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EECS4070 Contract Template

The contract is typically about two pages in length. It is prepared by the student in collaboration with the faculty supervisor. It has the following layout:

Course: EECS4070

Term: Summer 2021 Topic title: < title >

Supervisor name (email): < name > (< email >)

Student name: < name >

Student number: 123456789

Student's email: < email >

Topic Description and Course Learning Outcomes

A half-page describing the topic to be studied in the course. This should include a breakdown of several sub-topics and should specify about 5 course learning outcomes.

Background Requirements

Prerequisite courses: list the courses and the minimum-mark requirement for each

Other experience: technical know-how needed, familiarity with languages and systems, mathematical background, etc.


A list of research papers/books that will be studied or referenced during the course. Other types of resources may also be included (e.g., videos, online material).


An outline of how the student will demonstrate the knowledge they have gained in the course. This will generally include a literature review. It can also include solving exercises, oral presentations, tests, oral exam, making improvements to a wikipedia article related to the topic, etc. There should be a breakdown of how items will be weighted in calculating the student's final grade.

The evaluation should give the student an opportunity to demonstrate that the course learning outcomes have been achieved.

The amount of work to complete the deliverables should be comparable to other 4000-level EECS courses.


A schedule for when the evaluation items mentioned above will be completed. Some formal evaluation (worth at least 20% of the final grade) should be provided to the student before the drop deadline. All deliverables should be completed by the end of the term.

This section should also specify the frequency with which the student will meet with the supervisor.




Course Coordinator

4070_template.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/27 03:42 by aan

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