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Course Schedule

Lecture 1 (T Jan 5th)

  • Overview of course
  • Assigned Reading: Buckland (2009) for L2/Jan7th (see Course Resources)
  • Assigned Reading: Bush (1945) for L3/Jan12th (see Course Resources)
  • Assigned Reading: Read the abstracts of at least 10 papers from the HT'09 conference proceedings (see Course Resources)

Lecture 2 (R Jan 7th)

  • Class discussion of Buckland (2009); identification and discussion of key hypertext and hypermedia concepts

Lecture 3 (T Jan 12th)

  • Class discussion of Bush (1945); identification and discussion of key hypertext and hypermedia concepts

Lecture 4 (R Jan 14th)

  • Class discussion of the HT conference series


  • Drop Date: March 8, 2010. Graded feedback worth at least 15 per cent of the final grade must be provided to students by this date.
  • Last Day of Classes: April 5, 2010
important_dates.txt · Last modified: 2010/01/26 06:48 by mb

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