
This is an old revision of the document!

Wiki Access Control

In order to understand how to control access to your Wiki site, you need to understand DokuWiki authentication and access control.

The following groups come preconfigured with our DokuWiki installation:

cseAny user who has a CSE system account is in the cse group.
wikiAny user that you create locally on your wiki is in the wiki group.
ALLThis group includes all users on your wiki - those in the cse group, wiki group, and even those who haven't logged in.

By default, any user in the world has the ability to view all the content in your Wiki. Administrators have access to edit content. If you are satisfied with this setup, you don't need to change a thing.

If you need to restrict content on your site, you will be able to restrict content to groups that you create. These groups can include system groups (eg. tech, faculty, ugrad), class lists, or even other wiki groups.

ALL cse users are automatically registered with your Wiki and have the ability to login. What they will see when they login differs based on how you setup the Access Control List.

Adding Custom Groups

Access Control Lists

DokuWiki has been configured to In order to allow/disallow users on your site, you DokuWiki has

  • authentication of CSE users
  • built-in “cse” group for cse users, and “wiki” group for plaintext users
  • “users” group is the default group added when no group is specified on adding an account
  • groups can contain CSE users, system groups, or distribution lists
    • include:system:group
    • include:dist:session:term:course
    • include:wiki:name
wiki/acl.1187121158.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/08/16 12:37 (external edit)

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