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publications [2020/09/29 15:54] allisonpublications [2024/03/10 17:20] – [FULLY REFEREED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS] rallison
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-      * Allison, R., Fujii, Y., & Wilcox, L. M. (in press). Effects of motion picture frame rate on material and texture appearance. //IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting//.  + 
-      * Zhao, J., & Allison, R. S. (in press). The Role of Binocular Vision in Avoiding Virtual Obstacles While Walking. //IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics//. [[ |doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2020.2969181 ]]  +      * Palmisano, S., Stephenson, L., Davies, R. G., Kim, J., & Allison, R. S. (2024). Testing ‘differences in virtual and physical head pose’ and ‘subjective vertical conflict’ accounts of cybersickness. //Virtual Reality//, 28(22), 22.1– 22.28. [[ |doi: 10.1007/s10055- 023-00909-6 ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:10055_2023_909_fig10_html.png?400}}]] 
-      * Hartle, B., Sudhama, A., Deas, L. M., Allison, R. S., Irving, E. L., Glaholt, M., & Wilcox, L. M. (2020). Contributions of stereopsis and aviation experience to simulated rotary wing altitude estimation. //Human Factors : The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society//, 62(5), 812–824.  [[ |doi: 10.1177/0018720819853479 ]] \\ [[  |{{:public_images:drdc.png?240}}]]+      * Palmisano, S., Allison, R. S., Davies, R. G., Wagner, P., & Kim, J. (2023). Effects of constant and time-varying display lag on DVP and cybersickness when making head-movements in virtual reality. //International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction//. [[ |doi: 10.1080/10447318.2023.2291613 ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:hihc_a_2291613_f0007_c.jpg?400}}]] 
 +      * Bury, N., Jenkin, M. R. M., Allison, R. S., Herpers, R., & Harris, L. R. (2023). Vection underwater illustrates the limitations of neutral buoyancy as a microgravity analog. //NPJ Microgravity//, 9, 42.1–42.10. [[ |doi: 10.1038/s41526-023-00282-3 ]]\\ [[ |{{:public_images:41526_2023_282_fig1_html.png?300}}]] 
 +      * Lee, A. R. I., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2023). Perceiving depth and mo- tion in depth from successive occlusion. //Journal of Vision//, 23(12), Article 2. [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.23.12.2 ]]\\ [[ |{{:public_images:stacking.gif}}]] 
 +      * Palmisano, S., Allison, R. S., Teixeira, J., & Kim, J. (2023). Differences in virtual and physical head orientation predict sickness during active head-mounted display-based virtual reality. //Virtual Reality//, 27(2), 1293–1313. [[ |doi: 10.1007/s10055- 022-00732-5 ]]. [[ |link ]]\\ [[ |{{:public_images:10055_2022_732_fig1_html.png?220}}]] 
 +      * Hartle, B., Sudhama-Joseph, A., Irving, E. L., Allison, R. S., Glaholt, M., & Wilcox, L. M. (2022). Shape judgements in natural scenes: Convexity biases vs. stereopsis. //Journal of Vision//, 22(8), 6.1–6.13. [[|doi: 10.1167/jov.22.8.6 ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:i1534-7362-22-8-6-f1_1657865475.87079.png?300}}]] 
 +      * Tong, J., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2022). The impacts of lens and stereo camera separation on perceived slant in Virtual Reality head-mounted displays. //IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics//, 28(11), 3759–3766. [[ |doi: 
 +10.1109/TVCG.2022.3203098 ]]\\ [[ |{{:public_images:tvcg-tong-3203098-fig-2-source-large.gif?220}}]] 
 +      * Allison, R. S., Johnston, J. M., & Wooster, M. (2021). Sensors for Fire and Smoke Monitoring. //Sensors//, 21(16), 5402.1–5402.3. [[ 
 +|doi: 10.3390/s21165402 ]]\\ [[ |{{:public_images:small_sensors_for_fire.png?70}}]] 
 +      * Mohona, S., Wilcox, L. M., and Allison, R. S. (2021). Subjective assessment of display stream compression for stereoscopic imagery. //Journal of the Society for Information Display//, 29(8):591– 607. [[ | doi: 10.1002/jsid.1002 ]] \\ [[|{{:public_images:jsid1002.png?220}}]] 
 +      * Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2021). [[ |Stereoscopic depth constancy from a different direction]]. //Vision Research//. 178, 70–78. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2020.10.003 ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:fig_2c_direction_relative_disparity_z_direction_no_title.png?220}}]] 
 +      * Allison, R., Fujii, Y., & Wilcox, L. M. (2021). [[ |Effects of motion picture frame rate on material and texture appearance]]. //IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting//67(2):360-371 [[ |doi:10.1109/TBC.2020.3028276 ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:2k_60_180_a1_w2_000215.png?220}}]] 
 +      * Zhao, J., & Allison, R. S. (2021). [[ |The Role of Binocular Vision in Avoiding Virtual Obstacles While Walking]]. //IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics//. 27(7): 3277 - 3288. [[ |doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2020.2969181 ]] \\ [[  |{{:public_images:untitled_2.png?220}}]] 
 +      * Palmisano, S., Allison, R. S., & Kim, J. (2020). [[| Cybersickness in Head-Mounted Displays is Caused by Differences in the User’s Virtual and Physical Head Pose]]. //Frontiers in Virtual Reality//, 1, Article 587698. [[ |doi: 10.3389/frvir.2020.587698 ]] \\ [[  |{{:public_images:author_s_proof_sap_final.jpg?220}}]] 
 +      * Bury, N., Jenkin, M., Allison, R. S., & Harris, L. R. (2020). [[| Perceiving self-motion in a field of jittering lollipops from ages 4 to 95]]. //Plos ONE//, 15(10), e0241087. [[ |doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0241087 ]] \\ [[  |{{:public_images:journal.pone.0241087.g002.png?260}}]] 
 +      * Hartle, B., Sudhama, A., Deas, L. M., Allison, R. S., Irving, E. L., Glaholt, M., & Wilcox, L. M. (2020). [[ |Contributions of stereopsis and aviation experience to simulated rotary wing altitude estimation]]. //Human Factors : The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society//, 62(5), 812–824.  [[ |doi: 10.1177/0018720819853479 ]] \\ [[  |{{:public_images:drdc.png?280}}]]
   * Palmisano, S., Nakamura, S., Allison, R. S., & Riecke, B. (2020). [[ | The Stereoscopic Advantage for Vection Persists Despite Reversed Disparity]]. //Attention, Perception and Psychophysics//. 82, 2098–2118. [[ |doi: 10.3758/s13414- 019-01886-2 ]]  \\ [[  |{{:public_images:13414_2019_1886_fig6_html.png?320}}]]    * Palmisano, S., Nakamura, S., Allison, R. S., & Riecke, B. (2020). [[ | The Stereoscopic Advantage for Vection Persists Despite Reversed Disparity]]. //Attention, Perception and Psychophysics//. 82, 2098–2118. [[ |doi: 10.3758/s13414- 019-01886-2 ]]  \\ [[  |{{:public_images:13414_2019_1886_fig6_html.png?320}}]] 
-  * Zhao, J., & Allison, R. S. Zhao, J., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Comparing Head Gesture, Hand Gesture and Gamepad Interfaces for Answering Yes/No Questions in Virtual Environments. //Virtual Reality//, 24(515-524). [[ |doi: 10.1007/s10055- 019-00416-7 ]]. [[ |link ]] \\ [[  |{{:public_images:10055_2019_416_fig3_html.png?160}}]]  +  * Zhao, J., & Allison, R. S. Zhao, J., & Allison, R. S. (2020). [[ |Comparing Head Gesture, Hand Gesture and Gamepad Interfaces for Answering Yes/No Questions in Virtual Environments]]. //Virtual Reality//, 24(515-524). [[ |doi: 10.1007/s10055- 019-00416-7 ]]. [[ |link ]] \\ [[  |{{:public_images:10055_2019_416_fig3_html.png?160}}]]  
-  * Cutone, M., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). The impact of retinal motion on stereoacuity for physical targets. //Vision Research//. 161, 43–51. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2019.06.003 ]] \\ [[  |{{:public_images:matthew_msc.png?160}}]]+  * Cutone, M., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). [[ | The impact of retinal motion on stereoacuity for physical targets]]. //Vision Research//. 161, 43–51. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2019.06.003 ]] \\ [[  |{{:public_images:matthew_msc.png?160}}]]
   * Fujii, Y., Kio, O. G., Au, D., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2019). [[ |Effects of Frame Rate on Vection and Postural Sway]]. //Displays//, 58, 33–43. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.displa.2019.03.002 ]]. [[ |link ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:vection_stim.png?180}}]]   * Fujii, Y., Kio, O. G., Au, D., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2019). [[ |Effects of Frame Rate on Vection and Postural Sway]]. //Displays//, 58, 33–43. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.displa.2019.03.002 ]]. [[ |link ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:vection_stim.png?180}}]]
-  * Guterman, P., & Allison, R. S. (2019b). Higher-order cognitive processes moderate body tilt effects in vection. //Displays//, 58, 44–55. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.displa.2019.03.004 ]]. [[ |link ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:fig3.jpg?160}}]] +  * Guterman, P., & Allison, R. S. (2019b). [[ | Higher-order cognitive processes moderate body tilt effects in vection]]. //Displays//, 58, 44–55. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.displa.2019.03.004 ]]. [[ |link ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:fig3.jpg?160}}]] 
-  * Guterman, P. S. & Allison, R. S. (2019). The A-effect and global motion. //Vision//, 3(2), Article 13. [[ |doi: 10.3390/vision3020013 ]]. [[ |link ]]\\ [[ |{{:public_images:pearl_a-effect.jpg?160}}]] +  * Guterman, P. S. & Allison, R. S. (2019). [[ | The A-effect and global motion]]. //Vision//, 3(2), Article 13. [[ |doi: 10.3390/vision3020013 ]]. [[ |link ]]\\ [[ |{{:public_images:pearl_a-effect.jpg?160}}]] 
-  * Smith, C., Allison, R. S., Wilkinson, F., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). Monovision: Consequences for depth perception from large disparities. //Experimental Eye Research//, 183, 62–67. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2018.09.005 ]]. [[ |link ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:monovision.png?160}}]] +  * Smith, C., Allison, R. S., Wilkinson, F., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). [[ | Monovision: Consequences for depth perception from large disparities]]. //Experimental Eye Research//, 183, 62–67. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2018.09.005 ]]. [[ |link ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:monovision.png?160}}]] 
-  * Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). Radial distortions in VR displays impact the perception of surface slant. 63(6), 60409.1 – 60409.11.//Journal of Imaging Science and Technology//. [[ |doi: 10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2019.63.6.060409 ]] \\ [[|{{:public_images:jist0738f4_online.png?160}}]]+  * Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). [[ |Radial distortions in VR displays impact the perception of surface slant]]. 63(6), 60409.1 – 60409.11.//Journal of Imaging Science and Technology//. [[ |doi: 10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2019.63.6.060409 ]] \\ [[|{{:public_images:jist0738f4_online.png?160}}]]
   * Allison, R. S., Brunnström, K., Chandler, D. M., Colett, H., Corriveau, P., Daly, S., … Zhang, Y. (2018). Perspectives on the definition of visually lossless for mobile and large format displays. //Journal of Electronic Imaging//, 27(5), 053035. [[ |doi: 10.1117/1.JEI.27.5.053035 ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:jei_27_5_053035_f013.png?180}}]]   * Allison, R. S., Brunnström, K., Chandler, D. M., Colett, H., Corriveau, P., Daly, S., … Zhang, Y. (2018). Perspectives on the definition of visually lossless for mobile and large format displays. //Journal of Electronic Imaging//, 27(5), 053035. [[ |doi: 10.1117/1.JEI.27.5.053035 ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:jei_27_5_053035_f013.png?180}}]]
-  * Fujii, Y., Seno, T., & Allison, R. S. (2018). Smoothness of stimulus motion can affect vection strength. //Experimental Brain Research//, 236(1), 243–252. [[ |doi: 10.1007/s00221-017-5122-1 ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:50.jpg?100}}]] +  * Fujii, Y., Seno, T., & Allison, R. S. (2018). [[ | Smoothness of stimulus motion can affect vection strength]]. //Experimental Brain Research//, 236(1), 243–252. [[ |doi: 10.1007/s00221-017-5122-1 ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:50.jpg?100}}]] 
-  * Kirollos, R., Allison, R. S., & Palmisano, S. A. (2017). Cortical Correlates of the Simulated Viewpoint Oscillation Advantage for Vection. //Multisensory Research//, 30(7-8), 739–761. [[ |doi: 10.1163/22134808-00002593 ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:ramy.gif?150}}]] +  * Kirollos, R., Allison, R. S., & Palmisano, S. A. (2017). [[ | Cortical Correlates of the Simulated Viewpoint Oscillation Advantage for Vection]]. //Multisensory Research//, 30(7-8), 739–761. [[ |doi: 10.1163/22134808-00002593 ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:ramy.gif?150}}]] 
-  * Vinnikov, M., Allison, R. S., & Fernandes, S. (2017). Gaze-contingent Auditory Displays for Improved Spatial Attention. //ACM TOCHI//, 24(3), 19.1-19.38. [[ |]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:audio_gcd.jpg?300}}]] +  * Vinnikov, M., Allison, R. S., & Fernandes, S. (2017). [[ | Gaze-contingent Auditory Displays for Improved Spatial Attention]]. //ACM TOCHI//, 24(3), 19.1-19.38. [[ |]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:audio_gcd.jpg?300}}]] 
-  * Ritvo, S. E. & Allison, R. S. (2017). Designing for the exceptional user: Nonhuman animal-computer interaction (ACI). //Computers in Human Behavior//, 70, 222–233. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.12.062 ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:1-s2.0-s0747563216308913-egi1088m6xntpj.jpg?200}}]] +  * Ritvo, S. E. & Allison, R. S. (2017). [[ | Designing for the exceptional user: Nonhuman animal-computer interaction (ACI)]]. //Computers in Human Behavior//, 70, 222–233. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.12.062 ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:1-s2.0-s0747563216308913-egi1088m6xntpj.jpg?200}}]] 
-  * Allison, R. S., Wilcox, L. M., Anthony, R. C., Helliker, J., & Dunk, A. (2016). Expert Viewers’ Preferences for Higher Frame Rate 3D Film. //Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (Also presented at IS&T Stereoscopic Displays and Applications)//, 60(6), 60402.1–60402.9. [[ | ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:jist0259f2_online.gif?150}}]]+  * Allison, R. S., Wilcox, L. M., Anthony, R. C., Helliker, J., & Dunk, A. (2016). [[ | Expert Viewers’ Preferences for Higher Frame Rate 3D Film]]. //Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (Also presented at IS&T Stereoscopic Displays and Applications)//, 60(6), 60402.1–60402.9. [[ | ]] \\ [[ |{{:public_images:jist0259f2_online.gif?150}}]]
   * Allison, R. S., Johnston, J. M., Craig, G., & Jennings, S. (2016). Airborne optical and thermal remote sensing for wildfire detection and monitoring. //Sensors//, 16(8), 1310. [[ |doi: 10.3390/s16081310 ]]\\ [[|{{:public_images:sensors-16-01310-ag.png?200}}]]   * Allison, R. S., Johnston, J. M., Craig, G., & Jennings, S. (2016). Airborne optical and thermal remote sensing for wildfire detection and monitoring. //Sensors//, 16(8), 1310. [[ |doi: 10.3390/s16081310 ]]\\ [[|{{:public_images:sensors-16-01310-ag.png?200}}]]
-  * Tsirlin, I., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2016). Size matters: Perceived depth magnitude varies with stimulus height. //Vision Research//, 123, 41–45. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2016.04.006 ]]\\ [[|{{:public_images:1-s2.0-s0042698916300244-gr1.jpg?250}}]]+  * Tsirlin, I., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2016). [[ | Size matters: Perceived depth magnitude varies with stimulus height]]. //Vision Research//, 123, 41–45. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2016.04.006 ]]\\ [[|{{:public_images:1-s2.0-s0042698916300244-gr1.jpg?250}}]]
   * Palmisano, S. A., Hill, H., & Allison, R. S. (2016). The nature and timing of pseudoscopic experiences. //i-Perception//, 7(1), 2041669515625793. [[ |doi: 10.1177/2041669515625793 ]]. [[ |link ]]\\ [[|{{:public_images:f1.medium.gif?200}}]]   * Palmisano, S. A., Hill, H., & Allison, R. S. (2016). The nature and timing of pseudoscopic experiences. //i-Perception//, 7(1), 2041669515625793. [[ |doi: 10.1177/2041669515625793 ]]. [[ |link ]]\\ [[|{{:public_images:f1.medium.gif?200}}]]
   * Suryakumar, R. & Allison, R. (2016). [[ | Accommodation and pupil responses to random-dot stereograms.]]  //Journal of Optometry//, 9(1), 40–46. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.optom.2015.03.002 ]]. [[ |link ]] \\ [[|{{:public_images:pupil.jpg?400}}]]   * Suryakumar, R. & Allison, R. (2016). [[ | Accommodation and pupil responses to random-dot stereograms.]]  //Journal of Optometry//, 9(1), 40–46. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.optom.2015.03.002 ]]. [[ |link ]] \\ [[|{{:public_images:pupil.jpg?400}}]]
-  * Vinnikov, M., Allison, R. S., & Fernandes, S. (2016). [[ | Impact of Depth of Field Simulation on Visual Fatigue: Who are Impacted? and How?]] //International Journal of Human- Computer Studies//, 91, 37–51. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2016.03.001 ]]. \\ [[|{{:vinnikov2016blur.gif|}}]]+  * Vinnikov, M., Allison, R. S., & Fernandes, S. (2016). [[ | Impact of Depth of Field Simulation on Visual Fatigue: Who are Impacted? and How?]] //International Journal of Human- Computer Studies//, 91, 37–51. [[ |doi: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2016.03.001 ]]. \\ [[|{{:public_images:vinnikov2016blur.gif|}}]]
   * Wilcox, L., Allison, R. S., Helliker, J., Dunk, A., & Anthony, R. (2015). [[ |Evidence that viewers prefer higher frame rate film]]. //ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP)//, 12(14), Article 15. [[ |doi: 10.1145/2810039 ]] [[   * Wilcox, L., Allison, R. S., Helliker, J., Dunk, A., & Anthony, R. (2015). [[ |Evidence that viewers prefer higher frame rate film]]. //ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP)//, 12(14), Article 15. [[ |doi: 10.1145/2810039 ]] [[
 |link to authorizer version]] \\ [[|{{:public_images:figure_1_motion_blur.jpg?200}}]] |link to authorizer version]] \\ [[|{{:public_images:figure_1_motion_blur.jpg?200}}]]
-  * Allison, R. S. & Wilcox, L. M. (2015). [[  |Perceptual tolerance to stereoscopic 3D image distortion]]. //ACM Transactions on Applied Perception//, 12(3), [[ |doi: 10.1145/2770875 ]] [[  * Allison, R. S. & Wilcox, L. M. (2015). [[  |Perceptual tolerance to stereoscopic 3D image distortion]]. //ACM Transactions on Applied Perception//, 12(3), [[ |doi: 10.1145/2770875 ]] [[
 |link to authorizer version]] \\ [[ |link to authorizer version]] \\ [[
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   * Allison, R. S., Ash, A., & Palmisano, S. A. (2014). [[ | Binocular contributions to linear vection]]. //Journal of Vision//. 4(12): Article 5; [[ |doi:10.1167/14.12.5 ]]\\ [[|{{:public_images:jov-04180-2014-icon.gif}}]]   * Allison, R. S., Ash, A., & Palmisano, S. A. (2014). [[ | Binocular contributions to linear vection]]. //Journal of Vision//. 4(12): Article 5; [[ |doi:10.1167/14.12.5 ]]\\ [[|{{:public_images:jov-04180-2014-icon.gif}}]]
   * Sakano, Y. & Allison, R. S.. (2014). [[ |Aftereffect of motion-in-depth based on binocular cues: effects of adaptation duration, interocular correlation and temporal correlation.]] //Journal of Vision//, 14(8), article 21, 1–14. [[ |doi: 10.1167/14.8.21 ]]\\ [[|{{:public_images:icon.gif}}]]   * Sakano, Y. & Allison, R. S.. (2014). [[ |Aftereffect of motion-in-depth based on binocular cues: effects of adaptation duration, interocular correlation and temporal correlation.]] //Journal of Vision//, 14(8), article 21, 1–14. [[ |doi: 10.1167/14.8.21 ]]\\ [[|{{:public_images:icon.gif}}]]
-  * Stransky, D., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2014). [[ | Effects of long-term exposure on sensitivity and comfort with stereoscopic displays.]] //ACM Transactions on Applied Perception//, 11(1), Article 2, 1–14. [[ |doi: 10.1145/2536810 ]] [[|link to authorizer version]]+  * Stransky, D., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2014). [[ | Effects of long-term exposure on sensitivity and comfort with stereoscopic displays.]] //ACM Transactions on Applied Perception//, 11(1), Article 2, 1–14. [[ |doi: 10.1145/2536810 ]] [[|link to authorizer version]]\\ [[|{{:public_images:debi_stim.png?200}}]]
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-    FlaglerT., Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (in press). Validity Testing the NeuLog Galvanic Skin Response Device. In //IEEE SMC 2020//.  +  MohonaS., Au, D., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2023). The Subjective Quality of Stereoscopic 3D Video Following Display Stream Compression. In //IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing// (pp. 1–6). [[ |doi: 10.1109/MMSP59012.2023.10337720 ]] 
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-    * Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (in press). Optical distortions in VR bias the perceived slant of moving surfaces. In //IEEE ISMAR 2020//.  +  * Wagner, P., Kim, J., Allison, R. S., & Palmisano, S. (2023). Quantifying display lag and its effects during Head-Mounted Display based Virtual Reality. In //SA ’23: SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Posters// (Vol. Article 29, pp. 1–3). [[ |doi: 10.1145/3610542.3626139 ]] 
- +  * Abadi, R., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2023). Recreating the Water-Level Task in Augmented Reality. In //ICMI ’23: 25th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction// (pp. 622–630). [[ |doi: 10.1145/3577190.3614107 ]] 
- +  * Gregor, A., Allison, R. S., & Heffner, K. (2023). Exploring the Impact of Immersion on Situational Awareness and Trust in Remotely Monitored Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships. In //IEEE OCEANS Conference//(pp1–10). [[ |doi: 10.1109/OCEANSLimerick52467.2023.10244249 ]] 
-    * Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Effect of a Constant Camera Rotation on the Visibility of Transsaccadic Camera Shifts. In //ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications// (Article No. 14, 1–8). [[ |doi: 10.1145/3379155.3391318 ]]  +  TengX., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2023). Manipulation of Motion Parallax Gain Distorts Perceived Distance and Object Depth in Virtual Reality. In //Proceedings IEEE Virtual Reality 2023// (pp398–408). [[ |doi: 10.1109/VR55154.2023.00055]] 
-    * Mohona, S., Au, D., Kio, O. G., Robinson, R., Hou, Y., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Subjective Assessment of Stereoscopic Image Quality: The Impact of Visually Lossless Compression. In //QoMEX International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience// (pp. 1–6). [[|doi: 10.1109/QoMEX48832.2020.9123129. ]] +  * Mohona, S. S., Au, D., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2022). 75-2: The Effect of Chromatic Aberration Correction on Visually Lossless Compression. In //SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers// (Vol. 53, pp. 1013–1016). 
 +  * Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2021). Subjective Quality Assessment of VESA Display Stream Compression Codecs. In //21st International Meeting on Information Display, IMID 2021 Digest// (p. 29). Seoul, Korea. [[ |link ]] 
 +  * Au, D., Mohona, S. S., Hou, Y., Kio, O. G., Goel, J., Jacobson, N., . . . Wilcox, L. M. (2021). Sensitivity of VESA Display Stream Compression Codecs to Chromatic Aberration. In //21st International Meeting on Information Display, IMID 2021 Digest// (p. 32). Seoul. Korea. 
 +  * Hosale, M. D., Allison, R. S., Madsen, J., & Gordon, M. (2021). ArtScience and the ICECUBE LED Display. In //Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia// (pp. 3720–3727). [[ |doi: 10.1145/3474085.3475524 ]] 
 +  * Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2020). [[ | Optical distortions in VR bias the perceived slant of moving surfaces]]. In //IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR),// (pp. 73–79).[[ |link ]] 
 +  * Flagler, T., Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2020). Validity Testing the NeuLog Galvanic Skin Response Device. In //2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)// (pp3964–3968). [[ |link ]] 
 +  * Kuo, C., & Allison, R. S. (2020b). Motion matters: Comparing presence induced by two locomotion interfaces using decision-making tasks in virtual reality. In //2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) // (pp. 3283–3290). [[ |link ]] 
 +  * Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Effect of a Constant Camera Rotation on the Visibility of Transsaccadic Camera Shifts. In //ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications// (Article No. 14, 1–8). [[ |doi: 10.1145/3379155.3391318 ]]  
 +  * Mohona, S., Au, D., Kio, O. G., Robinson, R., Hou, Y., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Subjective Assessment of Stereoscopic Image Quality: The Impact of Visually Lossless Compression. In //QoMEX International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience// (pp. 1–6). [[ |doi: 10.1109/QoMEX48832.2020.9123129. ]] 
   * Au, D., Mohona, S., Cutone, M. D., Hou, Y., Goel, J., Jacobson, N., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). 3-4: Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment. In //SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers// (Vol. 50, 1, pp. 13–16). [[ |doi: 10.1002/sdtp.12843 ]]    * Au, D., Mohona, S., Cutone, M. D., Hou, Y., Goel, J., Jacobson, N., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). 3-4: Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment. In //SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers// (Vol. 50, 1, pp. 13–16). [[ |doi: 10.1002/sdtp.12843 ]] 
   * Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. S. (2019a). Transsaccadic Awareness of Scene Transformations in a 3D Virtual Environment. In //ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP ’19), September 19–20, 2019, Barcelona, Spain// (Article 19, 1–9). [[| doi:10.1145/3343036.3343121]]   * Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. S. (2019a). Transsaccadic Awareness of Scene Transformations in a 3D Virtual Environment. In //ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP ’19), September 19–20, 2019, Barcelona, Spain// (Article 19, 1–9). [[| doi:10.1145/3343036.3343121]]
   * Zhao, J., Allison, R. S., Vinnikov, M., & Jennings, S. (2018, October). The Effects of Visual and Control Latency on Piloting a Quadcopter Using a Head-Mounted Display. In //2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)// (pp. 2972–2979). [[ |doi: 10.1109/SMC.2018.00505 ]] [[ | link ]]   * Zhao, J., Allison, R. S., Vinnikov, M., & Jennings, S. (2018, October). The Effects of Visual and Control Latency on Piloting a Quadcopter Using a Head-Mounted Display. In //2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)// (pp. 2972–2979). [[ |doi: 10.1109/SMC.2018.00505 ]] [[ | link ]]
   * Cutone, M. D., Dalecki, M., Goel, J., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2018). P-31: A Statistical Paradigm for Assessment of Subjective Image Quality Results. In //SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers// (Vol. 49, 1, pp. 1312–1314). [[ |doi: 10.1002/sdtp.12154 ]]   * Cutone, M. D., Dalecki, M., Goel, J., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2018). P-31: A Statistical Paradigm for Assessment of Subjective Image Quality Results. In //SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers// (Vol. 49, 1, pp. 1312–1314). [[ |doi: 10.1002/sdtp.12154 ]]
-  * Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. S. (2018). Sensitivity to Natural 3D Image Transformations During Eye Movements. In //Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications// (64:1–64:5). ETRA ’18. [[ |doi: 10.1145/3204493.3204583 ]]. [[ |link ]]+  * Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. S. (2018). [[| Sensitivity to Natural 3D Image Transformations During Eye Movements]]. In //Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications// (64:1–64:5). ETRA ’18. [[ |doi: 10.1145/3204493.3204583 ]]. [[ |link ]]
   * Sudhama, A., Cutone, M. D., Hou, Y., Goel, J., Stolitzka, D., Jacobson, N., … Wilcox, L. M. (2018). 85-1: Visually Lossless Compression of High Dynamic Range Images: A Large-Scale Evaluation. In //SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers// (Vol. 49, 1, pp. 1151–1154). [[ |doi: 10.1002/sdtp.12106 ]]   * Sudhama, A., Cutone, M. D., Hou, Y., Goel, J., Stolitzka, D., Jacobson, N., … Wilcox, L. M. (2018). 85-1: Visually Lossless Compression of High Dynamic Range Images: A Large-Scale Evaluation. In //SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers// (Vol. 49, 1, pp. 1151–1154). [[ |doi: 10.1002/sdtp.12106 ]]
   * Zhao, J., & Allison, R. S. (2018). Learning Gait Parameters for Locomotion in Virtual Reality Systems. In H. Wannous, P. Pala, M. Daoudi, & F. Flórez-Revuelta (Eds.), //Understanding Human Activities Through 3D Sensors. UHA3DS 2016.// (Vol. 10188, pp. 59–73). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. [[ |doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-91863-1_5 ]]   * Zhao, J., & Allison, R. S. (2018). Learning Gait Parameters for Locomotion in Virtual Reality Systems. In H. Wannous, P. Pala, M. Daoudi, & F. Flórez-Revuelta (Eds.), //Understanding Human Activities Through 3D Sensors. UHA3DS 2016.// (Vol. 10188, pp. 59–73). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. [[ |doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-91863-1_5 ]]
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  === Refereed ===         === Refereed ===       
 +      * Au, D., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2023). Conflicting ordinal depth information interferes with visually-guided reaching. //Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts)// (Vol. 23, p. 5154). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.23.9.5154 ]]
 +      * Bury, N.-A., Harris, L. R., Jenkin, M., Allison, R. S., Frett, T., Felsner, S., ... Herpers, R. (2023). The Illusion of Tilt: Does Your Sex Define Your Perception of Upright? In //International Multisensory Research Forum// (p. 171).
 +      * Guo, H., & Allison, R. S. (2023). Vection does not facilitate flow parsing. In //Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts)// (Vol. 23, p. 4721). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.23.9.4721 ]]
 +      * Jorges, B., Bury, N., McManus, M., Bansal, A., Allison, R. S., Jenkin, M. R. M., & Harris, L. R. (2023). Precision and Bias in the Perception of Object Size in Microgravity. In //International Multisensory Research Forum// (p. 066).
 +      * Schellen, E., Ark, E., Jenkin, M., Allison, R., Bury, N., Herpers, R., & LR., H. (2023). The effect of postural orientation around the pitch axis on the haptic perception of vertical. In //International Multisensory Research Forum// (p. 093).
 +      * Teng, X., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2023a). Increasing motion parallax gain compresses space and 3D object shape. In //Journal of Vision, VSS Abstracts// (Vol. 23, p. 5015). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.23.9.5015 ]]
 +      * Teng, X., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2023). Increasing parallactic change compresses depth and perceived distance. In //Proceedings of the Scottish Vision Group Meeting//. [[ |link ]]
 +      * Bury, N., Harris, L. R., Jenkin, M. R. M., Allison, R. S., Felsner, S., & Herpers, R. (2022a). The Influence of Gravity on Perceived Travel Distance in Virtual Reality. In //TeaP 2022 (64th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologinnen; Conference of Experimental Psychologists)// (pp. 241–242). [[ stractBooklet.pdf |link ]]
 +      * Au, D., Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2022). The impact of conflicting ordinal and metric depth information on depth matching. In //Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts)// (Vol. 22, p. 3739). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.22.14.3739 ]]
 +      * Bansal, A. T., Jorges, B., Bury, N., McManus, M., Allison, R. S., Jenkin, M. R. M., & Harris, L. R. (2022). The perception of object size in micro-gravity. In //2022 Scientific Abstracts: The First Canadian Space Health Research Symposium// (p. 1).
 +      * Guo, H., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Effect of Binocular Disparity on Detecting Target Motion during Locomotion. In //Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts)// (Vol. 22, p. 3575). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.22.14.3575 ]]
 +      * Jorges, B., Bury, N., McManus, M., Bansal, A., Allison, R. S., Jenkin, M. R. M., & Harris, L. R. (2022). The perception of object size in micro-gravity. In //2022 Scientific Abstracts: The First Canadian Space Health Research Symposium// (p. 8).
 +      * Kio, G., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Effects of simulated and perceived motion on cognitive task performance. In //Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts)// (Vol. 22, p. 3627). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.22.14.3627 ]]
 +      * Kuo, C., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Locomotor decision-making altered by different walking interfaces in virtual reality. In //Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts)// (Vol. 22, p. 3826). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.22.14.3826 ]]
 +      * Teng, X., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Binocular cues to depth and distance enhance tolerance to visual and kinesthetic mismatch. In //Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts)// (Vol. 22, p. 3312). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.22.14.3312 ]]
 +      * Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2022). Stereoscopic distortions when viewing geometry does not match inter-pupillary distance. In //Journal of
 +Vision (VSS Abstracts)// (Vol. 22, p. 3564). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.22.14.3564 ]]
 +      * Tong, J., Wilcox, L., & Allison, R. (2022). Modeling the impacts of inter-display and inter-lens separation on perceived slant in Virtual Reality Head-mounted displays. In //MODVIS Workshop//. [[ |link ]]
 +      * Weinberg, S., Palmisano, S., Allison, R. S., & Cleworth, T. (2022). Nonlinear analysis of the effects of vision and postural threat on upright stance. In //International Society of Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR) World Congress 2022// (pp. 381–382).
 +      * Jorges, B., Bury, N., McManus, M., Allison, R. S., Jenkin, M., & Harris, L. R. (2021). Body posture affects the perception of visually simulated self-motion. In //Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Abstracts)// (Vol. 21, p. 2301). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.21.9.2301 ]]
 +      * Lee, A. R. I., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2021). Depth perception from successive occlusion. In //Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Abstracts)// (Vol. 21, p. 1963). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.21.9.1963 ]]
 +      * Palmisano, S., Allison, R. S., & Kim, J. (2021). Differences in virtual and physical head orientation predict sickness during head-mounted display based virtual reality. In //Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Ab- stracts)// (Vol. 21, p. 1966). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.21.9.1966 ]]
 +      * Teng, X., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2021). Interpretation of Depth from Scaled Motion Parallax in Virtual Reality. In //Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Abstracts)// (Vol. 21, p. 2035). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.21.9.2035 ]]
 +      * Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2021). The perception of average slant is biased in concave surfaces. In //Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Abstracts)// (Vol. 21, p. 2011). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.21.9.2011 ]]
 +      * Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2021). Subjective Quality Assessment of VESA Display Stream Compression Codecs. In //21st International Meeting on Information Display, IMID 2021 Digest// (p. 29). Seoul, Korea. [[ |link ]]
 +      * Au, D., Mohona, S. S., Hou, Y., Kio, O. G., Goel, J., Jacobson, N., ... Wilcox, L. M. (2021). Sensitivity of VESA Display Stream Compression Codecs to Chromatic Aberration. In //21st International Meeting on Information Display, IMID 2021 Digest// (p. 32). Seoul. Korea.
 +      * Cutone, M., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2020). The impact of motion gain on egocen- tric distance judgments from motion parallax. In //Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Abstracts)// (Vol. 20, 11, p. 1426). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.20.11.1426 ]]
 +      * Jorges, B., Bury, N., MacManus, M., Allison, R. S., Jenkin, M., & Harris, L. R. (2020). The perception of visually simulated self-motion is altered by body posture. In //3rd Interdisciplinary Navigation (iNAV2020) Symposium Proceedings// (p. 64). [[ ̇Blitz ̇Booklet ̇2020.pdf |link ]]
 +      * Kuo, C., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Locomotor decision-making altered by different walking interfaces in virtual reality. In //Vision Sciences Society Annual Conference (Accepted but not presented because of COVID pandemic cancellation)//.
 +      * Palmisano, S., Nakamura, S., Allison, R., & Riecke, B. (2020). Pseudoscopic vection: Reversing stereo continues to improve self-motion perception despite increased conflict. In //Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Abstracts)// (Vol. 20, 11, p. 339). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.20.11.339 ]]
 +      * Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2020). Modeling biases of perceived slant in curved surfaces. In //Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Abstracts)// (Vol. 20, 11, p. 561). [[ |doi: 10.1167/jov.20.11.561 ]]
       * Cutone, M., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Distance perception when real and virtual head motion do not match. In //Vestibular Oriented Research Meeting, Journal of Vestibular Research// (Vol. 30, p. 139). [[ |doi: 10.3233/VES-200699 ]]        * Cutone, M., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Distance perception when real and virtual head motion do not match. In //Vestibular Oriented Research Meeting, Journal of Vestibular Research// (Vol. 30, p. 139). [[ |doi: 10.3233/VES-200699 ]] 
       * Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Effects of simulated head motion and saccade direction on sensitivity to transsaccadic image motion. In //Vestibular Oriented Research Meeting, Journal of Vestibular Research// (Vol. 30, p. 142). [[ |doi: 10.3233/VES-200699 ]]        * Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Effects of simulated head motion and saccade direction on sensitivity to transsaccadic image motion. In //Vestibular Oriented Research Meeting, Journal of Vestibular Research// (Vol. 30, p. 142). [[ |doi: 10.3233/VES-200699 ]] 
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 === Other abstracts and proceedings === === Other abstracts and proceedings ===
 +  * Bury, N., Harris, L. R., Jenkin, M. R. M., Allison, R. S., Felsner, S., & Her- pers, R. (2023). The Effect of Gravity on Human Self-Motion Perception: Implications for Space Mission Safety and Training. In //Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress//.
 +  * Abadi, R., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Implementing The Water Level Task In Augmented Reality. In //From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022// (p. 47). [[ |doi: 10.25071/10315/39491 ]]
 +  * Au, D., Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2022b). Incompatible Occlusion And Binocular Disparity Cause Systematic Localization Errors In Augmented Reality. In //From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022// (p. 50). [[ |doi: 10.25071/10315/39491 ]]
 +  * Gregor, A., Allison, R. S., Kio, O. G., & Heffner, K. (2022). Exploring The Impact Of Immersion On Situational Awareness And Trust In Teleoperated Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship. In //From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre,York University, June 6-9, 2022// (p. 61). [[|doi: 10.25071/10315/39491 ]]
 +  * Guo, H., & Allison, R. S. (2022b). Effect Of Binocular Disparity On Flow Parsing. In //From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022// (p. 62). [[ |doi: 10.25071/10315/39491 ]]
 +  * Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Detectability Of Image Transformations During Eye And Head Movements. In //From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022// (p. 66). [[ |doi: 10.25071/10315/39491 ]]
 +  * Kio, O. G., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Simulated Motion In Virtual Environments Affects Cognitive Task Performance. In //From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022// (p. 68). [[ |doi: 10.25071/10315/39491 ]]
 +  * Mohona, S., Au, D., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Objective And Subjective Impact Of Chromatic Aberration Compensation On Compression Artifacts. In //From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022// (p. 77). [[ |doi: 10.25071/10315/39491 ]]
 +  * Teng, X., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Binocular Depth And Distance Cues Enhance Tolerance To Virtual Motion Gain. In //From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022// (p. 91). [[ |doi: 10.25071/10315/39491 ]]
 +  * Tong, J., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Stereoscopic Distortions When Viewing Geometry Does Not Match Inter-Pupillary Distance. In //From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022// (p. 92). [[ |doi: 10.25071/10315/39491 ]]
 +  * Bury, N.-A., Harris, L. R., Jenkin, M., Allison, R. S., Felsner, S., & Herpers, R. (2022). From Earth to Space: the Effect of Gravity and Sex on Self-Motion Perception. In //From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022// (p. 53).
 +  * Mohona, S. S., Au, D., Hou, Y., Kio, O. G., Goel, J., Jacobson, N., . . . Wilcox, L. M. (2021). Effects of Chromatic Aberration Compensation on Visibility of Compression Artifacts. In //CVR/VISTA Virtual Vision Futures Conference// (p. 48). Toronto, Canada. [[ content/uploads/sites/90/2021/06/VVF-program-updated.pdf |link ]]
   *  Au, D., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). Depth perception from monocular self-occlusions. In //Predictive Vision//. CVR Conference, June 10-13, 2019, Toronto, Canada.    *  Au, D., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). Depth perception from monocular self-occlusions. In //Predictive Vision//. CVR Conference, June 10-13, 2019, Toronto, Canada. 
   * Kio, O. G., Fujii, Y., Au, D., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2019). Effects of stereoscopic 3D movie parameters on vection and postural sway. In //Predictive Vision//. CVR Conference, June 10-13, 2019, Toronto, Canada.    * Kio, O. G., Fujii, Y., Au, D., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2019). Effects of stereoscopic 3D movie parameters on vection and postural sway. In //Predictive Vision//. CVR Conference, June 10-13, 2019, Toronto, Canada. 
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