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Lab Monitors

Fall 2020 Lab Calendar This email contains initial info for your assignment as virtual Lab Monitors (referred as LMs). I will post it on wiki later and also update as we discover new issues or you have suggestions/ corrections.

LM Duty Lab Monitor is first point of contact in EECS technical services. As such, LMs help students with all EECS computing related issues. This does not include helping them with assignments or course-related programming questions. If LMs do not know the answer to any inquiry/question, they email to and copy to inform the team of LMs. LMs are familiar with the EECS Linux platform in the teaching labs: CentOS, which is the community version of Red Hat.

Email contains email addresses of LMs individual email addresses. This mail list can be used for any shift swaps or other communication as needed.

LM Shifts Lab operating hours will be respected with utmost care. LMs review the weekly shifts prior the week, to prevent any delays. If the LM is late for their shift, they email to inform the tech staff when they expect to start their shift. Swapping of LM shifts are allowed. It is the LM’s responsibility to find a replacement LM in cases they are unable to attend their shift and notify the tech staff. Refer to Contact information sheet for phone/email details. This provides an uninterrupted technical service to our community.

Login You will continue using your EECS student accounts to do your LM duties.

Virtual LM (Zoom account) During the pandemic of COVID-19, the Fall 2020 term is offered in remote teaching mode. LMs use “eecstech” Zoom account to communicate with the students. LMs and users join the meeting ID: LMs use their employee PPY account login to connect to Zoom (login with SSID). LMs make themselves available continuously for the duration of their shift. Breaks for lunch or other needs should be handled before or after shifts. If necessary, there could be one maximum 10 minute break during which a sign can be posted. Ex. change your profile pic to a 10 min break sign. LMs are co-host in eecstech Zoom account. For the ability to move participants in and out of Breakout Rooms, the LM has to be the host. Each LM has to assign the LM following their shift as the host. For this reason, LMs should join the Zoom meetings on time. If there is a technical issue causing a delay to start on time, please inform your fellow LM. It is against the policy to make a non-LM participant the host of eecstech Zoom meeting.

Start of Shift (Zoom account) LMs identifies themselves by renaming their Zoom thumbnail pictures as “Lab Monitor”.

End of shift activity LM fills-in the Zoom activity sheet (for now in Google as some LMs do not have an employee account yet). LM reminds the participants that the end time of Zoom meeting, 15 minutes prior to signing off for the day.

EECS Teaching labs

LAS 1006, Eshrat Arjomandi Lab (ea hosts, Linux) LAS 1004, Generalized Signal Processing Lab (gsp hosts, dual boot) LAS 1002, Prism Teaching Lab (ptl hosts, dual boot) LAS 1002B, Prism Teaching Lab B (ptlb hosts, Linux) LAS 2007, High Performance Computing Lab (hpc hosts, dual boot, only for 4th year EECS courses) WSC 105, First year courses Lab (wsc105 hosts, Linux) WSC 106, First year courses Lab (wsc106 hosts, Linux) WSC 108, First year courses Lab (wsc108 hosts, Linux) BRG 316, Power Engineering Lab (power hosts, Windows, only for EE courses scheduled in this lab) BRG 334, Electronics Lab (ele hosts, dual boot, only for EE courses scheduled in this lab) BRG 336, Medical Devices Lab (med hosts, Windows, only for EE courses scheduled in this lab) red, red1, red2, gateway/compute servers

EECS accounts and login Undergraduate students who are registered to 2nd, 3rd or 4th level courses are eligible to an EECS computing account during their studies. They obtain this at AFTER 20 minute of wait period to allow for password to propagate, student can login to and choose a host to work on. Details are in

Few EECS account related commands (login to

- Command for looking-up account name in case they forgot : grep -i lastnameofstudent /etc/passwd The usernames are the same as PPY account name.

- Reset EECS password via any web browser at PPY password and EECS passwords are not linked.

- EECS account quota command: quota -v Undergraduate students are allotted 1GB disk space to save their files. jdiskreport command shows more detailed info on space utilization. To delete files, the command to use: rm filename To list files, the command to use: ls -lt (or for hidden files ls -lta) t option sorts the files from recent to old.

More detailed info can be found at

(COVID-19 exception = 1st level courses get EECS accounts only for remote lab access)

Please send your questions to and copy as it is important for all of us to be in close contact during these times we are all apart.

labmon/start.1602783887.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/15 13:44 by ulya

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