45, you are required to download the particular version of the exam question file “3221M_W20_Exam_Version_N.pdf” that has been assigned to you, from the 3221M course directory, cs/course/3221M.

2.4. After completing the exam, you are required to submit a file named “Student_Name_Student_Number_Exam_Answer_Version_N” containing your exam answers to the 3221M course submit directory, cs/course/3221M/submit/exam, where in the submitted file name, “Student_Name” is your name; “Student_Number” is your York student number; and “N” is the version number of the particular exam question file that has been assigned to you. For example: “John_Smith_123456789_Exam_Answer_3.”

2.5. The deadline for submitting your file named “Student_Name_Student_Number_Exam_Answer_Version_N” containing your exam answers to the 3221M course submit directory, cs/course/3221M/submit/exam, is April 20, 2020, 17:15.

Any exam answers in any file that has a date/time later than April 20, 2020, 17:15 in the 3221M course submit directory, cs/course/3221M/submit/exam, will not be accepted for grading.

3. In order to minimize the time needed to download the different versions of exam question files; and also to minimize the time needed to submit the files containing exam answers, a total of three servers: red, red1, red2, will be made available for accessing the 3221M course directory, cs/course/3221M, as follows:

3.1. 3221M students with last names starting with A – G are required to login to; and/or download/submit files from/to:

3.2. 3221M students with last names starting with H – N are required to login to; and/or download/submit files from/to:

3.3. 3221M students with last names starting with O – Z are required to login to; and/or download/submit files from/to:

3.4. Note that 3221M students can use the same commands to access; and/or download/submit files from/to to any one of the red, red1, red2 servers (which are the same commands that you had used to submit EECS 3221M W20 Assignment 2 to the 3221M course submit directory, cs/course/3221M/submit/a2, on red).

If you do not know yet how to access; and/or download/submit files from/to to any one of the red, red1, red2 servers, please seek help from other members of your assignment group and practice in advance to make sure that you know how to do this.

3.5. Please note that it is also possible to use the wiki “submit” with any internet browser (for details see: to submit files containing exam answers to /cs/course/3221M/submit/exam

(- this method does not require using additional means, such as psftp, to first upload your answer file, then logging into red, or red1, or red2, to use the “submit” command on red, or red1, or red3.)

( - if you run into any issue using wiki “submit”, you can always fall back to first uploading your answer file, then logging in to red, or red 1, or red2, and using the “submit” command on red, or red1, or red3.)

Using any one of the methods in 3.1-3.4 above should have the same final effect of enabling you to submit your files containing your exam answers into the same 3221M course directory, /cs/course/3221M/submit/exam

3.6. Please note that it is not necessary to print the questions on paper. If you do not have a printer, you may view the questions on screen, create a separate document using a word processor containing only the answers to each question (clearly labelled) and submit that document.

3.7. No student is allowed to send exam answers by email – exam answers sent by email will not be accepted for grading.

4. The EECS 3221M W20 Take Home Exam will cover the following:

a) Chapters 1-7, Chapters 9-10, of the textbook “Operating System Concepts” 10th Edition.

b) The slides in OS-ch1.pdf, OS-ch2.pdf, OS-ch3.pdf, OS-ch4.pdf, OS-ch5.pdf, OS-ch6.pdf, OS-ch7.pdf, OS-ch9.pdf, OS-ch10.pdf.

c) The material covered in all the live-class lectures up to and including the Wednesday March 11, 2020 live-class lecture.

d) The material in all the 3221M W20 On Line Lectures, including:

(d1) 3221M_W20_On_Line_Lecture_March_16 .pdf;

(d2) 3221M_W20_On_Line_Lecture_March_18 .pdf;

(d3) 3221M_W20_On_Line_Lecture_March_23 .pdf;

(d4) 3221M_W20_On_Line_Lecture_March_25 .pdf;

(d5) 3221M_W20_On_Line_Lecture_March_30 .pdf;

(d6) 3221M_W20_On_Line_Lecture_April_1 .pdf;

Please make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of each of the above material.

The Exam may include fill in the blank questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require longer answers, questions that require the writing of programs using pseudo C code similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats.

- Please note that, in order to make sure that from now on, everyone in the class gets exactly the same information regarding the exam, the instructor will not answer individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the exam, or questions regarding possible exam material, because that would not be fair to those students who do not receive such information.

Please note that course component marks, including the final exam marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221M 2019-20 W

The instructions in this announcement may be subject to changes/updates. Please make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of instructions in this announcement prior to taking the exam.

April 20, 2020

1. On April 20, at 13:45, the instructor will make files containing the exam questions named “3221M_W20_Exam_Version_N.pdf” available in the 3221M course directory, /cs/course/3221M, where:

The exam version “N” is a combination of:

(a) The FIRST 2 LETTERS in each student's LAST NAME;

(b) The LAST 3 DIGITS in each student's STUDENT NUMBER.

For example:

If your last name is “Smith”, and your student number is “123456789”, then your exam version “N” will be:


and you will be required to answer the questions in the file named:


in the 3221M course directory, /cs/course/3221M.

2. On April 20, on or after 13:45, you are required to download the particular version of the exam question file “3221M_W20_Exam_Version_N.pdf” that has been assigned to you, from the 3221M course directory, /cs/course/3221M.

3. After completing the exam, you are required to submit a file named “Student_Name_Student_Number_Exam_Answer_Version_N.pdf” containing your exam answers to the 3221M course submit directory, /cs/course/3221M/submit/exam, where in the submitted file name, “Student_Name” is your name; “Student_Number” is your York student number; and “N” is the version number of the particular exam question file that has been assigned to you.

For example: “John_Smith_123456789_Exam_Answer_Version_Sm789.pdf”

4. The deadline for submitting your file named “Student_Name_Student_Number_Exam_Answer_Version_N.pdf” containing your exam answers to the 3221M course submit directory, /cs/course/3221M/submit/exam, is April 20, 2020, 17:15.

April 29, 2020

Please note that course component marks, including the final exam marks, are now available, and can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221M 2019-20 W

whats_new.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/30 02:09 by jxu