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  • SPIM – A MIPS Simulator: You can download the Windows version installed in our lab from here. To download this software for other platforms, see this site.
  • Icarus - A Verilog Compiler: You can download the Windows version installed in our lab from here. Unzip to c:\iverilog and include c:\iverilog\bin in your path. To set the path, use the Control Panel or run c:\iverilog\setup every time you open a DOS console. To download this software for other platforms, see this site.
  • Crimson – A MIPS/Verilog-Aware Editor: You can download this editor from here.
  • Textbook Site: You can access the solutions of the For More Practice exercises from here.
  • Our MIPS Sheet: link
  • Names of Powers of Two: kilo = 210, mega = 220, giga = 230, tera = 240, peta = 250, exa = 260.
  • Exam Schedule: The R.O. will post it here
resources.1190572761.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/09/23 18:39 by roumani

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