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Assignment 4

Due Wed. Dec. 4 at end of class.

Hand in Questions: 2, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15

  1. 5.21 (From the textbook, as with the remainder of the questions)
  2. 5.22 (Just do the code and only show what's in the always block, absolutely no structural code, use only non-blocking assignments.)
  3. 5.23
  4. 5.25
  5. 5.26
  6. 5.28 (Just draw the diagram after carefully looking at the code and show the counting sequence).
  7. 6.1 (Note: the book writes its state assignment table a little differently than we have, it denotes the inputs with the variable w and places different settings for it in different columns, our notation made it look just like a traditional truth table).
  8. 6.3 (Just draw the state transition diagram – no tables please –, label your states in alphabetical order A,B,C, etc. with A being the reset state).
  9. 6.5
  10. 6.6
  11. 6.9 (Use the same labelling approach as for 6.3)
  12. 6.10
  13. 6.14
  14. 6.15
  15. 6.20
  16. 6.23
  17. 6.29
  18. 6.30
  19. 6.31
  20. 6.40

Assig 4 Solutions

assignments/a4.txt · Last modified: 2013/12/11 03:06 by magiero

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