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Final exam

The final exam will be available at this course wiki on Wednesday April 8 at 7 pm. Solutions need to be submitted before Wednesday April 8 at 9 pm.


The exam will cover the material covered after the midterm. The exam will consist of one question. The question will be somewhat similar to Labs 5, 6, 7 and 8.


Students are allowed to collaborate with each other. There is no limit on the size of a group. Each group submits their solution, including a file named group.txt that contains the names of the group members. Collaborating but not acknowledging collaboration in the submission is academically dishonest.

Questions during the exam

The instructor will be on Zoom during the exam to answer questions.


Submit all the files, including group.txt, by using

submit 4315 final <name of file>

before 9 pm.

final.1585773171.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/01 20:32 by franck