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Verilog Modules

So far we have been writing Verilog top-level modules that test components. In this lecture we learn how to write te components themselves.


A Verilog top-level (i.e. main) module consists of the following section:

  • A module header
  • A declaration block
  • A circuit block where all the needed components are instantiated and connected via assign.
  • One initial block
  • One or more always blocks.

A Verilog component (i.e. reusable in other modules) differs slightly from a top-level module as indicated below:

  • The module headers is followed by ports, the names of the wires that connect this component to the outside world.
  • The declaration section indicates which wire is incoming (by using input) and which is outgoing (using output).

The functionality of the component can be implemented procedurally (in an always block) or structurally (in the circuit instantiation section).

To Do

  • Look at the program alu1b and its tester alu1bClient in the Resource Directory. alu1b is a 1-bit adder component made up of basic gates.
  • Look at the program alu2b and its tester alu2bClient in the Resource Directory. alu2b is a 2-bit adder component made up of two alu1b adders.
verilog_modules.txt · Last modified: 2007/11/16 01:29 by roumani

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