
Azure Dev Tools For Teaching

As of September 2020, University's Information Technology Group is working on getting the authentication for students/staff/faculty to download software setup from the Azure website. We will update the information once the process is completed —-

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is enrolled in Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching. Azure Dev Tools for Teaching (previously known as Microsoft Imagine Standard and Premium and even Dreamspark) is a subscription-based offering for accredited schools and departments providing access to tools commonly used in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs. It provides professional developer and designer tools, software, and services from Microsoft to our faculty, and students.

What Products Are Included?

The following product families are included in the Azure Dev Tools for Teaching subscription:

  • Visual Studio Enterprise
  • Microsoft Project, Access, Visio
  • Windows Server, Windows 10
  • … and much more!

What About Microsoft Office?

Azure Dev Tools for Teaching does not include Microsoft Office. However, all currently active full and part-time York University students, staff and faculty already have access to Microsoft Office. Click here for more information on that offer.

Who Can Use Azure Dev Tools for Teaching?

EECS faculty, and students can use Azure Dev Tools for Teaching.

How Do I Access Azure Dev Tools for Teaching?

Click here to login to the Azure Dev Tools for Teaching web portal. Click the “Sign In” button. Enter your Passport York username with - e.g., and your password. After successful login to the site, you should see a “Software” link which contains all the software.


The Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching license agreement can be found here. Please ensure that your use of the tools adheres to the policy.

services/azure.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/18 09:18 by jas

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