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Start of Term Tasks

There are a series of customized tasks that must be completed in order to get the term started correctly. All Exceptions are listed at the very bottom of the page

  • Create directory structure for course_archive

cd /cs/dept/www/course_archive

  Here you will find a series if all the years we have data
  If the directory does not exist for the new year, please 
  create it with your umsak set to 022. eg
  mkdir 2009-10{F,W,S}
  The permissions will be set to 775 and root:faculty
  Update the README.html file to reflect the current semester
  Under the current pointer where cs/dept/www/course leads to:
  3 files need to be updated:
  There is a README.html file that has a symbolic pointer
  This README.html file has to be edited to add the current year 
  links eg
    <A HREF="">Fall</A><BR>
    <A HREF=""> Winter</A><BR>
    <A HREF=""> Summer</A>
   For the YEAR 2009, Fall this change will have to be made
   a. Create the header.html file under the semester directory 
       eg 2009-10/F/HEADER.html 
   b. Set up the README.html symbolic link back to the top level 
   c. Set up symbolic link to .htaccess under each semester
     Under F, W or S update the following files HEADER.html with 
     the current semester
     .htaccess is a symbolic link to ../../htaccess 
  • Make classpath directory each term

cd /cs/dept/www/course_archive/2009-10/F

   umask 022; mkdir classpath
   chmod 775 classpath/
   chmod g+s classpath/
   chgrp faculty classpath/
   ls -ld classpath/
   drwxrwsr-x  2 root faculty 4096  classpath/
  • Electronic Submission Area

cd /cs/dept/course

   mkdir 2009-10{F,W,S} with ownership root:faculty
   eg..drwxr-xr-t (/cs/dept/course/2009-10) 
  • Links to update


  /cs/course  to point to the current semester
   wiki and forum  are posted lower  in this document
   cd /cs/
   ls -l course will be a symbolic link to the previous semester
   change the link to reflect the current:
   eg: ls -l course
   lrwxrwxrwx  1 course ->/cs/dept/course/2009-10/F
   rm course
   ln -s /cs/dept/course/2009-10/W course
   cd /cs/dept/
   ls -l dist
   lrwxrwxrwx  1 root tech 22 dist -> dist_archive/2009-10/F
   change the link to reflect the current term
   cd /cd/dept/www/
   ln -s  /cs/dept/www/course_archive/2009-10/F course
  • Reset print quota for all cs accounts

Reset extra-print-quota field

   Reset Colour printing for grads    
   Update the print-logs to the current  
     a. udbadmin dump print-quota-used > filename
     b. udbadmin dump print-quota-used | awk '{ $3 = 0; print $0
        }'> /tmp/d
     c. edit the generated file and extract the cs numbers
     d.  udbadmin import < /tmp/d
     Reset extra-print quota - same as above except use 
                            print-quota-extra name field
     Reset Colour Printing
     e. udbadmin dump print-quota-zcol-used > filename
     f. udbadmin dump print-quota-zcol-used | awk '{ $3 = 0; print
        $0 }' > /tmp/f
     g. grep -v {} /tmp/f > <filename>
        Edit file and 
     h. udbadmin import < filename
     Reset logs for printing
     cp -p print-acct to print-acct.filename
     cp -p print-log to print-log.filename
     cat /dev/null >! print-acct
     cat /dev/null >! print-log
  • Counter Reset for account generation:


  Select variable
  then Nextusergradname
   Starting from  Fall 2003 would be
        Fall 03-04  -  cs233000
        Winter 03-04-  cs241000
        Summer 03-04   cs242000
        Fall 04-05     cs243000    
        Winter 04-05   cs251000
        Summer 04-05   cs252000
        Fall 05-06     cs253000
        Winter05-06    cs261000
        Summer 05-06   cs262000
        Fall   06-07   cs263000
        ** Sep5/06  ** we changed our acct naming convention to cse;
        this affects the numbering as below:
        Fall 06-07     cse63000    (cseYSnnn =Y is year, S=session)
        Winter 06-07   cse71000
        Summer 06-07   cse72000
        Fall  07-08    cse73000
        Winter 07-08   cse81000
        Summer 07-08   cse82000
        Fall 08-09     cse83000 .. 
        Winter 08-09   cse91000
        Summer 08-09   cse92000
        Fall   09-10   cse93000
        Winter 09-10   cse01000  ???? 
                 Change to cs001000
        Note Exception: In January 2000, when I reset the counter
                        to cs001000
        we ran into difficulties creating records with the cs00 so 
        we changed the format slightly using 20 instead... eg
        For the year 2000 , we user 201000 for the first semester
                             202000 for the second semester 
                             203000 for the 3rd semester
        Summer 09-10   cse02000
        Fall   10-11   cse03000
        Winter 10-11   cse11000
  • Clear all special permission fields key,lab access, preserve


    udbadmin dump permissions > <filename>
    Focus on the cs accounts mainly for special permissions to
    specialty labs , printers. Look at the output and remove via
  • Clear all submit fields

udbadmin dump permissions > <filename>

    Review the output for submit access and remove
    Also some grad students have access to faculty because they
    are teaching for the semester. Remove after the teaching is 
  • Crontab for printing - new schedule This process is no longer


  • Monitors acct s to be created - update keys

Ulya normally does this

    cd ~monitors for a list of monitors and their schedules
  • Lab code may be changed -Ulya normally does this
  • Modify /xconf/samba/netlogon/default.bat on the samba server

y: drive should be map to new term course folder.

  Paul will update the link at the start of each semester.
  Oana may have to pay attention to this now NOTE: if you edit on 
  a unix host, remember to run unix2dos on the default.bat file 
  so that the pc clients can read the end of line marker
  • Labtest cleanup


   Delete all temp files
   Files that should be kept permanently: all-linux, 
  • Wiki

Links updated for wiki to reflect new semester

  On steel:
  /local/wiki/root/course and /local/wiki/private/course
  cd /local/wiki/root
  ln -s course_archive/2009-10/F/course /local/wiki/private/course_archive/2009-10/F/cour


  • Forum

There are three tasks that need to be periodically completed:

  1) Creating a new academic year tree in the forum.
    On Steel
  This task is equivalent to creating a new directory in
   /cs/dept/www/course_archive --
   Login to the forum admin interface.
   "Manage Forums".
   Click on "Course".
   Add the academic year (eg. "2008-09), click "Create new forum".
   Under General forum settings, change:
   List subforum in parent-forum's legend: No
   Click on newly created academic year forum (eg. "2009-10").
   Create forums "Fall", "Winter", and "Summer".
   Under General forum settings for each of these, change:
   List sub forum in parent-forum's legend: Yes
  (It's too bad that we can't just create a whole bunch of these 
   in advance, and "hide" them, only showing them when they are 
   needed.  Of course, we *can* by setting the permissions so that
   nobody has access to them, but then we need to reset access
   later which is probably the same number of steps.)
   The next two tasks need to be completed when the term CHANGES:
  • “Lock” all the forums in the previous term.

Login to the forum admin interface.

   "Manage Forums".
    Select edit button beside each forum, and change:
    Forum status: Unlocked
    Forum status: Locked
    There's no point in archiving the forums if students can go
    back and change or delete their postings.
  • Changing the “Course” - “Current Term” link on the main forum

page to point to the current terms forums:

  This task would be equivalent to say, changing 
  /cs/dept/www/course to point to 
labtest/start_of_term_tasks/start.1240516535.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/04/23 15:55 by seela

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