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  • Mohona, S., Au, D., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2023). The Subjective Quality of Stereoscopic 3D Video Following Display Stream Compression. In IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (pp. 1–6). doi: 10.1109/MMSP59012.2023.10337720
  • Shodipe, O. E., & Allison, R. S. (2023). Modelling the relationship between the objective measures of car sickness. In 2023 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) (pp. 570–575). doi: 10.1109/CCECE58730.2023.1028900
  • Wagner, P., Kim, J., Allison, R. S., & Palmisano, S. (2023). Quantifying display lag and its effects during Head-Mounted Display based Virtual Reality. In SA ’23: SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Posters (Vol. Article 29, pp. 1–3). doi: 10.1145/3610542.3626139
  • Abadi, R., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2023). Recreating the Water-Level Task in Augmented Reality. In ICMI ’23: 25th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 622–630). doi: 10.1145/3577190.3614107
  • Gregor, A., Allison, R. S., & Heffner, K. (2023). Exploring the Impact of Immersion on Situational Awareness and Trust in Remotely Monitored Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships. In IEEE OCEANS Conference(pp. 1–10). doi: 10.1109/OCEANSLimerick52467.2023.10244249
  • Teng, X., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2023). Manipulation of Motion Parallax Gain Distorts Perceived Distance and Object Depth in Virtual Reality. In Proceedings IEEE Virtual Reality 2023 (pp. 398–408). doi: 10.1109/VR55154.2023.00055
  • Mohona, S. S., Au, D., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2022). 75-2: The Effect of Chromatic Aberration Correction on Visually Lossless Compression. In SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers (Vol. 53, pp. 1013–1016).
  • Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2021). Subjective Quality Assessment of VESA Display Stream Compression Codecs. In 21st International Meeting on Information Display, IMID 2021 Digest (p. 29). Seoul, Korea. link
  • Au, D., Mohona, S. S., Hou, Y., Kio, O. G., Goel, J., Jacobson, N., . . . Wilcox, L. M. (2021). Sensitivity of VESA Display Stream Compression Codecs to Chromatic Aberration. In 21st International Meeting on Information Display, IMID 2021 Digest (p. 32). Seoul. Korea.
  • Hosale, M. D., Allison, R. S., Madsen, J., & Gordon, M. (2021). ArtScience and the ICECUBE LED Display. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (pp. 3720–3727). doi: 10.1145/3474085.3475524
  • Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2020). Optical distortions in VR bias the perceived slant of moving surfaces. In IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), (pp. 73–79).link
  • Flagler, T., Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2020). Validity Testing the NeuLog Galvanic Skin Response Device. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) (pp. 3964–3968). link
  • Kuo, C., & Allison, R. S. (2020b). Motion matters: Comparing presence induced by two locomotion interfaces using decision-making tasks in virtual reality. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) (pp. 3283–3290). link
  • Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Effect of a Constant Camera Rotation on the Visibility of Transsaccadic Camera Shifts. In ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (Article No. 14, 1–8). doi: 10.1145/3379155.3391318
  • Mohona, S., Au, D., Kio, O. G., Robinson, R., Hou, Y., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Subjective Assessment of Stereoscopic Image Quality: The Impact of Visually Lossless Compression. In QoMEX International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (pp. 1–6). doi: 10.1109/QoMEX48832.2020.9123129.
  • Au, D., Mohona, S., Cutone, M. D., Hou, Y., Goel, J., Jacobson, N., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). 3-4: Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment. In SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers (Vol. 50, 1, pp. 13–16). doi: 10.1002/sdtp.12843
  • Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. S. (2019a). Transsaccadic Awareness of Scene Transformations in a 3D Virtual Environment. In ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP ’19), September 19–20, 2019, Barcelona, Spain (Article 19, 1–9). doi:10.1145/3343036.3343121
  • Zhao, J., Allison, R. S., Vinnikov, M., & Jennings, S. (2018, October). The Effects of Visual and Control Latency on Piloting a Quadcopter Using a Head-Mounted Display. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) (pp. 2972–2979). doi: 10.1109/SMC.2018.00505 link
  • Cutone, M. D., Dalecki, M., Goel, J., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2018). P-31: A Statistical Paradigm for Assessment of Subjective Image Quality Results. In SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers (Vol. 49, 1, pp. 1312–1314). doi: 10.1002/sdtp.12154
  • Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. S. (2018). Sensitivity to Natural 3D Image Transformations During Eye Movements. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (64:1–64:5). ETRA ’18. doi: 10.1145/3204493.3204583 . link
  • Sudhama, A., Cutone, M. D., Hou, Y., Goel, J., Stolitzka, D., Jacobson, N., … Wilcox, L. M. (2018). 85-1: Visually Lossless Compression of High Dynamic Range Images: A Large-Scale Evaluation. In SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers (Vol. 49, 1, pp. 1151–1154). doi: 10.1002/sdtp.12106
  • Zhao, J., & Allison, R. S. (2018). Learning Gait Parameters for Locomotion in Virtual Reality Systems. In H. Wannous, P. Pala, M. Daoudi, & F. Flórez-Revuelta (Eds.), Understanding Human Activities Through 3D Sensors. UHA3DS 2016. (Vol. 10188, pp. 59–73). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-91863-1_5
  • Zhao, J. & Allison, R. S. (2017, October). Real-time head gesture recognition on head-mounted displays using cascaded hidden Markov models. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) (pp. 2361–2366). doi: 10.1109/SMC.2017.8122975 link
  • Allison, R. S., Harris, L. R., & Jenkin, M. R. M. (2017). Self-motion perception facilities at York University. In Fechner Day 2017 Conference Proceedings, The 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, 22-26 October 2017, Fukuoka, Japan (Vol. 33, pp. 360–361).
  • Allison, R. S., Wilcox, L. M., Wang, W., Hoffman, D. M., Hou, Y., Goel, J., … Stolitzka, D. (2017). Large Scale Subjective Evaluation of Display Stream Compression. In SID Digest of Technical Papers (Vol. 48 (1), pp. 1101–1104). doi: 10.1002/sdtp.11838
  • Allison, R. S., Wilcox, L. M., Anthony, R. C., Helliker, J., & Dunk, B. (2017). Paper: Expert Viewers’ Preferences for Higher Frame Rate 3D Film. In IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2017, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVIII (Reprinted from Journal of Imaging Science and Technology) (Vol. 2017, 5, pp. 20–28). doi: 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2017.5.SD&A-353 . link
  • Brunnström, K., Allison, R. S., Chandler, D. M., Colett, H., Corriveau, P., Daly, S., … Zhang, Y. (2017, January). Industry and business perspectives on the distinctions between visually lossless and lossy video quality: Mobile and large format displays. In IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2017, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 2017 (Vol. 2017, 14, pp. 118–133). doi: 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2017.14.HVEI-131 . link
  • Deas, L., Allison, R. S., Hartle, H., Irving, E. L., Glaholt, M., & Wilcox, L. M. (2017). The impact of stereoscopic 3d depth cues on distance estimation in a simulated low hover scenario. In Aerospace Medical Association Annual Scientific Meeting.
  • Deas, L. M., Allison, R. S., Hartle, B., Irving, E. L., Glaholt, M., & Wilcox, L. M. (2017, January). Estimation of Altitude in Stereoscopic-3D Versus 2D Real-world Scenes. In IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2017, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVIII (Vol. 2017, 5, pp. 41–47). doi: 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2017.5.SD&A-355 . link
  • Zhao, J., Allison, R. S., Vinnikov, M., & Jennings, S. (2017). Estimating the Motion-to-Photon Latency in Head Mounted Displays. In IEEE Virtual Reality 2017 (pp. 313–314). doi: 10.1109/VR.2017.7892302
  • Laldin, S., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2016). The Effects of Depth Warping on Per- ceived Acceleration in Stereoscopic Animation. In 2016 International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D) (pp. 1–8). IEEE. doi: 10.1109/IC3D.2016.7823446
  • Zhao, J. & Allison, R. S. (2016). Learning Gait Parameters for Locomotion in Virtual Reality Systems. In M. Daoudi, F. Fl ́orez-Revuelta, P. Pala, & H. Wannous (Eds.), 2nd International Workshop on Understanding Human Activities through 3D Sen- sors (UHA3DS’16). Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
  • Walker, S. M., Shan, J., & Allison, R. S. (2016). Hard Real-Time General-Purpose Robotic Simulations of Autonomous Air Vehicles. In AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, AIAA SciTech (AIAA 2016-1667, ). doi: 10.2514/6.2016-16 . link
  • Zhao, J., Bunn, F. E., Perron, J. M., Shen, E., & Allison, R. S. (2015, August). Gait Assessment using the Kinect RGB-D Sensor. In 37th Annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (pp. 6679–6683). doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7319925
  • Marianovski, M., Wilcox, L., & Allison, R. S. (2015, September). Evaluation of the Impact of High Frame Rates on Legibility in S3D Film. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception (Vol. SAP ’15, pp. 67–73). doi: 10.1145/2804408.2804411 . link to authorizer version
  • Wilcox, L., Allison, R. S., Helliker, J., Dunk, A., & Anthony, R. (2015, September). Evidence that viewers prefer higher frame rate film. In ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (paper was published in a special issue of ACM TAP see above).
  • Hartle, B., Lugtigheid, A. J., Kazimi, A., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2015). Preference for motion and depth in 3D film. In N. S. Holliman, A. J. Woods, G. E. Favalora & T. Kawai (Eds.), IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2015, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVI, Proc. SPIE (Vol. 9391, pp. 93910R–93910R–10). doi: 10.1117/12.2079330 . link
  • Ritvo, S. E. & Allison, R. S. (2014). Challenges Related to Nonhuman Animal-Computer Interaction: Usability and ‘Liking’. In Proceedings of the 2014 Workshops on Advances in Computer Entertainment Conference: The First International Congress on Animal Human Computer Interaction . Article 4, ACM doi: 10.1145/2693787.2693795. authorizer version


  • Allison, R.S., Harris, L.R., Howard, I., Jaekl, P., Jenkin, H., Jenkin, M., Laurence, J., Redlick, F., Jasiobedzka, U., Zacher, J.E., Zikovitz, D. (2001) Perception in virtual environments at York University, IEEE Virtual Reality 2001 International Conference Video Proceedings, March 13-17, Yokohama, Japan.



  • Au, D., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2023). Conflicting ordinal depth information interferes with visually-guided reaching. Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts) (Vol. 23, p. 5154). doi: 10.1167/jov.23.9.5154
  • Bury, N.-A., Harris, L. R., Jenkin, M., Allison, R. S., Frett, T., Felsner, S., … Herpers, R. (2023). The Illusion of Tilt: Does Your Sex Define Your Perception of Upright? In International Multisensory Research Forum (p. 171).
  • Guo, H., & Allison, R. S. (2023). Vection does not facilitate flow parsing. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts) (Vol. 23, p. 4721). doi: 10.1167/jov.23.9.4721
  • Jorges, B., Bury, N., McManus, M., Bansal, A., Allison, R. S., Jenkin, M. R. M., & Harris, L. R. (2023). Precision and Bias in the Perception of Object Size in Microgravity. In International Multisensory Research Forum (p. 066).
  • Schellen, E., Ark, E., Jenkin, M., Allison, R., Bury, N., Herpers, R., & LR., H. (2023). The effect of postural orientation around the pitch axis on the haptic perception of vertical. In International Multisensory Research Forum (p. 093).
  • Teng, X., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2023a). Increasing motion parallax gain compresses space and 3D object shape. In Journal of Vision, VSS Abstracts (Vol. 23, p. 5015). doi: 10.1167/jov.23.9.5015
  • Teng, X., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2023). Increasing parallactic change compresses depth and perceived distance. In Proceedings of the Scottish Vision Group Meeting. link
  • Bury, N., Harris, L. R., Jenkin, M. R. M., Allison, R. S., Felsner, S., & Herpers, R. (2022a). The Influence of Gravity on Perceived Travel Distance in Virtual Reality. In TeaP 2022 (64th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologinnen; Conference of Experimental Psychologists) (pp. 241–242). link
  • Au, D., Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2022). The impact of conflicting ordinal and metric depth information on depth matching. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts) (Vol. 22, p. 3739). doi: 10.1167/jov.22.14.3739
  • Bansal, A. T., Jorges, B., Bury, N., McManus, M., Allison, R. S., Jenkin, M. R. M., & Harris, L. R. (2022). The perception of object size in micro-gravity. In 2022 Scientific Abstracts: The First Canadian Space Health Research Symposium (p. 1).
  • Guo, H., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Effect of Binocular Disparity on Detecting Target Motion during Locomotion. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts) (Vol. 22, p. 3575). doi: 10.1167/jov.22.14.3575
  • Jorges, B., Bury, N., McManus, M., Bansal, A., Allison, R. S., Jenkin, M. R. M., & Harris, L. R. (2022). The perception of object size in micro-gravity. In 2022 Scientific Abstracts: The First Canadian Space Health Research Symposium (p. 8).
  • Kio, G., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Effects of simulated and perceived motion on cognitive task performance. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts) (Vol. 22, p. 3627). doi: 10.1167/jov.22.14.3627
  • Kuo, C., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Locomotor decision-making altered by different walking interfaces in virtual reality. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts) (Vol. 22, p. 3826). doi: 10.1167/jov.22.14.3826
  • Teng, X., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Binocular cues to depth and distance enhance tolerance to visual and kinesthetic mismatch. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts) (Vol. 22, p. 3312). doi: 10.1167/jov.22.14.3312
  • Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2022). Stereoscopic distortions when viewing geometry does not match inter-pupillary distance. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts) (Vol. 22, p. 3564). doi: 10.1167/jov.22.14.3564
  • Tong, J., Wilcox, L., & Allison, R. (2022). Modeling the impacts of inter-display and inter-lens separation on perceived slant in Virtual Reality Head-mounted displays. In MODVIS Workshop. link
  • Weinberg, S., Palmisano, S., Allison, R. S., & Cleworth, T. (2022). Nonlinear analysis of the effects of vision and postural threat on upright stance. In International Society of Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR) World Congress 2022 (pp. 381–382).
  • Jorges, B., Bury, N., McManus, M., Allison, R. S., Jenkin, M., & Harris, L. R. (2021). Body posture affects the perception of visually simulated self-motion. In Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Abstracts) (Vol. 21, p. 2301). doi: 10.1167/jov.21.9.2301
  • Lee, A. R. I., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2021). Depth perception from successive occlusion. In Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Abstracts) (Vol. 21, p. 1963). doi: 10.1167/jov.21.9.1963
  • Palmisano, S., Allison, R. S., & Kim, J. (2021). Differences in virtual and physical head orientation predict sickness during head-mounted display based virtual reality. In Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Ab- stracts) (Vol. 21, p. 1966). doi: 10.1167/jov.21.9.1966
  • Teng, X., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2021). Interpretation of Depth from Scaled Motion Parallax in Virtual Reality. In Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Abstracts) (Vol. 21, p. 2035). doi: 10.1167/jov.21.9.2035
  • Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2021). The perception of average slant is biased in concave surfaces. In Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Abstracts) (Vol. 21, p. 2011). doi: 10.1167/jov.21.9.2011
  • Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2021). Subjective Quality Assessment of VESA Display Stream Compression Codecs. In 21st International Meeting on Information Display, IMID 2021 Digest (p. 29). Seoul, Korea. link
  • Au, D., Mohona, S. S., Hou, Y., Kio, O. G., Goel, J., Jacobson, N., … Wilcox, L. M. (2021). Sensitivity of VESA Display Stream Compression Codecs to Chromatic Aberration. In 21st International Meeting on Information Display, IMID 2021 Digest (p. 32). Seoul. Korea.
  • Cutone, M., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2020). The impact of motion gain on egocen- tric distance judgments from motion parallax. In Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Abstracts) (Vol. 20, 11, p. 1426). doi: 10.1167/jov.20.11.1426
  • Jorges, B., Bury, N., MacManus, M., Allison, R. S., Jenkin, M., & Harris, L. R. (2020). The perception of visually simulated self-motion is altered by body posture. In 3rd Interdisciplinary Navigation (iNAV2020) Symposium Proceedings (p. 64). link
  • Kuo, C., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Locomotor decision-making altered by different walking interfaces in virtual reality. In Vision Sciences Society Annual Conference (Accepted but not presented because of COVID pandemic cancellation).
  • Palmisano, S., Nakamura, S., Allison, R., & Riecke, B. (2020). Pseudoscopic vection: Reversing stereo continues to improve self-motion perception despite increased conflict. In Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Abstracts) (Vol. 20, 11, p. 339). doi: 10.1167/jov.20.11.339
  • Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2020). Modeling biases of perceived slant in curved surfaces. In Journal of Vision (Vision Sciences Society Abstracts) (Vol. 20, 11, p. 561). doi: 10.1167/jov.20.11.561
  • Cutone, M., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Distance perception when real and virtual head motion do not match. In Vestibular Oriented Research Meeting, Journal of Vestibular Research (Vol. 30, p. 139). doi: 10.3233/VES-200699
  • Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. S. (2020). Effects of simulated head motion and saccade direction on sensitivity to transsaccadic image motion. In Vestibular Oriented Research Meeting, Journal of Vestibular Research (Vol. 30, p. 142). doi: 10.3233/VES-200699
  • Allison, R., & Zhao, J. (2019). The Role of Binocular Vision in Stepping over Obstacles and Gaps in Virtual Environment. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstract) (Vol. 19, 10, 222b–222b).
  • Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. (2019c). Viewers’ Sensitivity to Camera Motion during Saccades in a Virtual Environment. In Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Eye Movements. Journal of Eye Movement Research (Vol. 12, 7, p. 214).
  • Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019b). Slant perception in the presence of curvature distortion. In VSS 2019 (Vol. 19, 10, 222a–222a). Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts).
  • Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). Stereoscopic capture and viewing parameters: Geometry and perception (Invited). In Electronic Imaging: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications 2019 (SD&A–627).
  • Hartle, B., Sudhama, A., Deas, L. M., Allison, R. S., Irving, E. L., Glaholt, M., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). Aviation experience and the role of stereopsis in rotary-wing altitude estimation. In 90th Annual Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA..
  • Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. (2019). Saccadic Suppression of Natural Image Transformations. In Proceedings of ECVP 2018, Perception (Vol. 48, S1, pp. 71–71). doi: 10.1177/0301006618824879
  • Harris, L. R., Jenkin, M. R., Allison, R. S., McManus, M., & Bury, N. (2018). The CSA VECTION project: interpreting visual acceleration in a micro-g environment. In CASI Aero 2018, Quebec, Canada May 15-17, 2018 (pp. 69–70).
  • Allison, R. S., Fujii, Y., & Wilcox, L. M. (2017). Effects of motion picture frame rate on material and texture appearance. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts) (Vol. 17, 10, p. 418). doi: 10.1167/17.10.418
  • Hartle, B., Deas, L. M., Allison, R. S., Irving, E. L., Glaholt, M., & Wilcox, L. M. (2017). The contribution of monocular and binocular cues to altitude estimation in aircrew. In Journal of Vision (2017 OSA Fall Vision Meeting Annual Meeting Abstracts) (Vol. 17, 15, p. 42). doi: 10.1167/17.15.42 . link
  • Deas, L., Allison, R. S., Hartle, H., Irving, E. L., Glaholt, M., and Wilcox, L. M. (2017). The impact of stereoscopic 3d depth cues on distance estimation in a simulated low hover scenario. In Aerospace Medical Association Annual Scientific Meeting, Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, volume 88, pages 259–260.
  • Wilcox, L. M., Allison, R. S., & Goel, J. (2017). Subjective assessment and the criteria for visually lossless compression (Invited). In Electronic Imaging: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging panel presentation (HVEI–129).
  • Sultana, A. & Allison, R. S. (2016). Shape perception of water in photo-realistic 3D images. In 12th International Conference on Light and Color in Nature.
  • Bunn, F., Allison, R. S., Sergio, L., Gorbet, D., Bunn, S., & Zhao, J. (2016). Mobility Assessment Tool (MAT), Computer Vision for A Purely Objective Gait-Balance Test. In Falls & Mobility Network Meeting 2016 - Research and Innovative Clinical Practices..
  • Zhao, J. & Allison, R. S. (2016). A Wide Field Immersive Display for the Study of Lo- comotor Behaviour. In CAN CAPnet-CPS Satellite Meeting- Action & Perception: Cognition, Coding and Clinical Populations.
  • Fujii, Y., Allison, R. S., Guterman, P., & Wilcox, L. M. (2016). The effect of frame rate and motion blur on vection. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstract) (Vol. 16, p. 184). doi: 10.1167/16.12.184
  • Allison, R. S., Jennings, S., & Craig, G. (2015). Visual Perception and Performance during NVG-aided Civilian Helicopter Flight. In 25th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science (CSBBCS), Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology (Vol. 69, 4, p. 348). doi: 10.1037/cep0000076 .
  • Allison, R. S. & Vinnikov, M. (2015). Simulating spatial auditory attention in a gaze contingent display: The virtual cocktail party. In European Conference on Visual Perception, ECVP 2015 (Vol. 44(S1), p. 81). Perception. doi: 10.1177/0301006615598674
  • Cutone, M., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2015). Stereoacuity for physically moving targets is unaffected by retinal motion. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts) (Vol. 15, 12, p. 380). doi: 10.1167/15.12.380
  • Guterman, P. & Allison, R. S. (2015). The influence of scene rigidity and head tilt on vection. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts) (Vol. 15, 12, p. 862). doi: 10.1167/15.12.862
  • Kirollos, R., Allison, R. S., & Palmisano, S. A. (2015). The neural correlates of vection - an fMRI study. In 25th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science (CSBBCS), Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology (Vol. 69, 4, p. 369). doi: 10.1037/cep0000076 .
  • Kirollos, R., Allison, R. S., & Palmisano, S. A. (2015). The neural correlates of vection - an fMRI study. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts) (Vol. 15, 12, p. 1007). doi: 10.1167/15.12.1007
  • Vinnikov, M., Allison, R. S., & Palmisano, S. A. (2015). Heading Perception with Simulated Visual Defects. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstracts) (Vol. 15, 12, p. 1015). doi: 10.1167/15.12.1015
  • Allison, R. S., Benzeroual, K., & Wilcox, L. M. (2014). Active task measurements of tolerance to stereoscopic 3D image distortion. In Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, i-Perception vol. 5(4),377. link
  • Fujii, Y., Allison, R. S., Shen, L., & Wilcox, L. M. (2014). The effects of frame rate on 2-D and 3-D global motion processing. In OSA Fall Vision 2014, Journal of Vision (Vol. 14, 15, p. article 55). doi: 10.1167/14.15.55
  • Shen, L., Allison, R. S., Wilcox, L. M., & Fujii, Y. (2014). Motion discrimination of high frame rate movie. In OSA Fall Vision 2014, Journal of Vision (Vol. 14, 15, p. article 57). doi: 10.1167/14.15.57
  • Palmisano, S. A., Allison, R. S., & Howard, I. P. (2014). Illusory scene shearing during real and illusory self-rotations in roll. In Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, i-Perception vol. 5(4),
  • Allison, R. S. [R. S.]. (2014). Howard’s Devices. In 37th European Conference on Visual Perception (Vol. 43 (Suppl.) P. 3).
  • Cutone, M., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2014). Retinal Motion and Stereoacuity Revisited. In Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science 24th Annual Meeting (CSBBCS) (pp. 105, D229).
  • Guterman, P. & Allison, R. S. (2014). Head orientation influences the perceived tilt of global motion. In Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science 24th Annual Meeting (CSBBCS) (pp. 105, D231).
  • Guterman, P. & Allison, R. S. (2014). Postural effects onthe perceived tilt of a line and global motion. In International Multisensory Research Forum (p. 112).
  • Rogers, B. J., Allison, R. S., & Palmisano, S. A. (2014). A celebration of the life and scientific work of Ian Howard. In 37th European Conference on Visual Perception (Vol. 43 (Suppl.) P. 2).
  • Tsirlin, I. [Inna], Wilcox, L., & Allison, R. (2014). Size matters: Perceived depth magnitude varies with stimulus height. (Vol. 14, 10, p. 977). doi: 10.1167/14.10.977 . link
  • Allison, R. S., Ash, A., & Palmisano, S. A. (2013). Binocular contributions to linear vection. In The 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2013). PsyCh (Vol. 2 (Suppl 1), p. 48). doi: 10.1002/pchj.33 . link
  • Guterman, P. S., Allison, R. S., & Zacher, J. E. (2013). Effects of head orientation on the perceived tilt of a static line and 3D global motion. In Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision (Vol. 13, 9, pp. 874–874). doi: 10.1167/13.9.874 . link
  • Kirollos, R., Allison, R., Zacher, J., Guterman, P. S., & Palmisano, S. (2013). Perception of smooth and perturbed vection in short-duration microgravity. In Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision (Vol. 13, 9, pp. 702–702). doi: 10.1167/13.9.702 . link
  • Lugtigheid, A. J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2013y). Are we blind to three-dimensional acceleration? In Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision (Vol. 13, 9, pp. 970–970). doi: 10.1167/13.9.970 . link
  • Palmisano, S. A., Ash, A., Govan, D. G., & Allison, R. S. (2013). Vection during treadmill walking, walking on the spot and standing still. In 40th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, April 3-6, 2013, Adelaide, Australia (p. 61).
  • Tsirlin, I., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2013). Combining occlusion and disparity information: a computational model of stereoscopic depth perception. In Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision (Vol. 13, 9, pp. 1177–1177). doi: 10.1167/13.9.1177 . link
  • Vinnikov, M., Palmisano, S., & Allison, R. S. (2013). Steering with Simulated Symptoms of Age-related Macular Degeneration. In The Eye, the Brain and the AutoDetroit, MI September 2013.
  • Ash, A., Palmisano, S., & Allison, R. (2012). Vection in depth during treadmill locomotion. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstract) (Vol. 12, 9, pp. 181–181). doi: 10.1167/12.9.181 . link
  • Carey, A., Wilcox, L., & Allison, R. (2012). On the allocation of attention in stereoscopic displays. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstract) (Vol. 12, 9, pp. 216–216). doi: 10.1167/12.9.216 . link
  • Guterman, P. S., Allison, R. S., Palmisano, S., & Zacher, J. E. (2012). Postural and viewpoint oscillation effects on the perception of self-motion. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstract) (Vol. 12, 9, pp. 576–576). doi: 10.1167/12.9.576 . link
  • Harris, L. R., Herpers, R., Jenkin, M., Allison, R. S., Jenkin, H., Kaprolos, B., … Felsner, S. (2012). Optic flow and self-motion perception: The contribution of different parts of the field. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts (p. 672.14). Society for Neuroscience.
  • Lugtigheid, A., Wilcox, L., Allison, R. S., & Howard, I. (2012). Depth from diplopic stimuli without vergence eye movements. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstract) (Vol. 12, 9, pp. 451–451). doi: 10.1167/12.9.451 . link
  • Tsirlin, I., Allison, R., & Wilcox, L. (2012). Is depth in monocular regions processed by disparity detectors? A computational analysis. In Journal of Vision (VSS Abstract) (Vol. 12, 9, pp. 215–215). doi: 10.1167/12.9.215 . link
  • Tsirlin, I., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2012. The effect of crosstalk on perceived depth in 3D displays. In OSA Fall Vision 2012, Journal of Vision (Vol. 12, 14, pp. 4–4). Sept 2012 Rochester, NY. doi: 10.1167/12.14.4 . link
  • Allison, R. (2011). Depth cue interactions in stereoscopic 3D media. In SMPTE International Conference on Stereoscopic 3D for Media and Entertainment.
  • Benzeroual, K., Laldin, S., Allison, R., & Wilcox, L. (2011). The effect of interocular separation on perceived depth from disparity in complex scenes. In The 34th European Conference on Visual Perception, Perception (Vol. 40, ECVP Abstract Supplement, p. 104). Toulouse, France.
  • Govan, D., Palmisano, S. A., Allison, R. S., & Field, M. (2011). Effects of Realistic Simulated Linear and Rotary Viewpoint Jitter on Vection. In 38th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference.
  • Rushton, S., Herlihey, T., & Allison, R. (2011). The use of egocentric direction and optic flow in the visual guidance of walking. In AVA/BMVA Meeting on Biological and Computer Vision.
  • Tsirlin, I., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. (2011). Decoding da Vinci: quantitative depth from monocular occlusions. In Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision (Vol. 11, 11, p. 337). doi: 10.1167/11.11.337
  • Vinnikov, M., & Allison, R. (2011). Gaze Contingent Real-Time Visual Simulations. In 1st IEEE Canada Women in Engineering National Conference.
  • Zacher, J., Guterman, P., Palmisano, S., & Allison, R. (2011). Enhancements of Vection in Depth from Viewpoint Oscillation: Effects of Field of View, Amplitude, Focal Distance and Body Posture. In Journal of Vestibular Research (8th Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration) (Vol. 21, p. 82). Houston, Texas.
  • Bogdan, N., Allison, R., & Suryakumar, R. (2010). Infrared Tracking of the Near Triad. In Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, (Vol. 10, 7, p. 507). doi: 10.1167/10.7.507
  • Govan, D., Gillam, B., Palmisano, S. A., & Allison, R. S. (2010). Comparing depth interval estimates with motion parallax and stereopsis at distances beyond interaction space. In 37th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference.
  • Tsirlin, I., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. (2010). Interactions between monocular occlusions and binocular disparity in the perceived depth of illusory surfaces. In Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision (Vol. 10, 7, p. 373). doi: 10.1167/10.7.373
  • Andriychuk, T., Tomkins, L., Zacher, J., Ballagh, M., McAlpine, R., Doig, T., Jennings, S. Milner, A., Allison, R.S. (2010) Night-Vision Device Aided Aerial Forest Fire Detection: Experience in a Controlled Test Grid, Wildland Fire Canada 2010, October 5-7, 2010, Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada.
  • Allison, R.S., Wilcox, L.M., & Elder, J. (2010) Depth of Field in Stereoscopic Moving Images, SMTPE BOOT CAMP IV—The Next Dimension: 3D, Mobility and More, June 8-9, 2010, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.
  • Guterman, P. Fukuda, K., Wilcox, L.M., Allison, R. S. (2010) Is brighter always better? The effects of display and ambient luminance on preferences for digital signage. Society for Information Display Annual Meeting, May 23-28, 2010, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
  • Allison, R.S. (2009) Natural and Enhanced Visual Perception During Flight, American Psychological Association 117th Annual Convention, August 6-9, 2009, Toronto, ON, Session ID 3180.
  • Palmisano, S. A., Kim, J., Ash, A. & Allison, R. (2009). Where do pilots look when they land?. Combined abstracts of 2009 Australian psychology conferences: The abstracts of the 36th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference (pp. 43). Melbourne: Australian Psychological Society.
  • Gillam, B., Palmisano, S. A., Govan, D., Allison, R., and Harris, J. (2009). Stereoscopic depth magnitudes at greater distances in an old steam railway tunnel. In In 32nd European Conference on Visual Perception. Regensburgh, Germany, Perception, 38(Suppl), 59.
  • Ash, A., Palmisano, S., Kim, J. & Allison, R. (2009). Effects of starting height, lighting and runway length on glideslope control and landing quality. Combined Abstracts of 2009 Australian Psychology Conferences: The abstracts of the 36th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference (pp. 3-4). Melbourne, Australia: The Australian Psychological Society
  • Govan, D., Gillam, B, Palmisano, S., Allison, R.S. and Harris, J.M. (2009) Binocular depth interval estimation beyond interaction space, EPC 2009, April 17-19, 2009, Wollongong, Australia published in Australian Journal of Psychology: Supplement, (EPC abstracts), accepted.
  • Smith, C.E., Wilcox, L.M., Allison, R.S., Karanovic, O., and Wilkinson, F. (2009) Monovision: Consequences for Depth Perception From Fine and Coarse Disparities, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, May, 3-7, 2009, Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 50: E-Abstract 2887.
  • Herriot, C.G., Irving, E.L., Carvelho, T. & Allison, R.S. (2009) Efficacy and User Acceptance of Computer Gaming Paradigms for Vision Training, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, May, 3-7, 2009, Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 50: E-Abstract 3827.
  • Fukuda, K., Howard, I. P., & Allison, R. S (2009). Contributions of vergence, looming, and relative disparity to the perception of motion in depth [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, 9(8):631, 631a,, doi:10.1167/9.8.631.
  • Guterman, P., Allison, R. S., Jennings, S., Craig, G., Parush, A., Gauthier, M. & Macuda, T. (2009). The outer limits: How limiting the field of view impacts navigation and spatial memory. [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, 9(8):1137, 1137a,, doi:10.1167/9.8.1137.
  • Wilcox, L. M., Tsirlin, I., & Allison, R. S. (2009). Perceptual asymmetry in stereo-transparency: the role of disparity interpolation. [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, 9(8):286, 286a,, doi:10.1167/9.8.286.
  • Tsirlin, I., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2009). Identifying discontinuities in depth: A role for monocular occlusions. [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, 9(8):277, 277a,, doi:10.1167/9.8.277.
  • Palmisano, S., and Allison, R. (2008) Visual Touchdown Point Perception During Simulated Aircraft Landing, Australian Journal of Psychology (35th Australasian experimental psychology conference, EPC abstracts), pp. 92-93, March 28-30, 2008, Fremantle, Australia.
  • Gillam, B., Allison, R., Palmisano, S. (2008) Binocular depth and slant perception beyond ambient space, Australian Journal of Psychology (EPC abstracts), in press, March 28-30, 2008, Fremantle, Australia.
  • Allison, R.S., Zacher, J.E. and Palmisano, S.A. (2008) Visual Perception of smooth and perturbed self-motion, CSA Life and Physical Science Workshop 2008: Scientific Advancement and Planning for Future Missions, Canadian Space Agency, Life and Physical Science Directorate, St. Hubert, PQ, Mar. 3-5, 2008, 20.
  • Palmisano, S., Favell, S., Satchler, B. and Allison, R. (2008) Landing visually with flare: Pilots do it better, Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Brisbane, Australia, July, 2008.
  • Suryakumar, R. and Allison, R.S. (2008) Accommodation and Pupil Responses to Random-dot Stereograms , Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, April 27th - May 1st, 2008, Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2008 49: E-Abstract 1792. .
  • Allison, R. S., Gillam, B.J. and Palmisano, S.A. (2008). Binocular slant discrimination beyond interaction space [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Conference, Journal of Vision, 8(6): 536a, doi:10.1167/8.6.536, , ISSN 1534-7362.
  • Fukuda, K., Wilcox, L.M., Allison, R. S., and Howard, I.P. (2008). Comparison of depth percepts created by binocular disparity, Panum's limiting case, and monoptic depth. [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Conference, Journal of Vision, (6):1086, 1086a, , doi:10.1167/8.6.1086.
  • Daniels, N. T., Howard, I. P., & Allison, R. S. (2008). Gain of cyclovergence as a function of stimulus location [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Conference, Journal of Vision, 8(6):646, 646a, , doi:10.1167/8.6.646.
  • Sadr, S., Allison, R. S., Vinnikov, M., & Swierad, D. (2008). Influence of relative saccade direction on detection of transsaccadic natural scene transitions [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Conference, Journal of Vision, 8(6):933, 933a, , doi:10.1167/8.6.933.
  • Allison, R.S., Brandwood, T., Vinnikov, M., Zacher, J.E., Jenning, S., Macuda, M., Thomas, P.J., and Palmisano, S.A. (2007) Psychophysics of night vision device halo. Advanced Deployable Day/Night Simulation (ADDNS) Symposium, Toronto, Canada, Nov. 13-14, 2007, 27-29.
  • Thomas, P.J., Jenning, S., Macuda, M., Allison, R.S. and Hornsey, R. (2007) Experimental validation of an NVD parametric model . Advanced Deployable Day/Night Simulation (ADDNS) Symposium, Toronto, Canada, Nov. 13-14, 2007, 43-45.
  • Herriot, C., Carhvello, T., Allison, R.S and Irving, E.L. (2007) Computerized Gaming Technology as an Effective Form of Vision Therapy for Convergence Insufficiency. Sixth Canadian Optometry Conference on Vision Science, Waterloo, Canada, Dec 7-9, 2007.
  • Sadr, S., Allison, R.S., and Vinnikov, M. (2007) Effect of Scene Transitions on Trans-saccadic Change Detection in Natural Scenes . Perception (ECVP Abstracts), 36(Suppl), 203.
  • Fukuda, K, Wilcox, L.M., Allison, R.S. and Howard, I.P. (2007) Horizontal disparity processing in the presence of vertical misalignment: The role of monoptic depth . Perception (ECVP Abstracts), 36(Suppl), 203.
  • Allison, RS, Gillam, B, and Vecellio, E (2007) Binocular depth discrimination and estimation beyond interaction space. [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, 7(9), 817a, doi:10.1167/7.9.817,
  • Guterman, P, Allison, R.S and Rushton, SK (2007) The visual control of walking: do we go with the (optic) flow? [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, 7(9), 1017a, doi:10.1167/7.9.1017,
  • Allison, R.S. (2007) Assessing Night Vision Goggle Performance in Security Applications. CASI 54th Aeronautics Conference, Toronto, ON, April 24, 2007, pp 64-65.
  • Sakano, Y. and Allison, R.S. (2007) Adaptation to apparent motion-in-depth based on binocular cues. The Journal of the Vision Society of Japan (Winter Annual Meeting 2007 of The Vision Society of Japan (VSJ)), Tokyo, Japan, Jan 31-Feb 2, 2007, 58.
  • Tsirlin-Zaharescu, I., Wilcox, L.M. and Allison, R.S. (2006) Perceptual asymmetry in stereoscopic transparency . Perception (ECVP Abstracts), 35(Suppl), 25-26.
  • Sakano, Y. and Allison, R.S. (2006) The Effects of Adaptation Duration and Interocular Spatial Correlation of the Adaptation Stimulus on the Duration of Motion Aftereffect in Depth. The Journal of the Vision Society of Japan (The 4th Asian Conference on Vision, Matsue, Shimane, Japan),18(Suppl), 187.
  • Macuda, T., Craig, G., Brulotte, M. Alliso n, R.S., Crowell, B., Filiter, D., Lester, G., Healey, G., Erdos, R., Carignan, S., Tang, D., Truong, L., Langille, A., Hamilton, K., Souvestre, P. and Jennings, S. (2006) A Multidisciplinary Approach Towards Assessing Night Vision Technologies at the Flight Research Laboratory: Integrating Laboratory, Field, Flight and Aeromedical approaches. Comox Night Vision Conference, November, 2006, Comox, BC, Canada.
  • Sakano, Y., Allison, R. S., Howard, I. P., & Sadr, S. (2006). Aftereffect of motion-in-depth based on binocular cues: No effect of relative disparity between adaptation and test surfaces [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, 6(6), 626a,, doi:10.1167/6.6.626.
  • Tsirlin, I., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2006). On seeing transparent surfaces in stereoscopic displays [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, 6(6), 830a,, doi:10.1167/6.6.830.
  • Allison, R.S., Macuda, T., Jennings, S., Thomas, P., Guterman, P., Craig, G. (2005) Detection of motion-defined form in the presence of veiling noise . [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, 5(8), 651a,, doi:10.1167/5.8.651.
  • Sakano, Y., Allison, R.S., and Howard, I.P. (2005) Aftereffects of motion in depth based on binocular cues . [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, 5(8), 732a.
  • Palmisano, S.A., Allison, R.S. and Howard, I.P. (2005) Perceptions of Illusory Shearing in the Tumbling Room. Australian Journal of Psychology, 57, 67.
  • Howard, I. P., Nguyen, V. A., and Allison, R. S. (2004). Detection of depth order from chromatic aberration of defocused images . Fall Vision Meeting, Journal of Vision, 4(11), 57a, doi:10.1167/4.11.57.
  • Nguyen, V. Howard, I.P and Allison, R.S. (2004). Object blur and monocular depth perception. Program Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, No. 865.17. 2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2004. Online.
  • Allison, R.S., Schumacher,J. and Herpers, R. (2004) Saccadic suppression of motion of the entire visual field . Perception, 33(Suppl): 146.
  • Nguyen, V. A., Howard, I. P., & Allison, R. S. (2004). The contribution of image blur to depth perception [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, 4(8), 461a,, doi:10.1167/4.8.461.
  • Jenkin, H.L., Dyde, R.T., Zacher, J.E., Zikovitz, D.C., Jenkin, M.R., Allison, R.S., Howard, I.P, and Harris, L.R. (2003) The relative role of visual, gravity and body cues in setting the assumed direction of illumination: Experiments in the York tilted room and in parabolic flight, 14th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 18 to 22, 2003.
  • Allison, R. S., Rogers, B. J., & Bradshaw, M. F. (2002). Induced effects in motion parallax [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Conference, Journal of Vision, 2(7), 661a,, doi:10.1167/2.7.661.
  • Harris, L. R., Allison, R. S., Jaekl, P. M., Jenkin, H. L., Jenkin, M. R., Zacher, J. E., & Zikovitz, D. C. (2002). Extracting self-created retinal motion [Abstract]. Vision Sciences Society Annual Conference, Journal of Vision, 2(7):509, 509a,, doi:10.1167/2.7.509.
  • Jaekl, P.M., Allison, R.S., Harris, L.R., Jenkin, H.L., Jenkin, M.R., Zacher, J.E. and Zikovitz, D.C. (2002) Judging perceptual stability during active rotation and translation in various orientations , Vision Sciences Society Annual Conference, 177, published in Journal of Vision, 2:508a.
  • Palmisano, S.A., Allison, R.S. and Howard, I.P. (2001) Effects of Decorrelation on Stereoscopic Surface Perception with Static and Dynamic Random-dot Stereograms. Australian Journal of Psychology, 53 (Supplement): 63.
  • Allison, R. S., Fang, X., and Howard, I. P. (2000). Vertical fusional range increases with depth separation from competing stimuli. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 41(Suppl): S707.
  • Palmisano, S.A., Allison, R.S. and Howard, I.P. (2000) What is the problem with binocular correspondence? Australian Journal of Psychology, 52 (Supplement): 46 (EPC).
  • Allison, R.S, and Jenkin, M. (1999) Depth perception with a stereoscopic robot head . Perception, 28 (Suppl): 132.
  • Allison, R. S., and Howard, I. P. (1999). Depth perception with persisting and dynamic textures. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 40(Suppl): S419.
  • Palmisano, S.A., Allison, R.S, and Howard, I.P. (1999) Stereoscopic detection and segregation of noisy transparent surfaces . Perception, 28 (Suppl): 137.
  • Palmisano, S.A. Allison, R.S., and Howard, I.P. (1999) Effects of decorrelation and disparity noise on stereoscopic surface. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 40(Suppl): S417.
  • Rogers, B.J. and Allison, R.S. (1999) When do we use optic flow and when do we use perceived direction to control locomotion? Perception, 28 (Suppl): 2.
  • Zacher, J. E., Irving, B.I., Allison, R. S., and Callander, M.E., (1998). Effects of scleral search coil wear on visual function and acuity . Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 39(4):S767.
  • Allison, R. S., Howard, I. P. and Howard, A. (1998). Motion in depth can be elicited by dichoptically uncorrelated textures . Perception, 27(Suppl): 46.
  • Allison, R. S., and Howard, I. P. (1998). Disparity-perspective interactions in slant perception. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 39(4): S623.
  • Fang, X. P., Howard, I. P., Allison, R. S., and Zacher, J. E. (1998) Effects of stimulus size and eccentricity on horizontal vergence. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 39(4): S1046.
  • Howard, I.P., Allison, R. S., and Howard, A. (1998). Depth from moving uncorrelated random-dot displays. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 39(4): S669.
  • Allison, R. S., Howard, I. P., Rogers, B.J. and Bridge, H (1997). Temporal characteristics of stereoscopic slant perception. Perception, 26 : 1327.
  • Allison, R. S., Howard, I. P., Rogers, B.J. and Bridge, H (1997). Efficiency of slant and inclination perception as a function of temporal frequency. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 38(4): S907.
  • Fang, X. P., Howard, I. P., Allison, R.S., and Zacher, J. E. (1997). Effects of field size on vertical vergence. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 38(4): S986.
  • Allison, R. S., Zacher, J. E., and Howard, I. P. (1996). Dynamic response of the vertical vergence system. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 37(3):S165.
  • Allison, R. S., Zacher, J. E., and Howard, I. P. (1995). The effect of field size on roll vection in a tumbling room. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 36(4):829.
  • Tomlinson, R.D., Allison, R.S., Eizenman, M., Nedzelski, J. and Sharpe, J.A. (1996) VOR deficits during rapid head turns following intratympanic gentamicin instillation. Journal of Vestibular Research Supplement, 6(4S): S37.
  • Zacher, J. E., Allison, R. S., and Howard, I. P. (1996). Effects of visual illusions on eye movements. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 37(3):S524.
  • Zacher, J. E., Allison, R. S., and Howard, I. P. (1995). The effect of active movement on postrotary nystagmus and illusory body rotation. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 36(4):S685.

Other abstracts and proceedings

  • Bury, N., Harris, L. R., Jenkin, M. R. M., Allison, R. S., Felsner, S., & Her- pers, R. (2023). The Effect of Gravity on Human Self-Motion Perception: Implications for Space Mission Safety and Training. In Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress.
  • Abadi, R., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Implementing The Water Level Task In Augmented Reality. In From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022 (p. 47). doi: 10.25071/10315/39491
  • Au, D., Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2022b). Incompatible Occlusion And Binocular Disparity Cause Systematic Localization Errors In Augmented Reality. In From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022 (p. 50). doi: 10.25071/10315/39491
  • Gregor, A., Allison, R. S., Kio, O. G., & Heffner, K. (2022). Exploring The Impact Of Immersion On Situational Awareness And Trust In Teleoperated Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship. In From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre,York University, June 6-9, 2022 (p. 61). doi: 10.25071/10315/39491
  • Guo, H., & Allison, R. S. (2022b). Effect Of Binocular Disparity On Flow Parsing. In From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022 (p. 62). doi: 10.25071/10315/39491
  • Keyvanara, M., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Detectability Of Image Transformations During Eye And Head Movements. In From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022 (p. 66). doi: 10.25071/10315/39491
  • Kio, O. G., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Simulated Motion In Virtual Environments Affects Cognitive Task Performance. In From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022 (p. 68). doi: 10.25071/10315/39491
  • Mohona, S., Au, D., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Objective And Subjective Impact Of Chromatic Aberration Compensation On Compression Artifacts. In From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022 (p. 77). doi: 10.25071/10315/39491
  • Teng, X., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Binocular Depth And Distance Cues Enhance Tolerance To Virtual Motion Gain. In From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022 (p. 91). doi: 10.25071/10315/39491
  • Tong, J., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2022). Stereoscopic Distortions When Viewing Geometry Does Not Match Inter-Pupillary Distance. In From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022 (p. 92). doi: 10.25071/10315/39491
  • Bury, N.-A., Harris, L. R., Jenkin, M., Allison, R. S., Felsner, S., & Herpers, R. (2022). From Earth to Space: the Effect of Gravity and Sex on Self-Motion Perception. In From Picture to Reality, from Observer to Agent. Vision Research Conference, Second Student Centre, York University, June 6-9, 2022 (p. 53).
  • Mohona, S. S., Au, D., Hou, Y., Kio, O. G., Goel, J., Jacobson, N., . . . Wilcox, L. M. (2021). Effects of Chromatic Aberration Compensation on Visibility of Compression Artifacts. In CVR/VISTA Virtual Vision Futures Conference (p. 48). Toronto, Canada. link
  • Au, D., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). Depth perception from monocular self-occlusions. In Predictive Vision. CVR Conference, June 10-13, 2019, Toronto, Canada.
  • Kio, O. G., Fujii, Y., Au, D., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2019). Effects of stereoscopic 3D movie parameters on vection and postural sway. In Predictive Vision. CVR Conference, June 10-13, 2019, Toronto, Canada.
  • Mohona, S., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2019). Subjective Assessment of Image Compression Artefacts in 2D viewing versus Stereoscopic Viewing. In Predictive Vision. CVR Conference, June 10-13, 2019, Toronto, Canada.
  • Tong, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2019). Slant perception in the presence of radial distortions. In Predictive Vision. CVR Conference, June 10-13, 2019, Toronto, Canada.
  • Allison, R. S. (2017). Perception in Stereoscopic 3D Media. In Centre for Vision Research International Conference on Vision in the Real World, Toronto, Canada, June 2017 (p. 11).
  • Kio, O. G., Fuji, Y., Wilcox, L. M., Au, D., & Allison, R. S. (2017). Psychophysical response to virtual reality: Vection and postural sway. In Centre for Vision Research International Conference on Vision in the Real World, Toronto, Canada, June 2017 (p. 24).
  • Sudhama, A., Deas, L. M., Goel, J., Allison, R. S., & Wilcox, L. M. (2017). Subjective evaluation of image quality. In Centre for Vision Research International Conference on Vision in the Real World, Toronto, Canada, June 2017 (p. 33).
  • Cutone, M. D., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2017). Statistical procedure for assessing the relative performance of codecs using the flicker paradigm. In Centre for Vision Research International Conference on Vision in the Real World, Toronto, Canada, June 2017 (p. 17).
  • Hartle, B., Deas, L. M., Allison, R. S., Irving, E. L., Glaholt, M., & Wilcox, L. M. (2017). Does Task-Specific Experience Improve Altitude Estimation in Virtual Environments? In Centre for Vision Research International Conference on Vision in the Real World, Toronto, Canada, June 2017.
  • Zhao, J. & Allison, R. S. (2017). Tolerance of Latency in Controlling a Quadcopter using a Head Mounted Display. In Centre for Vision Research International Conference on Vision in the Real World, Toronto, Canada, June 2017 (p. 39).
  • Sultana, A. & Allison, R. S. (2016). Visual perception of transparent objects in real and virtual world. In IRTG Workshop, Frankfurt Germany July 11-15, 2016.
  • Fujii, Y., Allison, R. S., Shen, L., & Wilcox, L. M. (2015, June). The effects of high frame rate on perception of 2-D and 3-D global coherent motion. In Centre for Vision Research International Conference on Perceptual Organization (p. 55). York University, Toronto.
  • Guterman, P. & Allison, R. S. (2015, June). Effects of head orientation and scene rigidity on vection. In Centre for Vision Research International Conference on Perceptual Organization (p. 65). York University, Toronto.
  • Guterman, P., Allison, R. S., & Zacher, J. E. (2013). Effects of head orientation on the perceived tilt of a line and global motion. In CVR 2013: Interactions in Vision. June 2013, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Allison, R. S. (2011). Perceptual Artifacts in Stereoscopic 3D Film. In Toronto International Stereoscopic 3D Conference. June 2013, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Bogdan, N., Al.lison, R., & Suryakumar, R. (2011). Infrared Based Near Triad Tracking System. In CVR 2011: Plastic Vision (p. G1). June 2011, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Guterman, P. S., Allison, R. S., Zacher, J. E., & Palmisano, S. A. (2011). The role of body posture in the perception of self-motion. In CVR 2011: Plastic Vision (p. G11). June 2011, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Laldin, S., Benzeroual, K., Allison, R., & Wilcox, L. (2011). Perceptual effects of Geometric Parameters while viewing complex S3D Scenes. In CVR 2011: Plastic Vision (p. C6). June 2011, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Milner, A., & Allison, R. S. (2011). Early Fire Detection: The FireHawk System. In CVR 2011: Plastic Vision (p. G10). June 2011, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Vinnikov, M., & Allison, R. (2011). Gaze-Contingent Real-Time Visual Field Simulations. In CVR 2011: Plastic Vision (p. E9). June 2011, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Guterman, P., Allison, R. S., Jennings, S., Craig, G., Parush, A., Gauthier, M. & Macuda, T. (2009). The impact of a limited field of view on active search and spatial memory. CVR 2009: Vision in 3D Environments, TI-8.
  • Teather, R., Allison, R.S, Stuerzlinger, W.(2009) Evaluating Visual/Motor Coupling in Fish-Tank VR. CVR 2009: Vision in 3D Environments, MU-3.
  • Tsirlin, I., Wilcox, L.M., Allison, R.S, (2009) The role of monocular occlusion in the construction of three-dimensional surfaces. CVR 2009: Vision in 3D Environments, MO-15.
  • Fukuda, K, Wilcox, L.M., Allison, R.S. & Howard, I.P. (2009). On the contribution of monoptic depth and binocular disparity to depth from diplopic images. CVR 2009: Vision in 3D Environments, BI-4.
  • Smith, C.E., Wilcox, L.M., Allison, R.S, Karanovic, O., Wilkinson, F. (2009). Effect of Differential Interocular Blur on Depth Perception From Fine and Coarse Disparities. CVR 2009: Vision in 3D Environments, BI-15.
  • Allison, R.S. (2007) The Importance of Flight Test and Evaluation in the Development of Airborne Technologies for Border Enforcement: Assessing Night Vision Goggle Performance in Security Applications, CRSS/ASPRS 2007 Fall Conference, Our Common borders - Safety, Security and the Environment Through Remote Sensing, October 28-November 1, 2007, Ottawa, Ontario.
  • Vinnikov, M., Allison, R.S., and Huang, H (2007) Real time simulation of impaired vision in naturalistic settings with gaze-contingent display, UW-IEEE joint Symposium on Biomedical Imaging and Computer Vision (BICV 2007), Sept. 27, 2007, Waterloo, Ontario.
  • Guterman P., Allison, R.S., and Rushton, S.K. (2007) The Visual Control of Locomotion as a Function of the Richness of the Visual Environment, CVR Conference 2007: Cortical Mechanisms of Vision, June 19-23, 2007, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, G6.
  • Sadr, S., Allison, R.S., and Vinnikov, M. (2007) Effect of Scene Transitions on Trans-saccadic Change Detection in Natural Scenes, CVR Conference 2007: Cortical Mechanisms of Vision, June 19-23, 2007, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, E5.
  • Guterman, P. and Allison, R.S. (2007) Assessing Image Intensifier Integration in Emergency and Security Response, OCE Discovery 2007, May, 1, 2007, Toronto, Ontario, Poster36.
  • Vinnikov, M. and Allison, R.S. (2007) Simulation of NVG-aided flight over terrain, OCE Discovery 2007, May, 1, 2007, Toronto, Ontario, Poster 49.
  • Sakano, Y., Allison, R.S., and Howard, I.P. (2005) Motion aftereffect in depth induced by motion in depth based on binocular cues [Abstract] CVR Vision Conference 2005, Computational Vision in Neural and Machine Systems, June 15 - 18, 2005,York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Huang, J., Schumacher, J., Allison, R.S., Zacher, J.E. (2003) What are you looking at? CRESTech Innovation Network 2003.
  • Hogue, A, Robinson, M, Jenkin, M and Allison, R. (2001) Untethered, Wireless Pose Tracking for Virtual Reality, Proceedings of the IRIS-PRECARN 11th Annual Conference..
  • Jaekl, P.M., Allison, R.S., Harris, L.R., Jasiobedzka, U.T., Jenkin, H.L., Jenkin, M.R., Zacher, J.E., and Zikovitz, D.C. (2001) Perceptual Stability in Virtual Environments I: Stability during rotation. Proceedings of the IRIS-PRECARN 11th Annual Conference..
  • Jasiobedzka, U., Jenkin, M., Harris, L.R., Allison, R.S., Jaekl, P., Zacher, J.E., Jenkin, H., and Zikovitz, D.C. (2001) Perceptual Stability in Virtual Environments III: Psychophysics in Microgravity. Proceedings of the IRIS-PRECARN 11th Annual Conference, in press.
  • Palmisano, S.A., Allison, R.S., and Howard, I.P. (2001) Are there temporal limits for post-matching stereoscopic processing? International Conference on Levels of Perception, York University, Toronto, Ontario.
  • Zikovitz, D.,C., Jenkin, M., Harris, L.R., Allison, R.S., Jaekl, P., Jasiobedzka, U., and Zacher, J.E. (2001) Perceptual Stability in Virtual Environments II: Stability during head translation. Proceedings of the IRIS-PRECARN 11th Annual Conference, in press.
  • Allison, R.S, and Jenkin, M. (2000) Stereopsis with the TRISH 2 robot head. Proceedings of the IRIS-PRECARN 10th Annual Conference, 6-7.
  • Fang, X., Allison, R.S. and Howard, I.P. (1999) Vertical fusional range increases with depth separation from competing stimuli. International Conference on Vision and Attention, York University, North York, Ontario.
  • Palmisano, S.A., Howard, I.P., and Allison, R.S. (1999) Stereo surface detection robust in presence of substantial disparity jitter. International Conference on Vision and Attention, York University, North York, Ontario.
  • Fang, X., Howard, I.P., Allison, R.S. and Zacher, J.E.. (1997). Effects of stimulus size and eccentricity on vertical vergence. International Conference on Vision and Action, York University, North York, Ontario.
  • Howard, I.P., Allison, R.S., Groen, E, Jenkin, H, and Zacher, J.E.. (1997). Visually induced self inversion and levitation . International Conference on Vision and Action, York University, North York, Ontario.
  • Allison, R.S. and Howard, I.P. (1995). Stereoscopic vision in flight simulators. Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science Showcase 1995: Networking for Profit, Toronto, Ontario. Winner of Book Prize.
  • Allison, R. S., Zacher, J. E., and Howard, I. P. (1995). Illusory self-tilt and roll-vection in a tumbling room. ICVC Abstracts. International Conference on Visual Coding, 95(2):1.
  • Zacher, J. E., Allison, R. S., and Howard, I. P. (1995). The integration of movement on postrotatory nystagmus and illusionary body rotation. ICVC Abstracts. International Conference on Visual Coding, 95(2):6.
  • Allison, R.S., Eizenman, M., Tomlinson, R.D., and Sharpe, J.A. (1994). High frequency, high acceleration testing of the VOR. Advances in Biomedical Engineering and Biosystems Science, June 13-17, 1994, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 14.
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