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Typically, projects will involve analytic, implementation and evaluation components.
EECS 4422 students may decide to implement and evaluate one or more algorithms from the literature (NB: do not select an algorithm for which source code is available online).
EECS 5323 students are also expected to extend or innovate upon published algorithms. Projects will consist of four stages, as follows. Please see the Schedule for deadlines.
- Project Idea: The student will propose a specific project idea in the form of a short paragraph, submitted via Moodle. The instructor will either accept the topic (possibly with modifications) or raise issues that the student will address in revision of the project idea. The final project selection is subject to the instructor's approval. Additional guidelines for project selection will be provided.
- Proposal: The proposal is a one-page document submitted via Moodle that includes: (i) Motivation: why is the topic interesting? (ii) Datasets: what datasets will you use to study the problem? (iii) Proposed methods: what algorithm(s) do you plan to implement? (iv) Evaluation methodology and (v) Proposed timeline for completion.
- Presentation/Demo: A brief slide presentation on the project will be made during one of the last two lecture meetings. There will also be an opportunity to demo the project during the final lab.
- Final Report: Maximum 8 pages, excluding references, in CVPR 2018 format. More guidance on the structure of the final report will be provided.
project.1536108218.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/05 00:43 by jelder