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Table of Contents

Box Plugin

This plugin brings boxes to DokuWiki, allowing you to highlight particularly important parts of your wiki. The plugin comes with the ability to make ordinary square boxes, boxes with rounded corners, boxes with titles and boxes of varying widths and colours.


 <box <width> <classes> | <title>>contents</box|<caption>>
classes round, blue, red, green, orange, left, right
width any legal CSS length value
title displayed as title above box contents (can include dokuwiki markup)
caption displayed as caption below contents (without dokuwiki markup)


  • width and classes can be specified in any order.
  • If no classes are specified, a square cornered box with light blue colour scheme will be used.
  • The opening <box … > including the title must all appear on one line. The box contents can appear over as many lines as are needed.


A simple default box:

<box>the box contents</box>
the box contents

Some more complex boxes:

<box 80% round orange|My Title>The Box Contents</box>

My Title

The Box Contents
<box 50% left red|My Title>The Box Contents</box|My Caption>

My Title

The Box Contents

My Caption

wiki/plugins/box.1187121131.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/12/06 15:38 (external edit)