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The required textbook is: Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications, Richard Szeliski, Springer, 2011.

  • Hardcopy: available at the York Bookstore; one copy is on reserve at the Steacie Library.

Supplementary (Optional):

Tutorial References

Linear Algebra:

* For an introductory reference to linear algebra, I highly recommend the classic book by Gilbert Strang: Introduction to Linear Algebra, Strang G, 2016

* Appendix C of the Prince textbook (see above) provides a nice succinct of fundamental linear algebra methods commonly used in computer vision.

* Appendix C of the Bishop book (see above) provides a summer of useful properties of matrices.

* Appendix A of the Szeliski textbook provides a review of some of the linear algebra methods used in the book.

references.1537107398.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/16 14:16 by jelder