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Proposed Projects

Below is a list of 4080 projects proposed by faculty members for Winter 2021. More project descriptions may be added once they come in. Please contact the supervisor directly you are in interested in a project. You can also contact faculty members individually to discuss possible projects. Click here to see a list of faculty members, their research areas and their contact information.

Online Platform for Multilingual Social Media Mining

Supervisor: Manos Papagelis

Advisor: Andreas Strebinger, LAPS


Social Media offer a rich source to explore user sentiment and topics associated with certain issues, people, and objects, for example in society and politics, arts and entertainment, sports, or for companies, brands and products. Most of today's applications are monolingual which restricts our ability to learn about how users in different countries feel and think about certain concepts.

The goal of this project is to develop an online platform which employs natural language processing (NLP) and computational linguistic methods of open source software libraries for select major languages to mine user-generated content in different cultures for sentiment and topic analysis.

Test applications can comprise a comparison of user views on organic food and/or new technologies (e.g., AI) in different countries and cultures.

Required skills: General EECS408x prerequisites, good knowledge of a back-end programming language such as Python, good knowledge of front-end technologies and platforms such as Javascript, HTML5, Angular or React, good knowledge of Machine Learning for natural language processing (NLP), good knowledge of data mining concepts, ability to work independently, ability to communicate clearly.

projects.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/15 19:48 by aan

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