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Oral Presentation Schedule

EECS 4080/4480 Project Presentation Schedule (Fall 2020)

Tuesday December 22, 2020

Time Student Project title Supervisor
12:00-12:20 Xinqi Chen Pattern-Based Software Bug Detection for Machine Learning Libraries: Are We There Yet? Song Wang
12:20-12:40 Zijian Chen Mining project-Specific Rules for Bug Detection in Machine Learning Libraries: Are we there yet? Song Wang
12:40-1:00 Josh Sahota Mozi IoT Malware: Real-World Sandbox Analysis Natalija Vlajic
1:00-1:20 Reza Karimi Neural Question Generation from Text with Multi-task Learning Aijun An
presentation_schedule.1608574073.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/21 18:07 by aan

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