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services:cmcstc [2019/07/29 10:05] seelaservices:cmcstc [2022/03/18 09:26] (current) jas
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 ====== CMC STC ====== ====== CMC STC ======
-CMC Microsystems provides a server for us which includes:+CMC Microsystems provides a server for us which includes:    
   * a collection of CMC managed and supported software components used for CAD and EDA   * a collection of CMC managed and supported software components used for CAD and EDA
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   * CADconnect license key middleware   * CADconnect license key middleware
   * local license server   * local license server
 **Anyone using any of the STC components and infrastructure is required to have a current CMC subscription. Information about the CMC subscriptions can be found [[|here]].**   **Anyone using any of the STC components and infrastructure is required to have a current CMC subscription. Information about the CMC subscriptions can be found [[|here]].**  
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 To see which design tools, kits, and methodologies are available from CMC, click [[|here]]. To see which design tools, kits, and methodologies are available from CMC, click [[|here]].
-=====July 19th 2019 n- Important change to CMC tool use for education(Jas )===== 
-There is a very important change to CMC tool use for education that was recently made.  If you look at the subscription types on this page: 
-There are three new subscription types.  These replace the existing subscriptions.  When faculty renew their existing subscriptions with CMC, they will be forced to choose one of the three new subscriptions. 
-The "Professor Research" subscription which is $1000/year includes: 
-    Unlimited use of Cadence, Mentor, Synopsys and Xilinx for research use. 
-    Other tools capped at five concurrent use instances per tool from the subscriber’s research team. E.g., 5 concurrent use instances of ANSYS; or 2 concurrent use instances of COMSOL + 1 Tanner + 5 ANSYS are both valid use cases. 
-    Additional access to CAD for research use can be purchased - $1000 for five additional concurrent user instances per tool. 
-Next is the "Institution/Department" license.  This costs 5000/yr+5000/yr + 1000 per professor to be included/year.  This includes unlimited use of ALL CAD tools + education use.  Like before, education use is permitted.  It is limited to the following: Unlimited education course use of ANSYS, Cadence, Keysight ADS, Mentor Graphics, and Synopsys. Licenses provided based on student enrollment per course. Unlimited number of courses within Subscription period. 
-Finally, you have the "Education" subscription which is $2000/yr for JUST education use.  This clearly doesn't make much sense. 
-It makes sense for the Department to buy into the Institution/Department license ($5000/year), then faculty can pay their $1000 to be included.   Faculty may save money depending on how many tools they were previously using.  1000foraccesstoasmanytoolsastheylikesoundsprettygood. However,itsnotclearwhowouldpaythe1000 for access to as many tools as they like sounds pretty good.  However, it's not clear who would pay the 5000.  There are other faculty in Lassonde who are CMC subscribers as well.    Would it make sense for Lassonde to pay the 5000fee?  IwanttoavoidbothLassondeandtheDepartmentpayingthe5000 fee?   I want to avoid both Lassonde *and* the Department paying the 5000 fee simply because people don't talk. 
-Anyway, I'm pointing this out well in advance of the beginning of the school year.  I don't want there to be surprises when a faculty member states that they want to use the tools in their course, but they don't have the proper subscription.  It would be good to sign up for the Institution/Department license, then, as faculty subscriptions expire, they pay their $1000 and get moved to the new license. 
 +** IMPORTANT NOTE: ** CMC subscriptions and education usage rules have substantially changed in 2019. Before you renew any existing CMC subscription, please speak to Ulya.
 ===== General Notes ===== ===== General Notes =====
services/cmcstc.1564409119.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/29 10:05 by seela

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