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software:matlab:start [2018/09/05 09:48] paulgsoftware:matlab:start [2023/09/22 08:43] (current) paulg
Line 9: Line 9:
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
-**Installed Version:** Release 2018a \\ +**Installed in EECS Labs:** Release 2023a \\
-**Downloadable Version:** Release 2018a +
-==== York University Site-wide Licensing Program ==== 
-York University has a Total Academic Headcount (TAH) license for MATLAB, Simulink, and add-on products. Faculty, researchers, and students may use these products for teaching, research, and learning. The license allows individuals to install the products on university-owned equipment, as well as personally owned computers. 
-For instructions on downloading the software, visit York University’s MATLAB portal.[[|]] 
-==== Specific EECS Licensing Information ==== 
-For users who wish to continue using the EECS license server in light of the York University Site-wide Licensing Program.  
-  * Unless you are using the York University Site-wide setup, MATLAB licenses and toolboxes will only work from EECS subnets unless you use SSH tunnelling to connect to our license server. 
-  * Researchers that require MATLAB additional toolboxes for their own research should contact tech for pricing. 
-===== Products ===== 
-We are licensed for the same products as the York University Site-wide Licensing Program. While MATLAB is a multi-platform product not all additional Toolboxes are available on all platforms.  
-For the list of products licensed, please see [[|MATLAB Products]] 
-===== Installation Instructions ===== 
-==== Before You Install  ==== 
-Before you can begin to install MATLAB you will need the following. 
-  - MATLAB ISO/DMG file (As of R2016b the MATLAB installer is split across two ISO files for Windows and Linux)   
-  - MATLAB license file  
-  - File Installation Key 
-**Note:** Consider disabling virus-checking software and Internet security applications on your system for the duration of the installation process. These applications can slow down the installation process or cause it to appear unresponsive or to hang. 
-==== MATLAB ISO file Download Instructions ==== 
-=== Via SFTP: === 
-There are various SFTP clients for the different platforms supported by MATLAB, which can be used to download the ISO file. 
 \\ \\
-  * General settings: +  * [[matlab-eecs]] 
-    * **Host:** +  * [[.2:start]] 
-    * **Port:** 22 +  * [[york-wide]]
-    * **Protocol:** SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol +
-    * **User name:** your EECS user account +
-    * **Remote Directory:** /eecs/research/download/matlab +
- +
-  * Command Line (OS X/Linux): +
-    * sftp +
- +
-**Sample SFTP Session** +
- +
-<code="text"> +
-sftp +
-Welcome to CentOS 7.  +
- +
-Password: +
-Connected to +
-Changing to: /eecs/research/download/matlab/ +
-sftp> get R2018a_maci64.dmg     (macOS) +
- +
-sftp> get R2018a_glnxa64_dvd1.iso  (Linux) +
-sftp> get R2018a_glnxa64_dvd2.iso  (Linux) +
-</code> +
- +
-  * Windows (Using [[|FileZilla]]) +
-    * Open the Site Manager (Ctrl+S) and click new site +
-    * Enter the following information +
-       * **Host:** +
-       * **Port:** 22 +
-       * **Protocol:** SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol +
-       * **Logon Type:**  Ask for Password +
-       * **User:** your EECS user account +
-       * Next, click the **Advanced** tab +
-          * **Default Remote Directory:** /eecs/research/download/matlab +
-          * Click **Connect** +
-   +
- +
-=== via Windows Share (Samba/SMB) === +
- +
-If you are connected to our EECS network, you can map the MATLAB network share using the following share path. +
- +
-\\\research-download\matlab  \\ +
- +
- +
-==== MATLAB License File & File Installation Key ==== +
- +
-Installation of MATLAB requires a File Installation Key and a license file. For the sake of simplicity we have embedded the File Installation Key in the license file. Simply view the license file with any text editor to obtain the key. You can download the license file at this hyperlink [[|Download Matlab License file and File Installation Key ]] +
- +
- +
-==== Mounting an ISO file ==== +
- +
-=== Windows === +
- +
-  * Windows 7: Requires additional third party software +
-    * Download [[|Virtual Clone Drive]] and follow the instructions on mounting ISO files +
-  * Windows 8, 8.1 and 10: Native support, mounts a ISO file without any third party software +
-      - Navigate to the location where you downloaded the ISO file. +
-      - Right-click on the ISO file and then select Mount to mount it. +
- +
-=== macOS === +
- +
-  * Usually ISO/DMG files are opened automatically when you double click them in Finder +
-  * You can also mount ISO images in Mac OS X by using **Disk Utility**, located in the /Applications/Utilities/ directory. After you launched Disk Utility, navigate from the Disk Utility menu down to "Open Image File" and select your ISO file. The ISO should now appear mounted on the desktop. +
-  * Command Line: +
-<code=text> +
-cd ~/Desktop +
-hdiutil mount R2016a_maci64.iso  +
-or +
-hdiutil attach R2018a_maci64.dmg +
-</code> +
- +
-=== Linux === +
- +
- +
-  * Ubuntu’s Unity desktop and GNOME include an **Disk Image Mounter** application that can mount ISO files and similar image files graphically. To use it, right-click an .ISO file or another type of disc image, point to Open With, and select **Disk Image Mounter**. +
- +
-  * Command Line: +
-  * Open a terminal window +
-  * Create a new directory for your ISO image. +
- +
-     sudo mkdir /media/iso  +
- +
-  * Now mount the ISO image +
- +
-  sudo mount -o loop R2018a_glnxa64_dvd1.iso /media/iso +
- +
-  * When prompted to insert DVD2, un-mount DVD1 and mount DVD2 +
- +
-  sudo umount /media/iso +
-  sudo mount -o loop R2018a_glnxa64_dvd2.iso /media/iso +
- +
-  * To unmount the file, use this command in a terminal window +
- +
-  sudo umount /media/iso +
-  rmdir /media/iso +
- +
- +
-==== Installation Instructions ==== +
- +
- +
-=== Linux / macOS / Windows === +
- +
-  - Start the MATLAB Installer +
-    - Windows +
-      -  DVD (ISO) installation — Mount DVD 1 on your system. The installer usually starts automatically. Mount DVD when the installer prompts you for the second disc. +
-    - Linux +
-      - **Note:**   Do not run the installation from inside the DVD/ISO root. Start the installation from a directory outside the DVD/ISO root.  +
-      - For example on Ubuntu +
-        * cd /tmp +
-        * /media/USERNAME/MATHWORKS_R2018A/install &  +
-        * or generally  +
-        * /path_to_dvd/install & +
-    - macOS +
-      - DVD installation — Insert/Mount DVD 1 into the DVD drive connected to your system. When the DVD icon appears on the desktop, double-click the icon to display the DVD contents, and then double-click the InstallForMacOSX icon to begin the installation. +
-  - Select the **Use a File Installation Key** option and click **Next** +
-  - Review the software license agreement and, if you agree with the terms, select **Yes** and click **Next.**  +
-  - Select the **I have the File Installation Key for my license** option, enter the File Installation Key, and click **Next**. +
-  - Specify the Installation Folder +
-    - Specify the name of the folder where you want to install MathWorks products. Accept the default installation folder, or click **Browse** to select a different one. If the folder does not exist, the installer creates it. When specifying a folder name, you can use any alphanumeric character and some special characters, such as underscores. If you make a mistake while entering a folder name and want to start over, click **Restore Default Folder**. After making your selection, click **Next.** +
-  - Specify Products to Install +
-    - Specify which products you want to install in the Product Selection dialog box. This dialog box lists all the products associated with the license you selected or with the Activation Key you specified. In the dialog box, all the products are preselected for installation. If you do not want to install a particular product, clear the check box next to its name. +
-    - After selecting the products you want to install, click **Next** to continue with the installation. +
-  - Specify Installation Options +
-    - **Windows Systems**  +
-      - On Windows, the Installation Options dialog box lets you choose whether to put shortcuts for starting MATLAB in the **Start** menu and on the desktop. +
-      - For Windows® 10, you can choose either Desktop or All apps in the **Start** menu. +
-      - After selecting installation options, click **Next** to proceed with the installation. +
-    - **Linux Systems**    +
-      - On Linux systems, you can specify whether you want to create symbolic links to the matlab and mex scripts. Specify a folder to which you have write access and that is common to all your user's paths, such as /usr/local/bin . +
-      - After selecting installation options, click **Next** to proceed with the installation. +
-   - Confirm Your Choices    +
-     - Before it begins installing the software on your hard disk, the installer displays a summary of your installation choices. To change a setting, click **Back**. To proceed with the installation, click **Install.**  +
- +
-If you have any problems accessing any toolboxes or you encounter any licensing issues make sure the ''network.lic'' file which is located in ''/path/to/matlab/licenses'' (replace with the path where you installed MATLAB) contains both the ''SERVER'' and the ''USE_SERVER'' lines from the downloaded license file. +
- +
- +
- +
-===== Running MATLAB on your computer when not connected to a local (wired) EECS network ===== +
- +
-=== Linux / MacOS X === +
- +
-  * Create a new MATLAB license file called localhost.lic in in your home directory. with the following contents. +
-  * **Note:** With MATLAB R2017A and newer, if your localhost.lic file has **localhost** on the **SERVER** line, it should be replaced with IP number ****. Failure to make this change will result in a license error.  +
- +
-<code=text> +
-SERVER 000102030405 1726 +
-</code> +
- +
-  * Use the following shell script **''''** to establish an SSH tunnel connection to the departmental licence server. Save the file in your home directory. //**Be  sure to replace EECS-USERNAME with your EECS username**// +
- +
-<code=text> +
-#!/bin/sh +
-echo Forwarding local ports 1726:1727 to license server +
- +
-ssh -2 -N -x -L +
--L +
-</code> +
- +
-  * Run the script from the command line to create a SSH tunnel +
- +
-<code=text> +
-chmod 755 +
-./ +
-</code> +
- +
-When you run the script you will be prompt for a password, enter your EECS account password. You are now connected to the EECS license server. +
- +
- +
-  * Start MATLAB, using our SSH tunnel. +
- +
-== MacOS X == +
-<code=text> +
-/Applications/ -c ~/localhost.lic  +
-</code> +
- +
-== Linux == +
-<code=text> +
-matlab -c ~/localhost.lic  +
-</code> +
- +
- +
-=== Windows === +
- +
-  * **Create new network license files:** +
- +
-  * License paths for MATLAB: +
-<code="text"> +
-C:\Program Files\MATLAB\<release>\licenses\network1.lic  +
-C:\Program Files\MATLAB\<release>\licenses\network2.lic +
-</code> +
- +
-**Note:** You can rename the existing **network.lic** to **network1.lic** +
- +
-**network1.lic contents:** +
-  SERVER 000102030405 1726  +
- +
-**network2.lic contents:** +
-  SERVER 000102030405 1726  +
- +
- +
-  * Launch a text editor (Not MSWord) and save the following content into a file called **connect-matlab-license-server.cmd** on your desktop. //**Be  sure to replace EECS-USERNAME with your EECS username**// +
- +
- +
-<code=text> +
-@echo off +
-echo Forwarding local ports 1726:1727 to license server +
-echo Close this Command Prompt window to terminate session! +
-  +
-if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PuTTY\plink.exe" set PLINK="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PuTTY\plink.exe" +
-if exist "%ProgramFiles%\PuTTY\plink.exe" set  PLINK="%ProgramFiles%\PuTTY\plink.exe"     +
-  +
-  +
-%PLINK% -2 -N -x -L -L +
-</code> +
- +
-  * Use batch script connect-matlab-license-server.cmd you just saved to establish a SSH tunnel connection to the departmental licence server.  +
-\\ +
-PuTTY can be downloaded from [[| ]].  +
- +
- +
-  * Before you start MATLAB, double click on the connect-matlab-license-server.cmd icon on the desktop. The first time you connect, you will be prompted to save the server key into your local cache. Enter your password when prompted. +
- +
-  * **Note:** With this setup you will experience a delay when you launch MATLAB if you are not connected to EECS's wired network.  +
- +
-===== Changing the MATLAB License Server ===== +
- +
-To update MATLAB to point to a new license server, you simply need to replace +
-the existing license file with a new file that has the information for the new server. +
- +
-As of MATLAB R2008a, MATLAB utilizes a ''network.lic'' file to point to the +
-license server. This file is located in the ''licenses'' subfolder of MATLAB and +
-has the following format: +
- +
-<code=text> +
-SERVER server_name hostid port# +
-</code> +
- +
-To migrate your installation to the new server, you can simply update the +
-information in the ''network.lic'' file for the new license server. +
- +
-To locate the license subfolder, start MATLAB and run the MATLAB command +
-''matlabroot''. MATLAB will return the location where MATLAB has been installed. +
- +
-  * For example (Windows 7 - 64bit): +
- +
-<code=text> +
->> matlabroot +
- +
-ans = +
-C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015a +
-</code> +
- +
-  * For example (Linux) +
-<code=text> +
->> matlabroot +
- +
-ans = +
-/usr/local/MATLAB/R2015a +
- +
-</code> +
- +
-  * For Mac OS X: +
- +
-License files are stored inside the MATLAB application package. Right click, +
-CTRL-click, or two-finger click on the MATLAB icon in your Applications folder +
-and select "Show Package Contents." In the folder that opens up, open the +
-''licenses'' subfolder to see your license files. +
- +
-  * For Windows and Linux users:  +
-Navigate to the location provided by ''matlabroot'', open the licenses subfolder to see your license files. +
-  * For all users: 
-Edit the file ''network.lic'' with a text editor and replace the server name which could be ''silver'' or '''' with ''''. Save your changes. 
-Your license file should be like the following: 
-SERVER 000102030405 1726 
-//**Note:**// When you edit your ''network.lic'' file, be sure to use a text editor and not 
-a word processor. Anything other than a text editor may insert extra characters 
-that could cause MATLAB not to start. 
software/matlab/start.1536155321.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/05 09:48 by paulg

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