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Course Outline

The topics to be discussed each week will be listed here. Slides will be posted here as well.

Week 1

Topic: Introduction to the project

Module 1 - Project Introduction

Example Venn diagram tool

Week 2

Topic: Version Control

Slides: Module 2 - Version Control

Useful links:

Pro Git ebook

EGit tutorial

Week 3

Week 4

Topics: Test-Driven Development, JUnit

Slides: PDF

Code: Check out the EECS 2311 project from

Useful links:

JUnit 5 documentation

Week 5

Topics: Test code coverage, GUI Testing

Slides: PDF

GUI Testing example in the EECS 2311 github repository

Week 6

Topics: Midterm Submission

Slides: PDF

Week 7

Topics: New project requirements, Continuous Deployment

Slides: PDF

Github repo with continuous deployment

Week 8

Topics: Design Documentation


Sequence diagram tutorial 1

Sequence diagram tutorial 2

List of UML tools

<!--   ===== Week 8 =====   Topics: New project requirements, Issue tracking   Slides: {{:module08-issuetracking.pdf|PDF}}   [[ | How to find reported bugs]]   [[|Search for Eclipse bugs]]     ===== Week 9 =====   Topics: Debugging   Slides: {{:module09-debugging.pdf|PDF}}           ===== Week 11 =====   Topics: Refactoring   Slides: {{:module11-refactoring.pdf|PDF}}       ===== Week 12 =====   Final project presentations   -->

course_outline.1583334597.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/04 15:09 by bil

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