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Web Submit Configuration
If a faculty member places an HTML file called feedback.html in the users submit directory, and makes the file owned by group submit (chgrp submit feedback.html), then when the student logs in to web submit, and selects the course, and assignment, he will see “Feedback: Available”. Clicking on “Available” opens a new web browser tab which contains the web submit header (title and York Logo), a feedback header (including user, academic year, term, course, and assignment), the faculty feedback (contents of feedback.html), then the standard web submit footer. If no feedback is available for the selected assignment, “Feedback: None” is displayed. The “feedback.html” file needs to be owned by group submit or the system will not be able to read it. Since the standard web submit header and footer are added to the contents of the feedback file, the file should not contain a head section/title/etc. Basic HTML can be used. PHP cannot be used.
Additional Configuration
An optional file called “.config” may be placed in the assignment subdirectory. This will configure additional behaviour for Web Submit. Please ensure that .config is readable by the web server (ie. chmod 644 .config):
Option | Description |
preview=false or true | configures whether the user is able to preview previously submitted contents. Default behaviour is preview=true. |
maxfilesize=X | limit maximum file size uploaded to X MB. |
log=true | Log user actions (submit files, view submissions, deletions) to a file submit.log |
allow=IPspec | Limit access to the assignment via IP. IPspec can be something like: 130.63.131.* or or or or You can only have one allow line. If you specify multiple allow lines, only the last allow line will be used. IPs are not checked for syntax. All IPs not included in allow are denied. Users still submit using command line submit, but these submission will be owned by the user. |
Custom Web Submit Startup URL Parameters
In order to simplify Web Submit startup for your students, you may include a specific academic year, term, course, and even assignment as additional parameters to the Web Submit URL. For example - this URL would link to Web Submit with academic year 2015-16, winter term, course 9999, and assignment “a2”:
When a user clicks on this link, it would take them to the web submit login page. After logging in, the user will be taken immediately to the selected assignment.
In addition, you can add “&ppy” to the end of the URL. This will skip the EECS login page and take the student directly to Passport York for authentication.