
swfObject Plugin

Embedding Flash into a website can be pain - especially if you need an alternative image when Flash is being blocked or non-existing. The OpenSource project swfObject offers a clean way for almost every browser to insert Flash objects - with an alternative in case Flash is not installed.



<swfobject %SWF%[?%OPTIONS%]>


%SWF%your flash-media file, eg. :wiki:my_flash.swf
%OPTIONS%see link below
%ALTERNATE_CONTENT%any content renderable by DokuWiki

Please see the following page for information on the swfObject plugin.


<swfobject :wiki:plugins:winkdemo.swf?width=640&height=480>
Demo cannot display.

<swfobject :wiki:plugins:winkdemo.swf?width=640&height=480> Demo cannot display. </swfobject>

Using swfobject to display Flash

To display a Flash (.flv) file using the swfobject plugin, you need the player.swf file from JW FLV Player which is an swf file that can display flv files. You need to upload the player.swf to your Wiki, and then you can do something like:

<swfobject :wiki:plugins:player.swf?width=1024&height=768&file=>
additional content
wiki/plugins/swfobject.txt · Last modified: 2009/06/24 12:58 by jas

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