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resources [2014/07/12 23:42] hjresources [2015/04/17 02:55] (current) hj
Line 7: Line 7:
   * //**language**//: 6-core CPU with 32G memory + 2 GPUs (2 x GTX670, 2G memory each)   * //**language**//: 6-core CPU with 32G memory + 2 GPUs (2 x GTX670, 2G memory each)
-  * //**voice**//: 6-core CPU with 64G memory + 2 GPUs (2 x GTX780 TI, 3G memory each)+  * //**voice**//: 6-core CPU with 64G memory + 2 GPUs (2 x GTX780 Ti, 3G memory each)
-  * //**music**//: 6-core CPU with 64G memory + 2 GPUs (2 x GTX780 TI, 3G memory each)+  * //**music**//: 6-core CPU with 64G memory + 2 GPUs (2 x GTX780 Ti, 3G memory each
 +  * //**video**//: 6-core CPU with 64G memory + 2 GPUs (Tesla C2050* + Tesla K40c*, 3G memory in C2050 and 12G memory in K40)
   * //**speech**//: 4-core CPU with 16G memory (no GPU)   * //**speech**//: 4-core CPU with 16G memory (no GPU)
Line 20: Line 22:
   * The shared network disk (with backup) is located at ///cs/research/asr//.   * The shared network disk (with backup) is located at ///cs/research/asr//.
 +** * Acknowledgement**: both Tesla graphical cards were donated by NVIDIA Inc. 
resources.1405208531.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/12 23:42 by hj

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