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swfObject Plugin

Embedding Flash into a website can be pain - especially if you need an alternative image when Flash is being blocked or non-existing. The OpenSource project swfObject offers a clean way for almost every browser to insert Flash objects - with an alternative in case Flash is not installed.


<swfobject %SWF%[?%OPTIONS%]>
%SWF%your flash-media file, eg. :wiki:my_flash.swf
%OPTIONS%see link below
%ALTERNATE_CONTENT%any content renderable by DokuWiki

Please see the following page for information on the swfObject plugin.

<swfobject :wiki:plugins:output.swf?width=640&height=640> additional content </swfobject>

wiki/plugins/swfobject.1245852354.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/06/24 10:05 by jas