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Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you are expected to be able to:

  1. Translate a given high-level program to assembly/machine language
    • Represent numbers, characters, and other forms of data in binary
    • Express logic using assembly language instructions
    • Utilize registers, the stack, the heap, and the data segment to store data
    • Encode assembly language instructions in machine language format
  1. Build a CPU out of basic building blocks such as gates and flip-flops
  • Build the ALU using gates and Verilog
  • Design the CPU's datapath and control
  • Implement a pipeline and handle its hazards
  • Augment the CPU with a cache
  1. Assess the end-to-end performance
    • Identify the key performance drivers and their physical limits
    • Compare and contrast the RISC and CISC approaches
    • Compute the throughput of a pipelined CPU for a given code fragment
    • Analyze the effect of a cache of a given specs on the system's performance
format.1295972352.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/01/25 16:19 by roumani