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3D Flic Press

Main 3D Flic Project

3D FLIC brings a uniquely interdisciplinary team to tackle the challenges involved in improving 3-D entertainment technology. Teams of filmmakers at York, led by Professor Ali Kazimi (right) in the Department of Film, Faculty of Fine Arts, will work with an array of film industry partners and the Canadian Film Centre to develop 3-D scenes and films. Vision researchers and psychologists in York's internationally-recognized Centre for Vision Research, led by Professors Rob Allison in the Faculty of Science & Engineering's Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Laurie Wilcox in the Faculty of Health's Department of Psychology, will then use this material to conduct tests exploring how humans perceive and process the images, which the filmmaking teams will use to refine their films. This interdisciplinary cycle of research promises to develop practical solutions that will create better post-production technologies and processes for 3-D film production, which will benefit the film industry as a whole. (from the press release)

National Post


OMDC Backgrounder

3D Flic Press Release

picked up by:

  • Toronto Star (Feb 23, 2010)

Mention in Rogers story

Launch press release

picked up by:

EYE weekly education supplement

Discovery News

Toronto Star on TIFF panel

Torontoist blog

Rob Burton and Ali Kazimi on Lovebirds in Hollywood Reporter

Doc film makers workshop

York U Magazine page 18-20

Photo in article about convergence center

Y-File on Inna Tsirlin

Inna Tsirlin TVBEurope

Globe and Mail on Lovebirds

Dagens Naeringsliv (The Norwegian Business Daily) article on 3D Film featuring 3DFlic, April 21, 2011

New Media Initiative

projects/3dflic/3dflicpress.1304446803.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/05/03 18:20 by allison

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