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CSE 4461 3.0 Hypermedia and Multimedia Technology


The course covers the conceptual framework of multi-linear texts and other hypertext and hypermedia documents. Such digital information proliferates on the WWW, but also other places as well (Apple's HyperCard, Xerox's NoteCards, and even Vannevar Bush's Memex). We will undertake to understand the historical foundations of hypermedia (Otlet, Goldberg, Briet, Bush, Nelson, among others) and selected key innovations and techniques that subsequently followed (e.g., searching, browsing, navigation). This course will be grounded in the research literature and will require the students to complete a course project, which will include the software instantiation of hypermedia concepts.

Lecture Times

  • Section M: Tuesday and Thursdays, 1:00 - 2:30pm, Farquharson Life Sciences FLS 312
start.txt · Last modified: 2010/01/05 17:54 by mb

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