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labmon:start [2020/10/15 13:42] ulyalabmon:start [2022/03/17 12:58] (current) jas
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 ====== Lab Monitors ====== ====== Lab Monitors ======
 {{:labmon:labmonitorsschedule-fw2021-hours-final_fall.pdf|Fall 2020 Lab Calendar}} {{:labmon:labmonitorsschedule-fw2021-hours-final_fall.pdf|Fall 2020 Lab Calendar}}
 +[[|Fall 2020 Lab hours]]
 +This page contains initial info for your assignment as virtual Lab Monitors (referred as LMs).
 +LM Duty
 +Lab Monitor is first point of contact in EECS technical services.
 +As such, LMs help students with all EECS computing related issues.
 +This does not include helping them with assignments or course-related programming questions.
 +If LMs do not know the answer to any inquiry/question, they email to
 +and copy to inform the team of LMs. 
 +LMs are familiar with the EECS Linux platform in the teaching labs: CentOS, which is the community version of Red Hat.
 +Email contains email addresses of LMs individual email addresses. 
 +This mail list can be used for any shift swaps or other communication as needed.
 +LM Shifts
 +Lab operating hours will be respected with utmost care.
 +LMs review the weekly shifts prior the week, to prevent any delays.
 +If the LM is late for their shift, they email to inform the tech staff when they expect to start their shift.
 +Swapping of LM shifts are allowed.
 +It is the LM’s responsibility to find a replacement LM in cases they are unable to attend their shift and notify the tech staff.
 +Refer to Contact information sheet for phone/email details.
 +This provides an uninterrupted technical service to our community. 
 +You will continue using your EECS student accounts to do your LM duties.
 +Virtual LM (Zoom account)
 +During the pandemic of COVID-19, the Fall 2020 term is offered in remote teaching mode.
 +LMs use “eecstech” Zoom account to communicate with the students.
 +LMs and users join the meeting ID:
 +LMs use their employee PPY account login to connect to Zoom (login with SSID).
 +LMs make themselves available continuously for the duration of their shift.
 +Breaks for lunch or other needs should be handled before or after shifts.
 +If necessary, there could be one maximum 10 minute break during which a sign can be posted.
 +Ex. change your profile pic to a 10 min break sign.
 +LMs are co-host in eecstech Zoom account.
 +For the ability to move participants in and out of Breakout Rooms, the LM has to be the host.
 +Each LM has to assign the LM following their shift as the host.
 +For this reason, LMs should join the Zoom meetings on time.
 +If there is a technical issue causing a delay to start on time,  please inform your fellow LM.
 +It is against the policy to make a non-LM participant the host of eecstech Zoom meeting.
 +Start of Shift (Zoom account)
 +LMs identifies themselves by renaming their Zoom thumbnail pictures as "Lab Monitor”.
 +End of shift activity
 +LM fills-in the Zoom activity sheet (for now in Google as some LMs do not have an employee account yet).
 +LM reminds the participants that the end time of Zoom meeting, 15 minutes prior to signing off for the day.
 +EECS Teaching labs
 +LAS 1006, Eshrat Arjomandi Lab (ea hosts, Linux)
 +LAS 1004, Generalized Signal Processing Lab (gsp hosts, dual boot)
 +LAS 1002, Prism Teaching Lab (ptl hosts, dual boot)
 +LAS 1002B, Prism Teaching Lab B (ptlb hosts, Linux)
 +LAS 2007, High Performance Computing Lab (hpc hosts, dual boot, only for 4th year EECS courses)
 +WSC 105, First year courses Lab (wsc105 hosts, Linux)
 +WSC 106, First year courses Lab (wsc106 hosts, Linux)
 +WSC 108, First year courses Lab (wsc108 hosts, Linux)
 +BRG 316, Power Engineering Lab (power hosts, Windows, only for EE courses scheduled in this lab)
 +BRG 334, Electronics Lab (ele hosts, dual boot, only for EE courses scheduled in this lab)
 +BRG 336, Medical Devices Lab (med hosts, Windows, only for EE courses scheduled in this lab)
 +red, red1, red2, gateway/compute servers
 +EECS accounts and login
 +Undergraduate students who are registered to 2nd, 3rd or 4th level courses are eligible to an EECS
 +computing account during their studies. They obtain this at
 +AFTER 20 minute of wait period to allow for password to propagate, student can login to
 + and choose a host to work on. 
 +Details are in
 +Few EECS account related commands (login to
 +- Command for looking-up account name in case they forgot : grep -i lastnameofstudent /etc/passwd
 +The usernames are the same as PPY account name.
 +- Reset EECS password via any web browser at
 +PPY password and EECS passwords are not linked.
 +- EECS account quota command: quota -v
 +Undergraduate students are allotted 1GB disk space to save their files.
 +jdiskreport command shows more detailed info on space utilization.
 +To delete files, the command to use: rm filename
 +To list files, the command to use: ls -lt  (or for hidden files ls -lta) t option sorts the files from recent to old.
 +More detailed info can be found at
 +(COVID-19 exception = 1st level courses get EECS accounts only for remote lab access)
 +Please send your questions to and copy
 +as it is important for all of us to be in close contact during these times we are all apart. 
labmon/start.1602783773.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/15 13:42 by ulya

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