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tensorflow2 [2017/03/22 22:14] – created hjtensorflow2 [2017/03/22 22:20] hj
Line 1: Line 1:
   - Append the following lines in your ".cshrc" file:   - Append the following lines in your ".cshrc" file:
-//setenv CUDA_HOME /eecs/local/pkg/cuda-8.0.44 +setenv CUDA_HOME /eecs/local/pkg/cuda-8.0.44  \\ 
-setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /eecs/local/pkg/cuda-8.0.44/lib64:/eecs/local/pkg/cuda-8.0.44/extras/CUPTI/lib64 +setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /eecs/local/pkg/cuda8.0.44/lib64:/eecs/local\\/pkg/cuda8.0.44/extras/CUPTI/lib64  \\ 
-setenv PATH /eecs/research/asr/chao/anaconda/bin:${PATH} +setenv PATH /eecs/research/asr/chao/anaconda/bin:${PATH} \\ 
-setenv NLTK_DATA /eecs/research/asr/chao/nltk_data//+setenv NLTK_DATA /eecs/research/asr/chao/nltk_data   \\ 
   - Login to any server using your own user name and password.   - Login to any server using your own user name and password.
tensorflow2.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/22 22:21 by hj

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