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Course Syllabus

Instructor: Professor Melanie Baljko

Course Details: TR, 1-2:30am Farquharsan Life Sciences (FS) 312

Course Format

  • Two 90-minute meetings per week (24 class meetings)
  • The course web site should be monitored in advance of each class meeting.
  • Additional contact with the instructor, as needed (see <item link=“:contact”>Contact</item>)

Course Objectives

This course provides a forum in which students will investigate the concepts and the technology relevant to a broad class of hypertext and hypermedia applications. Students will lead classroom discussions and will apply their expertise in the design of an application. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Access the research literature on hypertext and hypermedia systems (through their knowledge of the main journals and conferences and the main centers of research)
  • Describe the key issues concerning the definition and meaning of terms such as hypertext and hypermedia, and distinguish related notions such as multimedia and multimodal.
  • Identify and describe the characteristics of hypertext and hypermedia; characterize hypermedia applications and distinguish them from other software applications.
  • Characterize the primary hypermedia information models
  • Identify the outcome attributes that are relevant in the evaluation of hypermedia applications.
  • Design, implement and evaluate a hypermedia application (course project)
course_outline.txt · Last modified: 2010/01/05 17:35 by mb

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