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Table of Contents

Digital Logic

This lecture crosses the elusive software - hardware barrier and exposes the basic building blocks of hardware. It also introduces the hard design language, Verilog.


  • Semiconductors
  • Transistor switches
  • Logic Gates
  • The universality of AND/OR/NOT
  • Boolean Expressions
  • Building combinational circuits: adders, multiplexors, the ALU
  • Circuit verification via Verilog.

Big Ideas

  • Complex logic can be realized using a hierarchy of layers each adding more complexity to the one before it
  • The journey from On/Off to arithmetic and decisions

To Do

  • Read Sections B.1 to B.5 of Appendix-B. If you have the old edition of the book, read Section 4.5 upto page 241 and Sections B1-B.3.
  • Go over the file, Adder.v1 in the Resource Directory
  • Do the tasks of LabK
digital_logic.txt · Last modified: 2007/10/30 17:51 by roumani

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