This is an old revision of the document!
PTL Lab (LAS 1002)
- Microsoft Office 2013
- Microsoft Visio 2013
- Microsoft Project 2013
- Adobe Acrobat Professional 11
- Visual Studio 2015
- Eclipse 4.6 IDE for Java EE Developers
- Eclipse 4.6 IDE for Java EE Developers
- Python 2
- Python 3
- MATLAB 2017A (includes Classroom)
- TortoiseSVN
- MikTeX 2.9
- TexMaker
- Cygwin
- Teraterm
- MiniIDE
- PCSpim MIPS Simulator
- Altera Quartus II v12sp1
- EAGLE PCG Layout software
- Synopsys FPGA Synthesis Premier
- Link Instruments IO3200 Software
- Link Instruments DS8502 Software
- CodeWarrior Development Studio for S12
- PSpice 16
- PSpice 17
- ModelSim Altera Starter Edition
- LabVolt DAC-EMS Software
- LabVIEW 2016
- Vivado Design Suite 2016u2 (HL System Edition)
- PSCAD 4.6
- PowerFactory 2017 SP2
- PSS/E 3.4
- FTDI Drivers
- Serial Port Manager
- GLView
- CMake
- Blender
- Unity 2017
- Derby
- TomCat 8.5
software/windows-labs/ptl.1517318835.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/30 08:27 by paulg